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Real Name
Lumiere 'Lumie' Bettelle
Favorite Anime
Kiddy Grade, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Fooly Cooly, Wolf's Rain, Gravitation, Samurai Champloo.
Graduate highschool, Join a band [Whether it goes anywhere or not, I just want to play!], Go to beauty school, Go to college, Learn to draw/do some form of art [Hopefully manga.]
| Messy Mascara
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Mah picture.
Okay, since I got a few sort of yes-ish responses to my last questions, I decided to show you a picture of the real my post table!! Well, the picture is flipped so that my face wouldn't be covered by the writing, so the picture it originally facing the other way, but you get the point. What do you think? xDD
Anyways, today was a pretty chill day. My rockabilly best friend Laura and I ditched fifth period today and went to the local apartment complex where my cousin used to live. [So pretty much I know my way around there, that's all. x33] We sat in the shade on the steps and lit up a few cigarrettes while we played with the Betty Page cards I bought for Laura over the summer. i thought she looked really cute today. xDD Oh, and if I haven't already told everyone, I'm bisexual. o.0 So if you think it's weird that I'm saying one of my friends looks hot, it cause, well, I go both ways. Bahaha. I've never dated a girl before though. I mostly stick to men, but I'm not opposed to girls.
Annnnyways, now that that's out...Nothing else really eventful happened...Maybe I'll show you some more pictures of moi later, but this is the only picture I seem to like right now.
Question of the day:
oo1. [I'm not fishing for compliments, I just want to know...] What do you think about me?
Nothing else for today.
Messy Mascara
Comments (4) |
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Yes, yes, I know I haven't posted in like...foreer! But I'm back, and I'm posting. I've been really busy with school, and I don't even think I can remember all that I've done so I can't tell you. I'll just let you in on what I remember. xDD
First off, my classes. My first period is Aerobics, which I love, cause I have lots of friends in that class. My best friends Laura and Laura, plus my cousin Catherine are all in that class with me. It should be fun. My second period is French 2. It's VERY hectic, because there are 51 kids in my class. D: But I have some good friend sin that class too, and I have the same teache ri did last year, so that's cool. Third period I have English 2. my teache ris really cool, and I have some good friend sin that class too, so it's all good. Fourth I have Biology. My friend from new York just switche dout, and she wa slike my only friend, but I really like my teacher, she's funny and fun, so I guess I'll just stick it out for now.Fifthe period is the most dreaded...algebra. Yes, I am a sophmore, and yes, I failed algebra last year...But I only failed one semester, yet somehow I have to take the whole year over again! I'm so pissed! Especially since I only have like one friend in that class, and we're like the two out of four sophmores in that class, surrounde dby little freshman. Besides that, we don't get to sit near eachother at all! I don't like that class one bit. I's bloody boring. Then after that, I have History sixth period. I have plenty of friend sin that class, I love history, and our teacher is awesome, so I really like that class. :333
OoOoo! And lst night was our first school danc eof the year. I was prety fun. :D There are so many fucking skanks at my school though. o.0;;
Okay, well there's no icons of the day today, since I don't have time, but here's the question:
oo9. Do everyone want to see a picture of the real me?! :33
Messy Mascara
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Friday, September 1, 2006
I love the beach!
Good evening everyone! I must say, today was pretty fun. -nodnod- My cousin spent the night lat night and we played some Sims 2 when we woke up, then around noon we put on our bathing suits and rode our bikes to the beach! It was the perfect day. Not a cloud in the sky, perfect and warm, but not too hot weather, and the beach, ZOMG! Okay, we locked our bikes up and laid out our towels then went into the water, which was the most amazing thing of my life. The water was a crisp blue/green color that the ocean should be, not brown or dark green like usual, and it was completely and beautifully clear. Even when I was in up to my shoulders I could see my feet. It was lovely. After playing in the water for a while, then tanning for about twenty minutes, we rode out bikes down the beach and stopped to get a hamburger and fries. After eating that we rode further, then went back once we noticed we had gone a bit too far. xDD
We went swimming in our favorite spot again, then rode back home at noon. The hill that we coasted down on the way there was a bitch to ride up again though. D: After that, we went to the fast-food place across the street and got shakes, before coming home and playing some more Sims. x333
She left around...five I think, then I was bored for a while until my mom came home and we watched the VMAs.
Overall it was a pretty fun day. -shrug-
Icon of the day:
Question of the day:
oo8. Should I change my theme to a Bleach or Saiyuki theme?
No quote of the day. I got over it. xDD
Oh! And for darling Jungy, I want you all to enter in this:  Okay?
Messy Mascara
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Okay, well I had a good day today, despite the scary title and mad face, there are just a few things that I'm annoyed with. I'll tell you about that later though.
Anyways, my cousin came over today. We started watching Pirates of the Caribbean, but she started complaining that she had seen it a billion times and wanted to do something else. [She can get kind of annoying at times too. o.0] So we stopped the movie and started playing the Sims 2 on my Playstation 2, and made some funny characters...Her girl was a complete slut, whom we named...well, I won't give names, but we named her after a very annoying, fake, slutty girl we know, which I got a kick out of. And my girl was an artsy sort of loner, bi-sexual girl [nothing wrong with bisexual people! :333]. We played that pretty much all day, then got picked up at 6 pm to go to the BBQ. The house we went to was small but had a nice backyard with a firepit, a cabana thing and a bed outside, and it was only a street away from the beach!!! So anyways, everyone went down to the beach and most everyone went swimming. It was bloody splendid. Then after that we collected shells, then went back to the house to eat. Now to get to one of the annoying parts. This stupid chick who was totally fake and wore waaaay too much make-up was sitting all by herself. She hadn't gone swimming, or even gone down to beach, probably cause she was too fucking prissy to get wet or some shit like that. Anyways, she was totally staring my friends and I down as we changed [we just put our clothes on over our suits], for no reason. I didn't pay much attention to her, but everyone was saying that she was staring at us and stuff. Anyways, she was only there for one thing, and that was to pair off with my friend Craig. For some odd and completely unknown reason the strange, and quite sexy, friend of mine liked her. I know it may sound strange, especially since I don't even like my friend Craig in that way, but she was just being all around annoying, and I wanted her to leave. Not that we didn't have fun making fun of her.
WHEW! Okay, there's still more! Anyways, my cousin a few of my girlfriends and I went and stood by the firepit, where my friend Joel was warming up. Okay, let me explain him to you. He's my American friend, and he's your original american too. He has tanned, perfect skin, dark hair that's buzzed and beautiful brown eyes, the perfect, big, heart-melting, white smile, and a muscular bod. ZOMG. He's so dreamy. The only problem is...he's going out with this stupid hippie chick that's three years older than him and treats him like shit. She's cheated on him before, won't let him hang out with his friends, and gets mad at him over the stupidest things. Not even his mother likes her!! And the worst part is, we used to have a 'thing'. We did this swing dancing celebration thing and he was my dance partner. Back then we were really close, then she just came up beneath me and snatched him away! I hate her. D: Bah, well, we were hanging out with him for a while by the fire, and damn he looked good in the firelight...before his lame girlfriend dragged him away.
After that we tried to see how many marshmellows we could fit in our mouths. xDD I could only fit four, maybe five if I really tried, but my friend could fit ten! Holy bloody hell, I know! Then we all just hung out. Two of my other friends, Spencer and Eddie, whom I hadn't seen in a long time, showed up, and we hung out with them until it was time to go.
All in all it was a fabulous night, but some parts of it were just downright annoying.
Icon of the day:
Question of the day:
oo7. Have you ever had someonce steal the guy/gilr you liked? It fucking sucks doesn't it?
And now! The newly added...Quote of the day:
Girl 1: "Agh...Chizuru, do something!"
Chizuru: "M-me, are you crazy? Do I look like Bruce Willis?"
- Chizuru and her classmate in Bleach
Messy Mascara
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Bleach rocks my world!
Bonjour my friends! Well, the reason for my late post and minor comments on your profiles is because I've been at my friend's house all day.
I love her, she's so funny. xDDD
Anyways, we did a little shopping and I bought her The Sims Deluxe for her computer. She had already bought an extention pack before learning you had to have the orginial game for it to work, so I bought it for her as a belated birthday present, then I bought myself some movies. Two of my very favorites, Pirates of the Caribbean and Domino. Keira Knightley is in both of them, but I think she's way hotter in Domino. She had a fucking smokin' body in that movie, and she really pulls off short hair and the badass look smashingly.
Anyways, what I was really excited about, was to find out that she had the first five volumes of Bleach manga! I read the first one and half of the second while I was there, and she let me borrow them so I still have three and half more to go! Yey! I absolutely love it so far. :333
Oh, and I might not be on much tomorrow either cause my cousin is coming over to watch my new movies with me [even though we've both seen them a zillion times before], then later on I'm going with her and a bunch of friends to a BBQ. I bloody love having a life!
xDD Okay, I have a few icons fo ryou today, since I'm just in such a good mood:
Question of the day:
oo6. What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
Messy Mascara
Comments (2) |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sorry, sorry for my late post again this weekend. I've been busy having fun. xDD Now, I know I already told you about getting my clothes and whatnot, but I'm going to give you a full review of my weekend. :D
Okay, so Friday night my dad came to pick me up. It usually takes about an hour to forty-five minutes to get from my house to his, but he was driving really fast so I swear to god it only took thirty or thirty-five. What can I say, both my parents are speed demons. ^^ I love it though.
Okay so after that I spent the night at my dad's and went shopping with my step-mom in the morning as my dad went to help some friends. After getting a boatload [xD Yeah right I wish] of clothes, we went to go pick him up. He was at a friend's house helping them move into their new home. Then we went back home and I got to come online and post of course. After that we got to go to a roller derby! :DD My older friend Kubo is in this big roller derby thing for girls, I can't really explain, but there were shops and bands playing, and the roller derby was fucking awesome! I'll probably join in someday. x333
Okay, so today we had breakfast and I took a shower and whatnot and we went to the museum, which inspired my step-mom and I to start making a colage. xDD Yes, next time I go up there we're going to paint and stick and bunch of pictures and whatnot on some wood and call it art. After that we took a stroll through Little Tokyo and watched a band that was playing. Then we went and got something to drink and then, sadly, I had to come home. I got home a few minutes before my mom and started playing my Yeah,Yeah, Yeahs cd, when she came home she got all mad saying she didn't want to listen to it and I told her I was here first and I wanted to listen to it. I don't know where she is and frankly I don't care. D:
Anyways, besides that my weekend was bloody fabulous. School starts in a week though...and I haven't read my summer book yet. Fuck. Better get to that after I come post on your profiles. :33
Oh yes! I forgot to add that last Friday I got to go manga shopping, which I haven't done in a long bloody time. it was my present from my mother for being 'so good' in babysitting my aunt's dog. I got Tramps Like Us volume nine and Hot Gimmick volumes one and two. I'm very excited and they were absolutely splendid!
Icon of the day:
Question of the day:
oo5.Who likes Kokeshi Doll?! [The band.]
My answer:
-raises hand and wave sit furiously- I do! :333
Ta-ra for now~!
Messy Mascara
Comments (2) |
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Aw, pissit! I took your guys' advice and tried adding a background, but the one I really wanted wasn't working, and the other ones I put I just...wasn't feelin' it. D: So, in the end, I went back to the old version [not that it's very old because I just joined here], but I changed the pink to purple, since I figured it matched my popsicle kitty girl welcome thing. xDD Either way, I kind of like it like this, because most people have backgrounds now and I'm one of the few that doesn't. It original in my opinion. -shrug- Not that any of you who have backgrounds aren't original!
Anyways, sorry if this is a bit late, I try to post in the mornings, but I'm at my dad's right now and his internet is slow as bloody hell so I got frustrated when I tried posting this morning and gave up.
Besides that, I went shopping for school clothes today and got lots of splendid items that I absolutely adore!! :333
Here's the icon of the day, not one of my favorites, but still fun:
And the question of the day:
oo4. Have any of your read the manga Tramps Like Us?
ZOMG! -glomps Momo- Yes, he has to do with Tramps Like Us. I luff him. ;D
Messy Mascara
Comments (1) |
Friday, August 25, 2006
I would really like to thank everyone for visiting and commenting so much, it's really sweet of all of you. I really want to thanks Yuna2004, who's better known as Katie-chan! She's been a big help, giving me the code for my post table, telling people come come visit my humble little site, and even drawing for me! I'll upload her drawing for everyone to see as soon as she sends it to me. Sankyuu Katie~! :333
And I've noticed lots of people commenting on how much they liked my post picture. Those are the main characters from Kiddy Grade, one of my favorite animes! i suggest that everyone check it out, it's a smashing eight disc series!
Besides that, I found my FLCL dvd while I was cleaning up my anime/manga/videogame/movie shelf. [XDDD] i was so happy! I watched the first episode last night and the second this morning, even though I've probably seen them over twenty times already. :33
Okay, well, I don't have much more to say except for thank you to all the people who's added me as friend, commented, and signed my gb so far! You're all fabulous!
Icon of the day:
Remember! It's totally cool if you take and use this icon however you want, but please simply mention where and/or who you got it from! Me! x33
Question of the day:
oo3. Do you have any recommendations for MyO?
Messy Mascara
Comments (2) |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wow, what a lazy week I've been having. ><; Well, besides starting up my own MyOtaku site, it's been kind of boring...Oh wait! What am I talking about?! I went to a pool party that had like 466574345 people at it on Tuesday with my friends. It was sooooo much fun. I absolutely adored the pool we went to. It was kind of beach themed, so you could take a picture and say you were in Hawaii and no one would know the difference. x33 Mmm, and there was yummy food, and yummy men there too. Actually I knew everyone, but it's always fun to see your guy friends with their shirts off...<33
Oh, and also, I get to go school shopping this weekend! I'm going to be a sophmore in high school this year, and school doesn't start until the fifth or sixth of September, but my step-mom is taking me shopping this weekend for my school wardrobe. I'm quite excited, I have lots of giftcards to use and I expect to get some all around splendid clothes.
Wow, maybe my first statement was untrue. On Friday I'm going to get a bunch of my friends together and go see my cousin at work. She works at a diner which I'm hopefully going to work at soon too. It shoud be fun, I haven't gone out to dinner with friends for a long while.
Whew, okay well, I want to thank everyone who's helped with my site so far or just plain stopped in to say hello. Sankyuuu, loves~!
And now, for the icon of the day:
And the question of the day as well:
oo2. Have you seen the second installment of Pirates of the Caribbean?
My answer: Yes! I loved it! Lots of people said they didn't. I dunno why, I thought it was grand. The fight scene over the key to the chest was a bit much, but besides that I thought it was wonderful.
Messy Mascara
Comments (1) |
Allo, mates!
Hey there everyone! Sankyuu for visiting my site if you are, make sure to comment alrighty? x33
Anyways, as you can see my username is Messy Mascara, but feel free to give me any nicknmae you want. The more creative the better because I love to hear what people come up with.
I'm also looking for someone who can help me with a post syle. I want to be able to post like some people with the picture on the side of my post and then my actual writing to the right of the picture. I'm really hoping to spice up this site, so any help would be appreciated!
So please, give me your opinions, your help, your love, and I'll make sure to do the same!
Oh! I almost forgot! I'll showing everyone a nice little icon of whatever I feel like showing you that day. I'll try hard to update with a new one every day, and I'll also ask a question for everyone, incase you don't know what to comment, and also to get to know you all better. <33
So here we go, first off, my icon of the day:
If you can't tell, these are the glasses that the girl in my avvie is wearing! <3 Please! If you want to use the avatar, at least reference that you got it from me, okay?
And now, the question of the day:
oo1. How old are you?
That's it for today. Much love. :33
Messy Mascara
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