ms.kurosaki (11/13/07)
hey there^.^ i see u want to be able to make ur own cartoons, i geuss we have the same goal^.^ i wanna move o Japan and do anime, what about u? well im gunna add, k? stop by my site some time!
Emmah (11/11/07)
HELLO JOSHUA! Your name stood out to me amongst all the rest, because it's in capitals XD So that is the reason for why I'm here XD
So you're a Hinata fan? I must admit, she is very cute. Even though I'm not a Naruto fan XD Oops.
Well, I hope to see you around ^^
♥ Emmah
Ayu kinomoto (10/16/07)
hey cool site. i'll add u. feel free to pm me if u want! ^^
Ryochi30 (10/14/07)
XD LOL meun!! wassup ma fan-boy buddy? this is la shahiro! if you want, ill make a manga about you and hinata!! wont that be exciting?!?! well check out his picture i made of you and hinata!! XDD
Sage of Magic (10/14/07)
Your art is awsome, your fanmanga is awsome. Therefore I must sign your gb ^^ And lawl, you really are Hinata obsessed, but hey I'm obsessed with my friend's character and Link so...and Hinata IS an awsome character. Certainly my fav. XD but I must say, first time I've met a fanboy on this site. Be proud. Stand tall. And win Hinata's heart! *salute*
SandLover13 (10/14/07)
Wow. You really like Hinata a lot! I love your site!!!:)
anime.luvs.freaks (10/13/07)
dude..ur obssed with hinata-sama! but it's kwl. i like ur manga, well i'm gonna add ya coz ur hilarious. ^^
animefanatic (10/02/07)
hiya joshua!!!!!!!!i rly like ur pic...:)....yeah im actually out of stuff to say well i feel like an idiot...this is a 1st no words...gee....neway...lol....pm me netime you want to....check ya l8r~~hannah
Shiranui Kai (10/02/07)
Your name sounds cute to me! Lol!! Btw, thanks for commenting my art on Riku. I mentioned "soon to fade talent" cuz my ability to draw is about to vanish, that's why i must recover it. Anyway, thanks for the comment, it cheer me up.
And good luck with your own manga!
^-^b ^-^b ^-^b ^-^b
-{_ArTiStIc CrEaTiViTy__}- "Put your heart in your art! Express your self through art!" - Shiranui Kai.
Magnus Lensherr (09/29/07)
I wish you luck with your story in anime form! I wnat to do something liek that as wlel sometime but i dont know if my skills will ever be good enough ~ Laughs ~ Tis nice to dream though lol!
Im betting youll be good at it though ~ looks at your talents ~ Seems liek you really have confidence in your ability! Its ncie to see that!
The backgorund for oyur site loosk completely fantastic as well! Are you in it? I like the whole grey theme you have here as wlel its just beautiful ^_^
Well i wish you the best of luck with your site and oyur life and ill see you around!
My Insanity Keeps Me Sane!