myOtaku.com: Mew Mew Shuichi
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I have only had this happen once before but that doesn't mean I like it any better. I spent years with dial-up wishing I could get broadband. Finally I forget if it was this year or last but I finally got broadband. I thought I'd never have to worry about wheather the phone was working or not. How wrong I was thinking that, no we get a box that still connects to the phone!
See we have 3 phone extentions. 1 we used to use for when I had dail-up but mom doesn't want me to use it, the one in the living room hasn't worked for years and the last time we tried it it was deader than a door nail. So the only working one in the whole house is in my mom's room in the back. Well my mom's a pack rat and now its too the point that her bed is so piled up she has to sleep sideways. Well sometimes that causes her to hit the sensitive two way plug that makes that phone work and the two in the living room. one wire goes from the phone plug to the wall the other a long two way plug goes from the phone plug to the living room and splits one to my computer and the other to my moms phone. Now its happened on occasion that she does this as I sleep during the day as its both quiet for rare days I stop being lazy and write my fan fictions or just day dream and work on my character wallpapers or something. I don't like telling mom to fix the plug as cause I stated its night and she's usually sleeping.
Well last night it said it was interupted once but the light on the box flashes red when there's no connection and there are 5 buttons. 4 sometimes 5 are green when all is good, 5 just flashes, I guess that's normal. But when no connection 2 are green and one flashes red. Well soon after the first interuption everything went dead! Just a little bit ago everything was fine again. I'm not sure if it was cause mom woke up and checked it or what.
Then I get a reveiw on my story and I was hoping it was a good one, but instead it was a weird girl we have to put up with. She is wayyyy weird. Now when you review a story you would think one would keep it relivent to the story or chapter you just read. NOT this girl! Almost always she goes off into babble mode. making a looong review about what ever pops into her head or whatever she seems to think how the chapter would or could possibly connect to her life. She hinted that she was over 18, but if she is she's the weirdest (sometimes dumbest) person we (my writing partner and I) have ever met! The reason why we know its a girl something in her statments once gave us the impression that it was a girl. Poor Clarity's still realing from it cause what she'd said was that she'd french kissed her father at 8 and had even had fantasys. Personally we think she needs help. Her last review *GASP* actually was decent! She sent one in today but I wasn't in the mood to see if she was still in desent mode or back to my life story mixed with chapter review. We haven't figured out why she thinks we want her personal life with a review for a story. We suspect that either she has no life and wants to annoy us, just wants to annoy us or is too lazy to get a blog of her own somewhere.
Yesterday didn't start out bad, mom went to get gas and they had no more coins and mom got 3 coins all one dollar coins! I'm a coin collector, but I collect dollars too. I keep them in a small treasure chest I got when I was little.
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