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myOtaku.com: mew mew lely

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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angel kat (01/08/05)

Hi, Thanks for signing my gb and adding me as a friend. I will add u as a friend too okay? Well c ya later! And I hope to talk to you more! Bye!^_^

ReiNGE (01/08/05)

Well Hello..... Love your site. I like the colours and things. Keep it up... Visit my site If you sometimes just got time. Now, Thanks, See you, I wish to see you around, and I love your avi.... Well Bye!

BlackMagicianGrl (01/07/05)

Thanks for signing my gb

Animegirl2004 (01/06/05)

Hello!I like your site!Very Kawaii!Please come by my site!I'll also add you as a friend!Bye!

KrazyAnime (01/05/05)

Thank you fur singing my guestbook! ^_^ Yay furs Tokyo Mew Mew!^^ You have a nice,colorful site.


sailor firestar (01/05/05)

Hiya and thanks for signing my g/b! w00t! You got Sakura on my quiz, that's good, she's a sweetie! I like the colors of your site, very pretty. Well, I will add you to my friends too, 'K?

animeseeker417 (01/05/05)

Hiya mew mew lely,
I'm animeseeker417!!!!Thankies sooo much for signing my guestbook!!!!So I thought I sign your's as well.^_^Anyway...I added you as a friend as well!!!(thankies for adding me as a friend^^)Well,PM me if you have any questions or need any help at all!!!^_^*hugs you then waves to you*^_^

bolshacks1 (01/04/05)

cool even though im not really into mew mews ill add u as a friend

Ichigo (01/03/05)

^___^ Hey There!! ^^

Hehe, thanks for signing my guestbook!! So sorry, for not getting back to you until now.. x.X''

Anyways, I like your site too!! ^^ Tokyo Mew Mew is a good anime/manga, ne? ^^ Well..

I shall add you as a friend back, and I hope to talk to you soon!! ^^

Chocolate Covered,
Ichigo (Strawberry XD)

Sakurablossom (12/28/04)

hi there nice site thxs for sighnig my GB i`m adding u as a friend well bye!

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