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New Zealand,Ak
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Summer Girl Friend
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Gin and Coke
Greening my site
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Maybe get an apprenticeship...
Painting pictures, painting models, painting in my head...
I bet I could have an anxiety attack on command.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Man I really suck.
But the NZ All Blacks don't! They beat South America by a narrow margin of 26-21. But enough of rugby.
My holiday away was pretty fun. I spent a buttload of money shopping in HK, right down to the last moments before departing for Singapore. And aside from shopping I saw my relatives, so I don't actually have anything particularly interesting to share, except maybe HK is as I remember it. Packed with people, hot and humid with some overly powerful air conditioning.
I hadn't realized I missed it. It actually does feel like home.
During the trip my relationship with Ryan definitely took a huge strain, seeing as we've never spent 24/7 amount of time with each other, where the only time alone and apart was when going to the bathroom. The funny part is that we arrive on a Friday and by Sunday night I was beating him with a Softimus Prime soft toy he had brought me earlier that day. Although the reason I was beating him with it probably wasn't so funny seeing as he was having trouble adjusting to the culture.... long story.
Singapore was fabulous. We stayed with Ryan's father and he lived in a condo complex. I spent half my time there in the outdoor poor, and got a some mad tan lines (not a good look) and went to Sentosa island which is basically a self-contained theme park island. Not nearly as exciting as it sounds, I guess I'm no good at appreciating the touristy part of life.
That's pretty much it. I came back, I went back to work at Dunkin' Donuts and am back in the throes of reality.
I'm sorry I can't be more enthused. I don't really want to be back. Not back at home in NZ anyway. Not to mention prior to the trip I had made an agreement with someone that when I get back that I'd deal with a few issues, except then I have (hopefully temporarily) buggered the relationship just yesterday by letting a simple question of "what are you up to tomorrow?" escalate into a horrible standoff and now my friend won't talk to me.
Man I really suck. I just made my guilt worse by going out the same night to go clubbing with some other friends and actually had fun.
I've apologized and I know I was in the wrong but I just want my friend to start talking to me again. |
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Argh, my feet.
Well, just a quick update on what's new.
I've got a got working full-time-ish at Dunkin' Donuts. It's not bad, the perks being free food and drinks while I'm working and then half price every other time. Making coffees are fun, though I still make them a bit watery ^^" but honestly, I don't even drink the stuff.
I also quite like the customers, it seems that people who come to buy donuts are generally civilised and nice people. Nothing like the customers that go into retail stores and are demanding and questioning.
Downside? Minimum wage and the sunstrike I get driving home in the afternoons.

Not to mention the traffic...
Other news, I'll be going to Hong Kong and Singapore next month!!!! I'll be spending about a week at each place. I'm going to be in Hong Kong as it will be my Aunty's wedding and visiting my bf's father in Singapore (he's partially in charge of helping build the first casino there... ever.)
Of mild interest, I've learnt how to play Yu Gi Oh. I've been playing for about 2 weeks now in preparation to enter a 2 vs 2 tournament on the 26th of May. I know! I feel like a nerd about it, I often wonder how Ryan persuaded me to partner up with him. So hopefully my fabulously dragon themed deck will kick ass.
Of anime related things, I've started to get into Trigun. Yes I realize by current standards, it's "like so last year" but hey, I don't have an excuse. |
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I actually use Pikachu,but I'm not compalaining ^_~
I rigged my answers >_> this colour matches my site better