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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Story = The Kaiba Brothers + chapter 1
TITLE: The Kaiba Brothers
AUTHOR: Mew Mokuba
WARNINGS: Mentions of rape and child abuse
If you don’t like any of that then go away and don’t read this. It only mentions. No real details are ever mentioned.
This was originally written in 2004. I remember it cause Tuesday 6-1-04 evening through Thursday 6-3-04 afternoon, I was in total and complete blackout! There had been a bad storm and the power went out. Trust me you don’t know boredom or going stir crazy when you have no electricity at all! So all you have time to do is Write by candle and push lights. Saddly enough it happens more often than I like. Thankfully its never been out that long since.
The characters may be slightly out of character but you’ll have to learn to live with it. DO NOT flame me saying they are way out or slightly out of character this is how they are meant to be in this story!
I have learned and discovered a lot about Kaiba’s personality since I first wrote this. Some said they loved it the way it was and wanted no changes. Sorry but after re-reading over it I just see some things that are totally wrong and other places that need improving on. Especially when it comes to Kaiba. So if you liked it the original way then sorry but I just saw so much room for improvement.
I personally feel disclaimers are a waste of time and energy but...
I do not own Yugioh {Wish I did though! ;)}
The Emperors New Clothes is a Hans Christan Anderson book. You don’t what a pain it was to find a story by him that matched what I wanted!
Disclaimer: All villains and own characters are fictional and DO NOT represent any persons living or dead. Any traces of this doing so is purely coincidental.
Unless you wish to be my editor which I don’t have. Then not one word about my spelling or grammar! If you think its so terrible then either volunteer to help me correct it or keep it to yourself! I am not perfect in spelling or grammar and will never claim to be!
Chapter 1
In Chess county their lived a small family. The family was so excited at the prospect of a new baby.
Five-year-old Seto was sitting in his mothers lap while she was reading to him.
“Mommy, what are you going to name the baby?”
“Well daddy and I have thought of a lot of different names. What do you want to name the baby?”
“Well will I have a baby brother or sister?”
“You’re going to have a baby brother.”
“I want to call him Mokuba.”
“Why do you want name him after a wooden horse?”
“I love my rocking horse I can teach him how to ride it.”
His mother just laughed and kissed his forehead.
A few months later, his mother went into labor. Young Seto was led into the room with his mother.
“Seto, meet your little brother Mokuba.” His mother said weakly.
“Seto would you like to hold him?” His father asked.
“Can I?” Seto asked.
His father put Seto into the chair next to the bed and then placed the baby into his arms.
“Seto I need you to make me a promise.” His mother said.
Seto looked from his new brother up to his mother.
“I’m so sorry Seto, but I want be able to care for you and your brother. I need you to promise you’ll always look out for and care for your brother.”
Seto was crying now not fully understanding what his mother was telling him. “I promise mama. I’ll take care of him.”
A few moments later, his mother was gone. At first young Seto was scared and confused; he wanted to hate his brother since his being here was the reason his mother wasn’t, but then again he wanted to love his brother and keep the promise he made to his mother. He wasn’t sure what to do.
About a week later Seto was coloring when he heard yelling coming from his brother’s room and then heard his brother crying. He walked in and found his father drunk and yelling at his brother. Seto was scared now; he’d never seen his father like this before. His brother was crying and then his father broke the bottle next to the crib and sent glass flying everywhere, a lot of it landing inside the crib next to the crying baby. This really frightened Seto, realizing that his brother might get hurt by the glass his protective instincts kicked in. He ran over and pushed his father away from the crib. His father fell to the floor as Seto pulled a chair over and picked his baby brother up. He wasn’t sure what to do at first. So he walked into his parents room looking for something to lay the baby in. He saw the bassinet and that it had wheels on it. So, he carried his brother over to it and placed him into the bassinet, then he moved it into his room. Then he heared his father start to get up cursing, he quickly closed his door and put a chair in front of it. He heard his father pounding on the door and was afraid. A few minutes later, he heard his father leave. Seto never thought he’d be so relived to hear his father leave.
Later that night Seto had a dream that he would never forget.
“Hello Seto.”
“Mommy!” Seto ran over and hugged his mother.
His mother lightly ruffled his hair and kissed him on the forehead. “Seto, honey I know this is going to be hard but I need you to care for your brother. I know your father is having a hard time and I understand you’re mad at your brother for my leaving. But I really need you to care for your brother. Do you understand?”
“I understand mama.”
“I realize this is a lot to ask and you’re very smart and I wish I didn’t have to ask you…”
“I’ll take care of him mama I promise! I’ll be a big boy and take very good care of him.”
“I know you will sweetheart, I know.” With that, his mother kissed him on the forehead again and ruffled his hair.
Suddenly Seto heard crying and when he opened his eyes, he was crying. He looked over at the bassinet, remembered his dream, and smiled. He got up, walked over to his brother, placed his hand on his brother, and started to lightly rub him. “I promise Mokie, I’ll take care of you just like mama wanted.”
His father eventually got better but not by much. About a week after that incident an aunt Seto had never met before came over and tried to get Seto to go outside and play several times when Mokuba was awake but he refused. He made a promise and he fully intended to keep it. When he was asleep, he did go outside a little bit. Things kept going like that Seto would help his Aunt Cindy as much as he could. His aunt would keep talking to Mokuba and try to get him to speak.
“Come on Mokie say auntie.”
“He’ll speak when he’s ready.” Seto said simply.
Seto had finished helping his aunt feed Mokuba when they turned around they heard Mokuba say, “Seto!”
They both turn around to stare at Mokuba.
“What did you say?” Aunt Cindy asked not sure, they had really heard anything.
“Seto!” Mokuba yelled again.
“Well what to say about that Seto? You’re his first word.”
Seto smiled his biggest smile the first big real smile he’d smiled since his mother died. He couldn’t help it his name was his little brother’s first word, not mom, not dad but his name! He felt so happy and proud at the same time, he’d never felt so happy.
Then about a week later Seto was sitting at the coffee table trying to do read a book his aunt had given him, when he felt something small hug his neck and yell, “Seto!”
Seto looked up and surprised to see little one-year-old Mokuba hugging him standing up! Seto was shocked and thrilled! “Aunt Cindy, come see!”
His aunt ran into the room to find Mokuba standing up next to his big brother. “Well would you look at that? I guess he really loves you Seto. He’s walking just to be with you.”
Seto smiled and hugged his brother. He was thrilled that his brother was walking for him.
The next year things seemed to get better Seto started school and it was soon learned that he was a genius. They wanted him to skip ahead but Seto wanted to feel normal so he refused. Seto came home from school it was only his 3rd week in 1st grade and already he was losing the few friends he’d managed make. The teacher always singles him out to answer the questions. Everyone sees him as a teacher’s pet, which isn’t what he wants. Today was the worst yet the teachers continued to call on him to answer questions. Then when she gave everyone else a paper with common first grade math problems she gave him harder more complicated problems. Then everyone teased him and refused to play with him at recess. He walked into his house after his car pool dropped him off only to be tackled by his 2-year-old brother. At least someone still liked him. He hugged his brother tightly.
“Love you Seto!”
Seto looked down surprised, “What did you say?”
“I love you Seto!”
“I love you too Mokie!” Seto said smiling.
“Oh hello Seto. How was school?” Aunt Cindy asked.
“It was ok. But what was even better is Mokie just spoke his first sentence.”
“Really? What was it?”
“I’ll show you.” Seto said looking at his little brother. “Mokie I love you.”
“I love you Seto!” Mokuba said hugging him.
Aunt Cindy walked over and started stroking his hair. “Well that’s the first time he’s spoken all day other that when he wanted food or water. I guess you just have an affect on him Seto.”
Seto couldn’t help but smile, even when it seemed the whole world was against him his little brother would always be there for him.
The next year seemed to go by even slower till their world came crashing down. Then the worse possible news came. Their father on one of his drunken rampages ran into a light post. The news was devastating. Seto couldn’t believe it. His father had gotten better and did spend a little more time with them. But not that much and most of it was with Seto. He refused to spend very much time with Mokuba, which made Seto sad. He too had hated his brother at first but quickly learned to love him and over come the hatred he felt for him.
Their aunt did the best she could to raise them but it wasn’t easy. Soon she couldn’t afford to care for them any longer. She had been able to manage till now with the money their father was making along with her job. But without that income, she could no longer handle carrying for both boys. She didn’t have to money for daycare and be able to pay the bills on the house. As much as she hated to do it, she had no choice but to sadly send them into foster care till she was able to care for them again.
“I’m sorry Seto, honey I wish I didn’t have to do this but I just can’t afford to care for you both. I promise to try and come back for you. I can’t guarantee that I will be able to but I promise you that I will try my hardest.”
“I understand Aunt Cindy. I know you’ll try.”
“Your such a good by Seto. Promise me you’ll look after your brother.”
“I promise, I’ll take care of him.”
However, she soon lost her job being out so much caring for the boys. She soon wrote a letter once again apologizing to Seto. She explained about losing her job and having to sell the house. She told him that she wasn’t sure if or when she’d be able to come back for them. That it was looking more and more impossible as it went on. She told him to always remember that she loved them both and to take care of each other.
Before they knew it, they were soon sent to live with new relatives. From that day forward they were bounced around from relative to relative, till about a month after Mokuba’s fifth birthday. Seto saw a bunch of people gather in the living room and snuck down the stairs to listen. Seto was happy he’d gotten Mokuba down for a nap so he didn’t start to ask a lot of questions and risk being caught listening in. He overheard his relatives in a family meeting. He heard them discussing something but didn’t understand everything he heard. All he knew was that within the next week both him and Mokuba ended up at Trinidad County Orphanage located in downtown Domino City.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
I'm at 55 wallpapers! I wish I had remembered what the cut off was originally! How many does it take to get automatical approval? 100? This is majorly annoying! I want to start my characters!
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I added two pics above for screen shots to the unaired yugioh's first movie.
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
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Friday, December 9, 2005
I really, Really need some pics for a wallpaper I'm supposed to have already done. But I can't find certain pics. If you have any of the pictures in these wallpaper please let me know!
I don't want the wallpaper these were connected to. I have them, I want the pictures that you can see.

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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Okay this site is seriously getting on my nerves! I saw one person that submitted 3 wallpapers that were all once callenders and then two others that were simple screen shots that were made larger and uploaded. Yet I took all of mine and cut and paste or fade into the background and yet they rejected them all! This isn't right or fair! I know one wasn't altered cause I have the same picture! And they didn't change anything in it!
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Monday, November 28, 2005
You know at this rate I will never get my status up to approval! I sent in like 4 or so and their not a lot different from normal ones I have in my other name. But for some reason this site is in a seriously bad mood and continues to reject them! I really wish there was a rule or law or whatever you want to call it that states they have to tell you why their rejecting it.
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
first post
Okay now I like my friend Cat and all we've been online friends well it'd been 2 years then we took a few months break cause I got mad at her for leaving my neopets guild. Then I got over it and she sent me a neomail then we started talking again through msn. She always wanted to use aol and I hate aol im cause I have to use internet explorer to surf the net. We did use yahoo and I liked it but then she claimed it started downloading things on her comp. So she stopped and well she started again. So I chose to get it again and talk to her. I've always thought at 17 she was way too young to be drinking and who knows what else she's been doing. I'd lay even money that she's not been a virgin in years! The way she talks I'm surpised she has as many friends as she does. Though she never told me now I suspect she does drugs too. Since she said at a party she was at last night they were snorting.
She has a friend she's known for years. She was planning to move in with her when they graduate this year. Her grandfather has a house she can have so she can live there and go to college. They get into a fight over who gets the big room and who gets the little room. Her friend gets miffed when she's told she has to have the little room and says they aren't going to move in together anymore. Then she tries to tell me that they still aren't talking weeks later. She claims its on something else. Something her friend wont tell her. That they only fight and her friend wont tell what the problem is. I don't much buy that but...
Well she's told me about her dating. One guy she wanted to date but their last names were the same and found out later they were like long distance cousins removed or something. So she gave up on him. Then had another guy hat was like heavy into drugs and had weird friends that he let call her on her cell. It wasn't good so that relationship died out. Then she started dating this guy that she was excited about. Though he kinda looked like a nice guy from the pic she sent me. But he was also 15 years older than she was and she was 16-17. I also agreed with her friends that saddly enough he looked a little like an excon. But she claimed he wasn't and he wouldn't like hearing this. My thought on that was don't tell him! She also said he had Yugioh's Yugi's birthday. Well that was months ago well when we started talking again through msn she told me she broke up with him. When I asked why all she said was that they had two different dreams for the future! My best theory on that he finally showed her he wasn't as sweet and innocent and pure thoughts as she thought he was and wanted to go all the way on night and she didn't. Then she says she met a new guy and shes now 18 and that their date went so well they ended up in a porn store afterwards. But that any future dates have to be made through his secreteries as he's shy. I think she even broke up with him but its hard to tell with the few details she gives me but that's kinda the impression she gave off.
Well yesteday she told me that she had a wonderful time. Well no bad or ugly type smiley faces I assumed that that she meant that litterly. Then she says she was being sarcastic. She did appoligize knowing that just typing that didn't express that. But if it had been me I'd have used with that like an eye rolling one of sad one or touge out one or something to express the meaning.
Anyway she told me she was hurting herself and that she wasn't trying to kill herself but all her friends think she needed theropy and needed a mental institution. Well I didn;t have a clue as to what she was talking about so I was working on my fan fiction and wallpapers and just let rattle on and basically ignore her for the most part and let her rattle on let her get it off her chest. Well it must have finally dawn on her when I refused to comment on anything she said that I didn't have a clue as to what she was saying cause she asked if I knew what she was talking about and I told the truth I didn't. She admitted that she was a cutter. The type of person who likes to cut theirselves just to feel or something. This was the first I'd heard of it. Today she said that her friends not only think she needs a padded room but called the cops to talk to her. Well apparently she never said what happed only that she wasn't home they didn't find what ever the reason they were called too bad cause the left and never talked with her. She had like 4 or 5 friends that she had to break up with cause of it and cause they want her to check into an institution. I do feel she needs help too but she said she did talk to her mom and they agreed to see a theropist. To me that's all that counts. She's getting help. What more can you ask for.
I'm not sure if its funny or sad. She and her first friend get into it and decided not to live together now this second one she was suppose to move in with she's had to break up with her. I always did find it stupid that she wasn't even christmas last year and she was already making the plans to move into this house and she wont even graduate till june of next year! At the moment she said she's broke up with them all cause they don't fell just getting help is enough, that she has to be locked up in an institution. Which I still belive is stupidity in action!
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Well I tried to write this last night but the stupid site went down on me just as I went to post. So as stated above character wallpapers will start very soon. This is also a place and a chance that I can feel safe about talking about my friend Cat. She knows all my other names and places. So this is one she doesn't know! Next post I'll start. So even though I still love my other this is a chance that those won't get over shadowed!
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