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Friday, November 12, 2004


Okay, so I waaaaaaas originally going to bore everyone with an account of my lazy as day of sitting on my ass doing nothing since I didn't feel like studying and couldn't be bothered eating or even moving.. I didn't even want to sleep..

But yet, something has deterred me from that lameness that is the rantlessness of my day.

Maybe it was just me, but in the past.. three myO's I've visited I've run into... at least SIX POP-UPs and some really weird programme from some stupid place called "Crazywinnings" trying make my computer download some crap for installation. Then I kept getting bugged by some inane error telling me I have to say "yes to these components"


WHAT THE F----!??!1

Something is trying to screw up my already screwy computer. Somehow I feel that is very uneccessary :(

Putting that issue aside..

Sometimes I really wish I had a scanner then I could show you guys/girls.. people.. my really cool new piccy that I drew today ^_^ It was the first time in how many years of owning one of those wooden, poseable male models that I actually drew a picture of a guy from. Oooh... and it actually looks good because the person is in all the right proportions for once xP

That bit of news aside..

I was wondering how many of you have heard their own voices? What did you think of it?

I'm wondering because I just figured out today how to record sounds on my computer and was freaking myself out about how I sound.


it was... psychedelic. I don't think people were ever designed to handle hearing "Exactly" how their voices sound to other people.

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Thursday, November 11, 2004

   The point is that there IS no point

Well, my next exam isn't until Tuesday.. and I'm just not the type to study hardcore : /

Oh well.

I suppose the biggest tragedy of my day is that the spring in the hinge of my glasses frame broke so at the moment I'm typing blindly :P good thing I don't wear them when I go out..Ah, the perks of wearing contacts.

Bluey and Harriet seem to have come to a mutual agreement. Bluey sits in the corner and Harriet now sits on the highest perch in the most dominating position. I guess that works :3 Although it's interesting to watch, wonder what those two could be conversing about..

Unfortunately I seem to have made a record of 7 consecutive days of headaches *sigh* I can't even be bothered taking paracetemol for it anymore _ _u

I shall now distract you from the monotony of my post with an incredibly deeply meaningful questions, just as soon as I can think of one


Do you have soft toys you go to sleep with at night? 0__o"

And whatever litte stories you'd like to tell me about your furry unanimate friend :P

I do, I have many covering half of my single bed leaving me little room to roll.. eh, I love 'em.. I use to feel sorry for some of the soft toys I saw in second hand shops so I'd convince mum to buy them for me :3

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Tuesday, November 9, 2004


Well, I now own another budgie whom I have dubbed Harriet. And let me tell you, she is one crazy chick : / (pun intended)

Mum and I figured Bluey was getting a bit lonely after the inital tragedies of his first two girlfriends. Tweety (I know that's a male name but I assure you it was female u_u) died.. just died. Lord knows why.

Then Anna, oh my, she RAN AWAY.. or perhaps FLEW AWAY!! Poor Bluey was so heart broken by her callous actions he would stand day after day on the exact same spot she use to stand in some vaguely poor hope she may come fluttering back into his cage :(

Of course that's all in the past, and after it's been about a year since either of those ex-girl friends of his so we got a new one.


When I picked her out she was drinking out of a water bowl and having her butt pecked at by another male, but everytime he did so she would turn her head and squawk angrily. As soon as I spotted her I knew she would be quite the character and most likely what Bluey needed to spice up his Bachelor life.

What I hadn't planned was for him to be deathly afraid of her.

It's been about two days but to get around the cage to reach the food and the toys he'd rather climb around the sides than go near her. In fact there are times where he'd sit on the side quite a distance from Harriet and when she tries to approach he just nips and squawks aggressively : /

There was one time where she got close to him and it looked like she was trying to groom him but he was bending so far backwards away he nearly fell off his perch : /

Mind you I guess I haven't explained why she's a crazy chick and why I really don't blame him for being scared of her. Sometimes she acts strangely.. as in she'd stand quite firmly on her perch in the middle of the cage and flap her wings. She'd just flap. And chirp a bit. But just flap hard out.

*sigh* I have to admit it's rather funny to see Harriet follow Bluey from time to time and watch Bluey run away and they'd just go round and round the cage.

Oh well, I can only hope they learn to get along.

Aside from that, I really shouldn't be here at the moment. I have an important Chemistry exam tomorrow. Unfortunately I've barely been able to study the past couple of days since I seem to be suffering from chronic headaches.


Paracetemol isn't working very well either.

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Saturday, November 6, 2004

   Kenshin, thou art talented, fighting in flip flops

I am so tired.

I found that dad brought back a Kenshin DVD and he didn't even know what it was :O So I spent the last few hours watching it and.. aww... it was actually very heartbreaking without being too romantic. At least for my tastes, well for the most part it wasn't too mushy.

I actually found the initial fight scene so tense that I jumped when my dad walked into the room : /

Oh well..

Sorry for not updating but I just wasn't up to it. Last night was Guy Fawkes and basically the need for the fire department increases 100 fold as everyone in the neighbourhood sets off fireworks.

It was not a good night for me as I had a head ache -_-"

In fact I still don't feel very well..

As a closing paragraph I won't be able to update much over the next three weeks since I have my exams so wish me all the best!! But I will come by and visit your sites :)

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?

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Thursday, November 4, 2004

   Strange parent moment

I can't believe what my mother said to me.

Actually she was telling me how she'd be likely to do another little road trip around the southern part of the North island of NZ. And that reminded me of something, so I mentioned to her that Nick was going on one up to the very northern tip to Cape Reinga(sp?).

My mother's response...?

"You should go with him"


I just said.. 'I don't really like camping out'. Although the fact still lies there that she was actually encouraging me to go on a road trip with a guy she knows clearly likes me and with his friends that she's never meet before. Once again:


I'm curious, anyone really had strange parental moments? The kind where they say the most unexpected things...

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Tuesday, November 2, 2004

   I'm the Perfect Prefect

Prefect just looks like perfect but with the 'r' in a different place. I personally think it's intentional.

However, I must say I have put in my application to be a 7th form (Year 13) prefect at my school. What does a prefect do you ask?

I don't know.

:P Yes I seem rather silly applying for a year long commitment for school which I know little about. What I have heard about is this in nicely bulleted points:

-You wear a badge with the label "Prefect" on it
-You are a 'leader' of the school : /
-You sometimes go with the Deputy Principal to take detentionees around the school to pick up rubbish
-You help organize some school stuff like the 40 hour Famine

Yet somehow I believe it may involve more than this. The selection process is pretty tough though, apparently 134 people applied and 50 will be selected by a board of teachers then each person in the school can vote for up to 10 of those candidates of which only 30 are chosen.

Since there were so many people they decided to be harsh and you wouldn't be selected for having more than 2 detentions in a term (I have zero since I came to the school 3 yrs ago) or too many absences (zero for me this year, I might take the day off tomorrow, so tired :P).

How exciting.. school's out for me on Friday.. so sleepy, I really might take tomorrow off.

Oh well, I'm not worried about getting chosen since it'll look good on my CV in the future plus I was a bit of an ass in my application with comments like "I have orthodontically perfect teeth.. " in response to questions like "What are your strengths?"

^__^ I'm so silly.

Do schools in other countries have prefects?

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Monday, November 1, 2004

   Pineapple lumps=Chocolate covered pineapply flavoured chewy yellow stuff

Well, I thought I had updated but I guess I didn't : /

So anyway, the highlight of yesterdays trick-or-treating was really all the candy left over which I ate..mmm..

So after the initial little problem with the tiny little kid looking rather lost in my kitchen (read previous post) I got a whole bunch more afterwards.

I asked all of them if they had a trick for me but sadly :( none. That's so sad. So I ended up giving them candy so they'd go aw and stop being stupid on my doorstep.

Well, the best I got really was a randomish conversation:

BlondeFatBoy: Aw.. we don't have a trick.. hm.. oh wait! Look at this guy! He looks like a girl! Haw haw haw haw (yea, the "haw" is to accentuate how stupid I found him)
GuyWhoDoesn'tActuallyLookLikeAGirl: ..*shakes head*
BFB: Haw haw haw, I ruined your chances!!
GWDALLAG: hey?..whaddya mea-
BFB: Haw haw haw, oh wait you never had a chance to begin with haw haw haw

I quickly dished out the candy to shut him up and hoped that what piddling two piece I gave him would be enough to push his already obese weight into dangerously obese so he may die sooner of an obesity related diesease and rid us of his delightful existence.

He did not look like a girl, he just had long frizzy hair but was clearly of the masculine specie :P

Stupid candy grubbing kids and I noted that just about every guy that knocked were too well rounded. I was concerned about the one half my height but clearly carrying enough mass to crush me if i so denied him a sugary treat -_-"

Well, at least I got more than half the candy we started with.. muah ha.. ha hahahahahaHAHAH!!!!


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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Hallowenses

It is for me so there.

I just got my first trick-or-treaters and they're soo..so .s.so..so tiny.

One walked right into my kitchen.

None of them said "trick-or-treat"


Btw, you, yea you.. the first one to visit here are my 666th visitor ^_^

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Friday, October 29, 2004

   mmm.. yes, you there.. I love you ;)

I saw the second most beautiful thing on earth last night.

It's the U2 special edition ipod, I don't care for the U2 bit but it's gorgeous.

*sigh* and this here was the first most beautiful.

ipod photo.. mmm.. I need a job.

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Thursday, October 28, 2004

What on earth..

I can't believe I had a hair tie caught up in my hair =(

Aside from that my brother was being so weird. He sat down on one of our many computer chairs (his favourite one in fact) then goes:

Bro: WHAT THE HELL!?!??! *jumps off chair as if it had attempted to chew on his butt*
Me: ...
Bro: AWWW... WHy the hell did Dad have to go and fix it!! Why the hell did he do that?!?!?! Now it sucks!!!

Maybe I'm just a whiney person but I thought fixed problems were no problem : /
Oh oooh!!! I must share with you all about the most silliest thing I have heard in a very long time.

There's a guy I know, (quite well once upon a time but that's another issue altogether) and so he was having a really bad day for some reason (dunno why but it's alway something).

Two of his friends were hanging out with my friends and I on a particular day and we happened to be in the same place for awhile.

One of his friends noticed him there and went over to greet him, the other one didn't notice him at all.

Later that night some of my other friends made him go to church much against his will yet later he says he liked it because "he felt loved".. Stay with me, my story does get more interesting :p

So THEN even later that day, in fact at 2am the next morning he sends a mass text saying how he's giving up all his friends since they don't care about him in his s*** mood. Sounds like a hastily made decision.

A friend of mine was fortunate enough to be awake waiting for someone else to text and so tries to be nice to him asking him how he is, to talk about it since his friends are there for him. He gets iffy, sulks and doesn't want to talk about it.

Less than 24hrs after the inital "I'm giving up my friends" text he texts again telling everyone "I seem to have upsetted some people by saying that so I'll take it back"

0.o *laughs head off*

Note, that this whiney, pathetic excuse for a chunk of possibly sentient flesh is 19 years old.

What annoys me about this guy is how he always tries to make himself out to be a victim of his own life. It's always "*whine* my life sucks.. *whine* everything's falling apart.. *whine* my parents don't care about me.. *whine* I have HIV, I'm going to die.. *whine* my car sucks.. *whine* I'm fat, dumb and stupid"

Okay, so maybe the HIV bit is something to be somewhat unhappy about but certainly not worthy of using as a reason to restrict oneself to a life of mediocrity and depression.. is it?


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