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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

I'm in a funk. So are a few of my friends. Unfortunately it's not a good funk as in 'play that funky music white boy' funk. It's a funk where I have a complete mental block and just go through the motions of the day without much care. I don't do my homework, I don't join in with my group of friends and I'm admittedly falling asleep in class. Actually the homework I do do is of pure s*** quality and my English teacher actually said that in a euphemistic fashion.

Teacher: *hands back paper* HH! Your work is absolutely terrible.
Me: *mouths an 'oh'*
Teacher: *hands paper to girl next to me* Jing! Your work is brilliant! HH! Look at her answers!
Me: *does face like the one next to the title of this post*

I so deserved that. However she can't kick me out of her creme-de la-creme class anyhow. She said to me upon my return to the Cambridge class that there's no way she was letting me leave the class and I'd be stuck there for the rest of the year. Lol, I guess no matter how crappily I do she can't go back on her word then :P

Lastnight, I got annoyed because I got half way through converting some wma files to mp3 but for some reason the stupid programmed crapped out on me and just quits everytime I try to do the conversion.

*makes face like the smiley next to post title, again*

I really need to get myself into focus again somehow. Damnit, life can get so damn apathetically suckful.
Just a quick question to spice up a pictureless post
What song would remind you of this year?

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