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myOtaku.com: Metaphaire

Monday, August 15, 2005

   Hihi This actually has to do with MArk the llamma
Hi ho Hi ho its off to band I go, I leave at 3, come home at 9 hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho.

wow that actually fits the song pretty well.
Well any way... My Durant, my friend, is sad, heer dog might pass, right?
So I was sad to (bout something else)
She told me I cant be sad,
I just cant because because Im the one who cheers every one up!
So in that case... I started telling her the story... of Mark the llama to try and cheer here up.
Wanna hear it?
Too bad here it is;

Once there was a llamma, but he was no ordinary llamma, no... he was Mark the llamma... What does that have to do with any thing... well it doesnt.. thats why his name is mark, not paul, not suzy, not arron, not Saiyuko, not Tsumi, not Hayabusa, no, thats why its just Mark.
Well mark one day had a bit of a problem... a big problem, a very very very very very very very (2 years later0 very very big problem... so big it was tiny to god... a very ery very very very big god named Peter
now, mark was thirsty, so thirsty inface he could eat a whole vat of asparagus (a green grassy vegitable ^^) but not a small vat, no, a tiny vat so tiny that peter would not be able to see it, so to us its a pretty big vat of vegetables
now... Your probably wondering where this is going right?
Well... The answer is quite simple.. Its going no where... I ust made this story up off the top of my head to try and amuse you ^^ so shall I continue?
alright... well mark the llama was thirsty so asparagus wouldnt cut it, no so instead he walked over to the nile river. Hey he was a bi-ig llama...

its about a llama named mark, who is thirsty
and goes off to drink the nile the end

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