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What ever Im told
Real Name
The infamous Nonni
I wrote a book and I wrote a g/s manual.
Anime Fan Since
When I was brianwashed
Favorite Anime
Angel sanctuary, Inuyasha, Hellsing, yyh, dbz, fruit basket(s?), Hellsing, Vampire hunter D, petshop of horrors, dark decendants
To be an author, to go to college, and to have something weird and amazing happen.
writing, reading, sk8ting, and dressing up like god-only-knows who.
Ambidextrious, can tie knots with tongue, I can break people with a softball, and I can right somewhat Decent
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Hello alice
Hey... can any one just look at my one "fan art" that is titled Hello alice. The scanner made it lighter but its awesome... *shiftey eyes*
wow I really really hurt *keils over*
hehe see ya
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Olay Olay Olay olay!
Ive been starting to realize the subject of the posts, has nothing, nothing at all to do with the posts. ^__^... I got stung by something in the back of my calf (sp?) muscle, its been there for 2 days... cant find tweezers. Ah it'll come out eventually.
I had a weird dream. You all know how Im obsessed with Jesters and alice in wonderland. Well I had a F'd up dream that I was in alice's place, the madd hatter was actually the hatter from angel sanctuary. And he wasnt high off his hat though. hehehaaa.
well see you all around the block. Me and casum once got lost going around her neighbor hood see ya!
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Jeez every time I try and midify a post I end up deleteing it. I just deleted two in 1 minute exactly. Oh my. Any who I might hang out with casey today, either one of them. I have two friends named casey...
D or M.
How many losers does it take to read a map?
1 to stare at it in awe
1 to try and make sence of it
and 1 to screw us all up
A life lession learned in reading a upside down and backwards park map in the middle of a park
we finally came up with the "Glorious" idea to stand on our heads and read it. Well that didnt work so well.
*sniff sniff* I smell funny..
lol see ya
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Im so happy
I can draw! Yes. And I hope to god I fixed this god forsaken keybored. haha. Any who Im soo happy that I can draw. *sniff* I never was really able to and now I can I practiced alot... Hello Alice.. *snicker* New obsession..Alice in wonderland. Just for now it is an obsession. see you all round, and thank you soo much for the comments. hehe all I can do is thank you.
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Pedlers village
me and two friends went to pedlers village, I brought a camera! oh yea. I'll try and up load a pic for you about the thing its really pretty there. Any who I bought cards and dice, Deej bought dice and sunglasses, and beth bought alot.
I took a heck of a lot of pictures... Ok get this Im sitting here soaking wet because I dunno if my dad is actually takeing me fishing or not. ^__^ woot! So I have to wait till 10 before I even call his house and get dressed into normal clotheing. hehehahaaa see ya round buddies.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
I feel so good I feel so numb yeah.
Oh my god, you all missed it.
Marching band;
Me and Casey Durant, right. Well we where running back to the band room from out side marching. Oh it was fun, every year we always run, almost as if we have something to catch. Any who, this time shawn (a kid in band A rookie member), Was trying to get there before us. Well me and casey Slapped each others hand did one of those cheap immitation battle cries, and ran We went through the loading dock doors, and beat him!
And we got a new peice of music, Ok? Well the band was in the glass walled (upper half of wall was a large window) And every one was in the office except me and casey. Me and casey where standing outside on the other side of the window, doing weird dances to act out the music. But every time the director looked up, we where standing there just looking in listening.
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I love... Yaoi!
Yaoi, my anti drug.
I like boys who like other boys.
Gay Anime. mwahaha...
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duna duna duna duna
Cos of my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps. (Check it out)
I love this song, I need to find a download...
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yes flippifksozl is a word... Its very easy to pronounce there fore I did not make it up... or maybe I did. Who wants to know? Any who. Today and yesterday I was writing all my little poems and song lyrics on a site right? Well I got to web page 2 thats when things got annoying. The words kept getting deleted I had to keep rewriting them. Thinking Jesuz theres got to be an easier way to it... But I guess not and I need to start all over again.
Today, I plan on writing, scowering for food (Yes that is a word I dont know if its a right word, probably not) Because have no food what so ever in the house besides saltine crackers, spices, and sauce.. mmmmm tastey. kikoman soy sauce with a saltine cracker sprinkled with garlic (Which I am alergic to, I like garlic but Im not aloud to eat it)
I added two new art thingers... hehe I didnt even care what I was drawing and they turned out pretty dang good, well one better than the other. hehe.
Guess I just dont have to care, now do it now.
Thanks for all the guest book entries, I'll see ya round oh and sorry I havnt had alot of time to stop by and comment on your sites. I stop by them, read but then forget to comment. AHH dang.
bu bye love you all! Excpecially Billy and Jeff. But you dont know them...
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Case is here
Hello Hi didly dee, Casem is here mwahaha. I cant believe you people dont know her name yet... I dont feel good... I have band tomorow...
WOOT I have to poo or something
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