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Myu or Mew is fine
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Longer ago then I can remember
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HagaRen/FullMetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Naruto, Spiral, Inuyasha, Azumanga Daioh, Rurouni Kenshin, Witch Hunter Robin... and lots more ^^
anime, manga, video games (mainly RPGS; Tales of Symphonia is my favorite) photography
writing, photography, talking incessantly about anime and games...^_^
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Monday, October 20, 2003
I was thinking of maybe posting a story here. I'm working on two, but they're pretty long. I want to do something short, just for fun and so I would have something to post. Maybe a halloween related story. I'm already getting ideas ^_^
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Sunday, October 19, 2003
I'm back!
Sorry I was away all day... We went to a pinic at some people's house who go to our church. They live in a beautiful old farmhouse, and they have a barn and horses, and I don't even know how much land. We went went on a hayride, and had a campfire. It was supposed to be just for lunch, but everyone ended up staying longer and they got pizza for dinner. It was fun ^_^
I saw Kenshin last night. That was a great episode. It was so sweet. At the end I just wanted to go "awww!"
Now I'm tired.... Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post! I think I'm going to bed now.... See you all tomarrow.
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Monday, October 13, 2003
They finally added a member list that lets you see everyone's rank, and I'm on the first page! It's interesting to see everyone elses rank, not that ranking really matters anyway, I was just starting to wonder what other people's rankings were.
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Thursday, October 9, 2003
Since I got alot of comments about this, I decided to post the quiz from the article. They're scoring thing is werid, but whatever. Enjoy!
1. On a rainy day, what's your idea of the best free-time activity?
A. Watching the latest anime (1 point)
B. Picking up a copy of the new Shonen Jump or New Type (2 points)
C. Trying your hand at Ukiyo-e with stuff you got off a web site (3 points)
2. Its best to browse at Borders after working out and with plently of spare chnage because:
A. Japanese comics are as thick as a phone book and weigh a ton (1 points
B. You can't get enough of Dragonball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh and the magazines they're in aren't cheap (2 points)
C. Your friend wants all the past issues of Shonen Jump since it debuted in the US in November 2002 (3 points)
3. Your typical response to an invitation to eat out is:
A. If its not rice and vegtables, I don't want it (1 point)
B. How well does the chef prepare sushi? (2 points)
C. Forget it, I just packed my Bento Box and I'm all set to eat in (3 points)
4. If your a Monkey D. Luffy fan, the ingrediants for your perfect Halloween coustume include:
A. Lots of eye makeup and a black hat (1 point)
B. An armload of Shonen Jump magazines (2 points)
C. A sword, hoop earring, a prirate outfit (3 points)
5. Your mom will be preplexed when looking at your manga because:
A. Theres something unique about Japanese publications (1 point)
B. Japanese magazines are read from right to left (2 points)
C. The graphic overload in these comics can be shock to the unacustomed western eye (2 points)
(What do they mean by "unique''?)
6. If you say "Gochiso sama deshita" at the end of a meal, you may:
A. Please your host (1 point)
B. Flatter your cook (2 points)
C. Show your prowest at Japanese manners by praiseing the food as "quite a feast" (3 points)
7. When shopping at a Japanese grocery store, you might have trouble finding what?
A. A pre-cooked turkey breast (1 point)
B. Any kind of poultry
C. Really well made sushi because not just anyone can make it (3 points)
8. How crazy would it be to wear Zori and Geta at the same time?
A. Not crazy if you wear one Zori and one Geta (1 point)
B. Pretty crazy, unless you have four feet (2 points)
C. Not crazy at all, because you can wear the Zori and carry the Geta in your sports bag
9. Knowing your friend in Japan observes Chirstmas, how would you send warm winter wishes his way?
A. With a cheezy "Godzilla" T-shirt from the US (1 point)
B. With a card decorated with beautiful shodo (2 points)
C. By surpriseing his family with a Chirstmas cake from their neighborhood bakery (3 points)
10. While walking around Tokyo, you stop and say hello to someone you know. How do you greet him?
A. Shake his hand, but not too agressivly (1 point)
B. Bow briefly (2 points)
C. Bow for one or two seconds at a 15- degree angle (3 points)
11. During a meal you slurp your food because
A. Everyone else does it (1 point)
B. It makes the hot soup eaiser to eat (2 points)
C. It shows appreciation for the cook (3 points)
12. If you are at a train station and suddenly need to use the restroom, what do you do?
A. Try to hodl it because Japanese public restrooms are not ver sanitary (1 point)
B. Ask someone to politely for the lavatory, never a the bathroom, because the bathroom contains only a shower and no toilet (2 points)
C. Ask for the toilet, pass through the men's section to get to the ladie's room, and pull out your hankerchief to dry your hands
13. How do you tip in Japan?
A. The Holiday Inn automatically adds a service charge to your bill (1 point)
B. Make sure you tip your made at the ryokan (2 points)
C. Always give your tour bus guide a cash gratuity wrapped in paper or placed in an envolope (3 points)
14. Your are walking through a department store when you see a souvenir you want to buy, what do you do?
A. Put it back when you see the price tag on the item; it's too expensive (1 point)
B. Put it back and decide to look for something more unique in a rural store (2 points)
C. Decide against tryign to haggle for it, because bargaining is considered an insult to the store (3 points)
15. At what point are you allowed to cast a ballot in Japan?
A. The same day that you can legally smoke and drink (1 point)
B. When you turn 20 (2 points)
C. January 15, or Coming of Age Day, the day during which all 'new adults' are legally declared as grown ups (3 points)
If you scored between 21 and 45, you wouldn't have such a hard time living in the land of the rising sun.
If you scored 16 to 20, you might want to learn more about Japan instead of watching "Banzai," "Most Extreame Elimination Challenge" and "Iron Chef."
If you scored 15, you might want to start learning about Japan, starting with a visit to the Pagoda.
I just thought it was kind of interesting ^_^ But it took forever to type out...
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Saturday, October 4, 2003
Great movie
If you haven't seen Castle in the Sky yet, I highly recommend it. Though a lot of people probably have, it's been around for a while. I was really surprised by it, it wasn't what I was expecting, but then Miyazaki movies never are, but they're always amazing.
It had little things in it that reminded me of parts from Sprited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Kiki's Delivery Service. It was Miyazaki's first movie (wasn't it? I can't remember....) so I guess some of the others could've been inspired by it. Sprited Away got me really interested in Miyazaki's works, and I really enjoyed all four movies. Now I have to see My Neighbor Totoro....
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Thursday, October 2, 2003
I've had over 300 visits! Rustym was right, it's not really that exciting.... Oh, and thanks to those who have recently signed my guestbook! For a while I wasn't getting any signings. Arigatoo!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
A Moogle!
I just got back a little while ago from youth group at church. I help out with the jr. High Youth Group (well, since last week) It's alot of fun. I just hope they get those marshmellows out of the carpet.... I bring my laptop with me, and everyone wants to play with it. I was in another room and someone came in and asked if they could play pinball on my computer. I didn't know I had pinball on my computer, but appearently I do....
I think I'm going to need glasses. I'm going to the eye doctor next week, but I took an eye test today and I did really bad. I could hardly read the third line....
Well, see you tommarrow.
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Friday, September 26, 2003
Final Fantasy 9
I beat FF9 about two years ago, and I've wanted to play it again ever since. I started a new game this morning, so if I'm not here, you know what I'll be doing ^_^

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Wednesday, September 17, 2003
I'm back!!!
Konichiwa minna! I Really missed you! I'm back from vacation now, and If you wondering, I was in North Carolina, at the Outer Banks.
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Thursday, September 11, 2003
200 people have visited my site! When I started this, I didn't even think I'd get 100 visits. Thanks everyone!
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