E-mail Click Here OtakuBoards MEUN Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger novicediggs@yahoo.co
Birthday 1988-10-20 Gender
Male Location San Antonio Member Since 2007-08-08 Occupation Animator Real Name Joshua
Achievements Rivers Destiny Anime Fan Since 3rd Grade Favorite Anime Naruto Goals To make my own cartoon! Hobbies Drawing! Talents Uh...DRAWING! lol
myOtaku.com: MEUN
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Contest Arrrgh!!!
Okay, well on my contest comic, I haven't been able to update it to remind people about the heartless halloween contest.
Which is supposed to end on the 7th. lol
But I only have one entry that I found. So if no one can get something in within like 1 day...
I'll probably extend the contest for 4-5 days.
Apologies for not having anything new up lately. lol
Im in a little bump....
I'll try to get back on track ASAP.
-.- Comments (4) |
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ai.....poor otaku site....
Well I hope that is over with for awhile.
Now I have catch up on what the heck I was supposed to do...ack...
I made one submission but I'll wait to see if the site thing makes me have to uplaod it again...
So...how did everyone take the site being down?
Well that was fun...
Well birthday is over, but the fun is not. ^^
Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday...and also those who still want to...go ahead. lol
Welp, I finished the contest entry....not the FULL picture....but at least what I needed for it at this time... Happy Birthday Xemnas Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Next Contest...
Okay well, today the only real updates I will be doing is adding the next contest to the Otaku Contest Comic.
So yeah, be on the look out for that later, probably 3 O Clock or so. I won't add the page until 1...
Anyways, the winner pages are up from the last contest as well. I hope you guys enjoy yout trophies. lol XD
So yeah, I'll be working on the contest that I entered...Already have a good outline going for the main part...so hopefully I can get that finished today. And work more on it too... Happy Birthday - Xemnas Hosted By theOtaku.com.
And guess what?
For some odd reason that I won't bother asking "why", I got a check in mail yesterday for 800 dollars from school...
This birthday/halloween month is gonna be gooood. lol
And I was able to order my costume yesterday because of that. So hopefully in November I will be ready to be Ichigo...
Oh yeah...I gotta buy some ichigos and whipped cream for my birthday meal!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Comments (3) |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
New Day
Well today I will finish up my last contest page, and add the new contest by tonight.
I will also be trying to get some stuff organized. Hopefully I'll be able to add a new page to I Love Hinata this weekend too.
Anyways yeah...lol
I hope some people can enter my contest. Im going to be sure to remind about it more...this last one only had 3 entries. XD
And with 3 places....well...you can guess who placed. haha
If you do want to enter the contest or even just want to contribute, remember that you don't have to make the picture super cool if you don't want to. lol
Heck if you want to send in a little drawing to add to the entries, feel free...
Well talk to guys later, hopefully some today. ^_-