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Myu or Mew is fine
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Longer ago then I can remember
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HagaRen/FullMetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Naruto, Spiral, Inuyasha, Azumanga Daioh, Rurouni Kenshin, Witch Hunter Robin... and lots more ^^
anime, manga, video games (mainly RPGS; Tales of Symphonia is my favorite) photography
writing, photography, talking incessantly about anime and games...^_^
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Basking in the glow
of the bright future that awaits us
Hello ^^
I'm sorry my last post was so short. I had to go somewhere, so I didn't have much time. Thanks everyone for your comments!
I got Tales of Legendia last week. Today I finished chapter 7; it's like a good book that I just can't put down ^^; Everytime I play I have a new favorite part. It's not as good as TOS (no game could ever be ^^) but it's still a lot of fun.
On Saturday I watched both the english and Japanese versions of episode 1 of FMA. They seem so different when you watch them one right after the other.
I feel like I should change my layout. To what I'm not sure... I'd like to have a Tales of Symphonia, Legendia or Phantasia layout, but I can't find the right pictures. Oh well, I'll keep looking ^^
I hope everyone's having a great week. Take care!
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Just a quick update...
Gomen, minna! I'm really sorry I haven't been here all week... I always try to update more often, but it never seems to work out ^^;
I don't have much time, I just wanted to stop in and say hi ^^ I'll try to stop by later if I can!
Take care!

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Saturday, March 18, 2006
I can't believe I'm updating again all ready ^^
I watched the last episode of HagaRen earlier this week. I really enjoyed the ending and I think the last episode is one of my favorites. It is sad, but really good at the same time.
The series doesn't really seem over to me, though. I'm looking foreword to watching it all over again. There are some episodes that I've seen fifty times, and I'm sure I'll watch them fifty more times ^^
Well, I hope everyone has a good day. Take care!

One day we will meet again. That's a promise.
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
“Without achieving something you want, you cannot quit.”
I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated... I'm really sorry, minna-san.
On Monday I finally beat Crystal Chronicles. I was pretty excited because I wasn't going to try to beat it again, but Shizuka-chan convinced me to^^ And my little sister beat TOS today. Omedetoo!
Well since I wasn't here yesterday, Happy White Day! I wanted to post a picture, but I don't have any for White Day ^^;
I guess that's all for now. Pretty boring, huh?
Take care, minna-san!
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Back Again
Konnichiwa minna-san! I'm really sorry for my absence.... Again, I haven't had anything interesting to say ^^; I don't really have much to say right now actually... I'm just in a good mood so I thought I'd update.
I just found out that Tales of Phantasia is coming out next month. I can't wait! If it's anything like the anime I know I'll love it ^^
I'm looking foreward to HagaRen tonight. I've seen episode 48 twice before, but I'm curious to see it in english.
I hope everyone's having a great weekend! Today is my mom's birthday. My parents just came home with a cake. Yummy ^^
Well, take care and enjoy the rest of your day!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day minna-san! Sorry I'm late... it isn't really Valentine's Day anymore, but it's the thought that counts, right? ^^
*yawns* I wish I could stay longer, but I'm really tired... Today was a long day... if I have time I'll try to stop by tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great week!

Take care ^^=
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Kitties =^^=
I finally have a new layout (Arigatou, Shizuka-chan!) I really like this one, it's so cute ^^=
I wish I had something to say... but I really don't ^^; I just felt like I should update since I haven't in a while. Sorry about that...
I should get going now. Sorry for being so boring ^^;
Take care minna-san!

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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Thanks for your comments! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get to your sites lately. The Otaku has been moving slowly for me and I can rarely get pages to load...
I saw the english version of episode 43 of HagaRen ^^ I was surprised that they showed the fourth opening theme. I wonder why they never used the first or third...
Seems like everyone's been talking about changing their layout. I don't think I'll change my mine until next month. I really like this one ^^
See you later and take care!
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Gomen nasai...
I'm sorry I haven't been around much... There just hasn't been anything going on to update about >_^;
I've been watching the Japanese version of HagaRen with Shizuka. It's so much more fun to watch then the english version. We watched episodes 41, 42 and 43 last week. I love episode 43 ^_^= I'm interested to see what it'll be like in english. When I saw episode 42 on Saturday it seemed really weird. I've gotten so used to the Japanese voices ^^
I have to go now, I'm sorry if my post was really boring... >_^;
I hope everyone has a good week!
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Hello minna-san
I hope you're enjoying the last day of the year!
Shizuka and I are watching the Naruto marathon ^^ Even though I've seen these episodes before(several times) it's hard to get tired of them.
I read volume 1 of Full Moon O Sagashite last night. Shizuka-chan got it for Christmas. It's really adorable. I love Takuto ^^ he has cat ears and turns into a plushie cat thing, so cute!
I hope everyone has fun tonight. I wish you the best in the new year!

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