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Friday, March 4, 2005
listening to: Avenger-Mirai no Eve
busy busy busy... >_< waaahh!!! *dies*
all this schoolwork will be the death of me i swear... but i'm rather excited by the prospect of being an exhange student in Japan. Sounds fun so i might as well try out. :D
Artwise, i'll start uploading recent arts as soon as I finish uploading my old ones...T_T;;haha
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
wow~ thanks for all the response in my works...>u< <3 i'm sure i'd be posting more cuz you guys are encouraging.
and to those people asking if i did my works...^^; i did em, so pls. dun doubt anymore.kay kay?
>__< thanks thanks again you guys!
on other things...
ahh....>+< my school is killin me so i can't draw anything new for now...:[ sad.
i hope it can be vacation soon... i just want to get school over with and take a break...woo...>_<
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
why wun my pic show....:[
i'm confused..why wun my KH pic show...i always submit it an yet it won't show in my gallery... @.@
Take the quiz: "Which Cirque Du Freak Character Are You?"
Darren You are Darren Shan, You're brave and would do anything for your friends.You try to be normal but you're not which isn't usually a bad thing normal is boring.
took a second try and I got Harkat which are kinda true. :3
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Neh? ^^;;;;;
 What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
 What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
ehh?? lol....i didn't expect to get em...but i guess they are kinda true... ^___^
wah~~~ can't wait for Advent Children!!!!! >___<
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
omg! obsessions~~!!!!
XD uwah~~~ finally updated here...i will get around adding more stuffs soon~~~
T___T omg...so high on The Darren Shan saga and Ghost in the Shell...
Is anybody else familliar with Cirque du Freak... kyaa...if you still aren't then you should...>_^;;;
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
lol first post... *took so long to figure out that i can post journs here* wut a dumb dumb... anywho hopefully i can post more art here. ^^;
people seem to be nice~~~ X3
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