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inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, trigun, naruto, and 57 more anime shows but i don't feel like writing them all.!!! lol
lisining to music, playing games,picking up chicks, watching anime, and picking up chicks!!! lol
playing games
Humankind cannot gain anything without first
giving something in return.In order to obtian,
something of equal value must be lost. That is
alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange..

 Bluebird's Illusion is Angsty Crack Love

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Yay the Xbox 360 is in store!!!

But i am a Play station Fan from the start!!! Play station Rules... I got a xbox fan to say that play station 3 is better then xbox 360!! yay and he was not kidding!!!The ps3 station 3 is coming out in spring of 2006 !!! so far away i can't wait.. Ps3 is so much better then xbox 360 in every thing!!! but not in online play but they have tme to make it better..

all the Xbox fans are so happy but when the Ps3 comes out in spring of 2006 they are going to be shocked!!! every one is going to love the PS3.. The play station fan's and the Xbox fan's!!!! The Xbox fan's are going to be Play station fans..Just watch!!! beleive it!!! The ps3 games are so much better in every thing!! yeah but until Ps3 comes out i guess Xbox 360 will do.....

Yeah this is the nitendo revolution!! well there is not much to say!! i don't know when it is coming out...yeah... In E3 the biggest videogame expoe or one of the biggest!!! they had a contest of which system was better the ps3, Xbox 360, or the nitendo revolution... Ps3 can in First (1) Yay!!! Nitendo revolution came in second (2) and Xbox 360 came in third (3)!!!! well they say nitendo revolution is better then Xbox 360 but i do not think that.. And we all know that Ps3 is the best!!!! yay!!!!! lol! PS3 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The PS3 is 2x more powerful than the Xbox 360 and 15x more powerful than the Nintendo Revolution!!!!
well this is the Psp!! now it costs about 200 dollars... but it is worth it.. you can play games, watch movies, lisin to music, take picture, and download things from the internet like settings or pictures, or stuff like that...

This is the nintendo Ds... it costs about 150 dollars.... it is not worth it, it is better to buy the psp then the Nintendo Ds.. trust me!!! the top screen is the touch screen... where you use your fingar to draw lines or move things around.. the bottom screen it where you use the controls which are on the left and right of the bottom screen... so i say the psp is better then the Nintendo Ds...

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

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Sunday, November 6, 2005
This picture is how i wish i could look like if i was an anime Character!

Take the quiz: "Are You a Ninja, Pirate, Viking, or Samurai?"
Samurai You are very honorable and fair. You respect people and nature, and you probably regret most of your sins. You're probably a pretty dangerous fighter, too.
If you were a anime Character what whould you be!!
My Answer:
A samurai !!!

FLCL is hard-core love
My kind of a girl!! lol
 Yeah, baby! She's gotta be a hot and with a great body. You like to be on her hands and to let her do whatever she wants with you...uuuh...XD
What's Your Perfect Anime Girlfriend? brought to you by Quizilla

Full Metal Alchemist is love
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No matter how painful it may is by far the most beautiful thing in this human world.

 The Assassin.
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Featured Quiz Result:
Yay i got inuyasha!!!! Thats right bitches!!!
yay i got ray mustang!! that is what i wanted...º_º
jounin!!! yay