Mew Akari Mokuba
Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive
when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against's policy
to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.
Only one guestbook signature per user.
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Guestbook Entries:
Jade Ralden (12/03/07)
My GF loves Gravitation, so I was wondering around MyO's Wallpapers looking for some Shuichi Shindo pictures for her to see. I found that you are the creator of most of the wallpapers there so... I stopped by to sign your GB. You work looks great! Stop by my site for a visit if your not busy sometime. ^^x
Rainbow Dragon (06/25/07)
Awesome sight.I like the pictures you used.They're as awesome as your wallpapers.I like those Kaleido Star ones.I like them all actually.Awesome sight again.Just thought I'd say hi and hello.I added you as a friend if that's okay.
Peace Out,Thousand Shadows MP
stararnold (06/12/07)
just visiting by.
Akula (05/23/07)
I see you are fanat of Tsubasa! It's wonderful, I like this anime!
I wish you find new friends here!
Good luck! :)
PM me if you need help!
See you around!
animeobsessed92 (05/23/07)
Another profile for me to design? I swear... how many are you going to make? *laughs* Only kidding ya! Can't wait to work on your sites after school is out!
Take care, and have a good day!