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Real Name
Lumiere 'Lumie' Bettelle
Favorite Anime
Kiddy Grade, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Fooly Cooly, Wolf's Rain, Gravitation, Samurai Champloo.
Graduate highschool, Join a band [Whether it goes anywhere or not, I just want to play!], Go to beauty school, Go to college, Learn to draw/do some form of art [Hopefully manga.]
| Messy Mascara
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Bonjour! Welcome to MyOtaku~! You can call me Messy Mascara, as my username says, but I love the little nicknames people come up with, so feel free to make one up for me! I'm a very loveable person, & I hope that shows through here on MyO. I absolutely adore comments, so make sure to leave some. <333 Sign my guestbook, add me as a friend, & enjoy~ :33
Messy Mascara

Sunday, December 31, 2006
I thought I'd put that since I won't be here tonight to post it since I'll be drunk off my ass, partying with my friends!!!
Messy Mascara
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Running around the mall for ten hours is fun!
Hee-hee! Hello everyone. Now that I've gotten in touch with a few of you again [And don't worry! If I haven't contacted you yet it doesn't mean I won't! I'm getting to it.] I've decided it's time to post!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, I know I did. As for what I got, this was probably me bes Christmas yet. I got...a silver iPod nano, a digital camera, two new dresses and three new shirts. A target giftcard which I already bought two scarves and a pair of gloves wih, a Tilly's giftcard and some other random stuff. But after New Years I'm going to the heart of London to help move my step-cousin into college, so my dad gave me $200 to go shopping with there. I'm so stoked!
I'd love to hear what you guys all got and how your christmas was so lemme know!
Anyways, yesterday my cousin and I went to the mall and ran around it for ten hours trying to find her a dress for Winter Formal. We looked around everywhere for about two hours [from 10am to 12am] and got a little discouraged. We then went to McDonalds. Yum! After that we decided to look some more in this one store that had a shit-load of dresses and we foudn the perfect dress for her. Besides that, there was a big sale so she got the dress for mroe than half off. :333
After that we just looked around, went and saw a couple of movies and then went to dinner where there were some prety fucking hawt waiters flirting with us.
It was the most fun I've had in a long time!
Ta-ta for now~!
Messy Mascara
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Been a while...
Wow. Hello everyone. I hope you didn't forget me. But I wouldn't be suprised if you did. I haven't been on in a long bloody time.
Well, I can't even fathom to tell you all that's happened with my life since I left MyO. But I'm back and from now on I'll try to keep in touch! x333
Anyways, I hope you like my lovely christmas themed table. Merry X-Mas and Happy Holidays!!
That's all for today, I'll post more once I get ahold of all my friends again.
Messy Mascara
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