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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

frying an egg
Well.. some how I've managed to sneak online again for a quick wordie :P Okay, so I haven't got meself a proper internet, nor have I been home for about a week, so until I do get home I can't exactly make the move to get internet for my computer.

Ah ha! The paradoxes.

Did I mention?

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Which means a brand new start to the year ^___^ The year of none other than the rooster.

Yes, well.. that was the first decent picture I could find in 20 seconds.

With the New Year in mind:

Hopefully tomorrow goes well and I will pass my practical driving test.

Hopefully I will lose my fear of Maths with Statistics (or math for that matter 0_o)

Hopefully I will have saved up enough moo-lah for an ipod by the end of the year.

Hopefully I will be successful in whatever I do, especially for my final exams in preparation for University.

Hopefully it'll be a kick-ass final year of high school because if it ain't.. well it would just suck wouldn't it?

And you know what?

While we're on the topic of hoping, I'll make a flight of fancy and hope I might meet some people that I know online IRL.

Now that is being wishy washy.

I like poptarts.. and kittens. Very difficult to stuff into toasters though XD

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