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myOtaku.com: Metaphaire

Saturday, August 13, 2005

since I dont know what to put again...

Song of the day:
one by one (by foo fighters)

Movie of the day:
Vampire Hunter D blood lust (go D's hand!)

Manga of the day:
Petshop of horrors volume 2 (woo!)

Color of the day:
Green (live grass is this color)

Flavor of the day:
Green Tea (its a tea ^^)

Word of the day:
Ebonite (hard rubber)

Character of the day:
Yomi (from YYH)

pic of the day:

Site of the day;
one of my happy dappy sites I go to when I wrote something I get bored alot ^^

I love you friends HAHA no serious I cant hate any one ^^
So Im sitting here Gtg I have no free time today... Dang I could have wrote about that... *sniff* Im so stupid hehe.. Well I am friends with the princaples daughter >.< Um I have a party to go to (boo I hate bowling but its ok)

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