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Member Since
What ever Im told
Real Name
The infamous Nonni
I wrote a book and I wrote a g/s manual.
Anime Fan Since
When I was brianwashed
Favorite Anime
Angel sanctuary, Inuyasha, Hellsing, yyh, dbz, fruit basket(s?), Hellsing, Vampire hunter D, petshop of horrors, dark decendants
To be an author, to go to college, and to have something weird and amazing happen.
writing, reading, sk8ting, and dressing up like god-only-knows who.
Ambidextrious, can tie knots with tongue, I can break people with a softball, and I can right somewhat Decent
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Now that thats out of the way...
Soo That went well I think ^^
I want to make more friends now ^^
Any who Im sitting here 8 in the morning typeing this with a hair dryer next to me. I have school at 11 because we have some weird freshman half day thing. 11 to 5 so much for a half day ^^ its just 6 hours instead of 7 I think.
dude I had an f'd up dream...
I mean seriously F'd up.
::::: here ::::: goes :::::
Me and my friend aray were looking for Jitto who went missing. Right, (jitto a friend) so we fell through a portall. Ok that went well didnt die... yet and we were like in a runaway kid land thing lol, ok there were just scary looking dream people alright? a lake, it was like a carnaval thing... so we asked around if any one saw our friend. (I think it was jitto but now that I remember it was a gothic friend.oh well continueing) So one old guy told us to ask the "twins" this is the f'd up part we walked over to two red heads right, both girls and both tall wearing trench coats and news hats.
:::: prepare :::: your ::: self::::
SO we tapped them on the shoulder.. they spun around and broke into song and dance.
Abrupt ending I know... but it was weird
::::::: end ::::::::
SO any way after 5, we have band 6-9. not much time to do any thing really. And we have to get to the band room at 5:30, so Im just walking to a place getting a drink then comeing back and waiting in the band room ^^.
Ive been finding out how to make things easier for me. hehe haha
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Im ba-ack
Mmhmm, and Im trying to get to every ones sites in the next 10 minutes plus tyeping this post.
I smell funny, but not bad funny.
The tweesers are missing and I need to pluck this one eyebrow because its not even... *grumbles*
hmmm I have enough composition books to make a hampster palice that is bigger than be by stacking them flat on top of each others ^^
Ok screw this Im only going to the peopls sites who comment and visit mine because you know what FUCK YOU ^^ I have no time and Its continuously annoying to go back and forth between sites with out having that little link thta comes along with comments, I say you pay me I pay you how about that. so the people who commented on my last post here you go ^^ I love you all who love me, and I also love my enemys with more love than they ever had haha ^^... what... Im serious
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Heheh Im dissapearing again
Alright read this if you want to know some valuble information thats not really valuble;
Im pissed its not raining, oh mmhmm "its going to rain" No its f*cking not. I dont want to F*cking march but gods looking at us in our area in the world like "haha you want it to rain but I made it partly cloudy hott and so F*ckiing muggy I can punish you like that!"
Alright. have you ever seen the music video Engel or heard the song by Rammstein, I love it ^^
IM hungry,
SORRY I havnt gotten to any ones site, but I might not be on for 2 days to 4 days. Be back monday alright?
If you hate me for not commenting on your site im sorry ^^
I love all of you ^^
-post made with love
bye bye
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Im back
and I'd like you to meet some one very important to me... his name is sue.

Now sue here, is a midget wrester, he is the ornate, the most awesome and most strong midget wrestler thinger in the world! WOO go sue
ok now really, Im hyper I have band in 3 hours and i want it to down pour. My mom should be coming home to take me to band. you know it is fun to type with two fingers if you can type amazingly fast. all you can here is tick tick tick tick tick. thats about all you can here. HEHE! woo
bye bye
wait! no not yet
im adicted to pudding!
wreoo wreeoo
ok now im done
bye bye
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Monday, August 29, 2005
French toast. Im hungry ^^.
And I have band camp again and my mom dosnt want me on the computer today so Im sneaking in this 10 minutes to tell you all Im sorry for not visitin gyour sites this week end, and thanks for understanding.
Well my friend handed me a set up
[group of words]
[group of words]
to work with and try and make a song thinger out of it. No I cant use that set up, you try, seems easy enough but its hard to get it to flow. ^^
So Im hungry again.
I hunger... For blood. *shiftey eyes* haha XP
I love you all
-This post was made with love, so much love you'd drown in it ^^
but not literally.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
SOO many good ideas
Dang I have like picture perfect anime images in my head, but I cant draw them, picture this, some chick, tall frizzy messy blonde hair tan skin and bright blue eyes grinning holding out a margarita glass full of a frozen blood beverage and shes sitting in a bath tub of blood, feet on the rim of the tub some blood going over the edge of the tub onto the floor. The tub is like a vvery old porcelain one in the middle of a old victorian bathroom.
jeez lol
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I lie to much.
Remember the horns are just there to keep the halo up haha XP so whats new? HAHA XP
Im kind of bored. Kind of, I just got back from stuff. Did I tell you I got all the hellsing books XP.... Why do they make one hard cover its like yay hard cover.. hey what gives... I got a few composition books from my gramma. WOOT, I ate lunch and am eating gum. XP X3 YAY I read two mangas today and my borther is watching.
I got asked to play tetris I said no thanks cuz I dun wanna become a mindless zombie today.
I smell funny. But I dont reek. lol
Im ranting... are you prepared, prepared to be eaten by mangos!?!?
(sing like yanke doodle)
Yanke doodle went to town
with barney in a row boat
tied him up then shot him down
Then he ditched the row boat.
Yanke doodle tied him up
yanke doodle killed him.
Then he threw the boat away,
and sent the bodie with it.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
I lied
Ok well I lied, so it seems, Im not going to my dads, he never called me. He needs to put in some effort if he really wants to see me.
I bought the entire series of hellsing thus far ^^ which makes me happy.
me and my mom helped this little lost kid out she wasl ike 5 and we found her daddy. My computer froze up, remind me to slaughter it.
I need an opinion on this song thinger ^^
Theres a problem with my mind
and its hard to see
how dilloughted I become
lost in fantasy
is this really so
so is it just me
So caught up with all this,
Im lost from all reality
I've lost track of time,
for better or for worse,
but I dont know
whats going on any more.
Im sipping away
Lost touch with every one
whos ever meant something to me
slipping away from all reality.
(V3 or chorus)
Theres a problem with my mind
And its hard to see, but I
only have myself to blame.
Theres no one out there now,
who could save me some how,
and Im loosing base with all my fantasies.
What if they were real, what is it I could feel?
In this fantasy, lost I wont wake uo, If I have
to lose so soon. Then I wont give up.
Its not to far to reach, not yet.
Hury up and save me, I wont svae myself,
If you'd really miss me, then you'd save me
from my fantasies. I cant live with out these
fantasies I make.
(V1 one time)
(V2 one time)
(ch. once then end)
hehe my older ones are better ^^ XP
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Read if you want to know where Im off to and whats goin on for the next few days haha XP
Ok I wont be back till monday even though its just saturday morning. Im listening to Arials by system of a down and it reminded me for some reason I had to post.
Sorry I havnt been to any of your sites lately, But I was baby sitting.
I cant sleep lately, So I've been sleeping like all day, my moms worried that Im going to become "nocturnal" and wont be awake in school. Yea I know Im getting into a pretty bad habbit, but, I just cant sleep through a night. Sure I can take naps and stuff but not like sleep solid lol XP.
Does any one teeth alot? like oo plastic spoon *chews it till you cant tell its a plastic spoon* or a pen cap or any thing plastic or chewable? I cant stop teethin lol my mom bought me gum again. Apparently I chew on stuff every so often haha XP
And Im turnin 15 so people say this could be a problem with me in school, seeing as last time I broke the pen.
Im sick of every thing being a problem with school. You know what. IM JUST A PROBLEM IN SCHOOL ALL TOGETHER. so thats that. They can eat my ass if they have a problem.. hehe thats me becoming frustrated. So any way today Im leaving at 1:30 to pet sit all of my gammas pets till 10, I got 35 dollars for baby sitting last night two kids *flat face* thats alot of money... well to me *sticks out tongue* Because I baby sat from 3 to 9 pm then in the morning I watched them an hour in the morning, so basically 5 bucks an hour for two kids aged 6 and 9. I dont think I over charge. XP.
I got the first hellsing manga... Yes the manga haha XP, its hardcover, and Im sitting here holding it thinking what the hell, why did they make it a hard cover. ANd the other ones arent... Geezus tolitto.!~~!
Any who Im off to my dads then which is prison, no tv, no computer, no nothin, and no they arent amish. XP So Im going to heck with a few books. ^^ Mangaz HAHA MAAWHAHAA...
And Im getting a car this month shhhh!
and bloodmire is no longer my fav. person type deal because he never stopped by one ^^ I go to his site all the time so now...
the site of the day untill I say other wise is. Um AHH i forget the name, but she has an Avi that looks like an elf with green hair laying down and comments alot and her sites cool.
Mishotarup you're back! WOOOT *huggles* yay!
-this post unfortunately was not made with as much love as the last post.
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Hourly update with Nonni
If your happy and you know it, this is yet another one of Nonni's hourly updates.
Wow Ive gotten no complaintes yet about the amount of posts I make a day ^^. I have one word for that Ye-ay!
Well I just took the dogs out, and boy did that suck. If I didnt catch my footing I could have gotten dragged back inside by my st. brenard ^^.
random fact- Im eating a yogurt
not so random face- Im still eating a yogurt
but im not eating it like a normal person would, no, I've crushed the container hahaha lol
bye bye ^^
-this post made with love
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