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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Every sha-la-la-la-la, every wo-wo-wo.. still shines~~
Meh, I went to the old folk's home today to visit them and stuff.

I met this really sweet guy called Ray and he was so lovely. He was telling me how when he was 30 and finally realized he should do something with his life he dated a girl about his age for 4 years. However at the end of it she felt they didn't make any progress and wanted to work towards marriage but he couldn't afford to do so as it was during the time of the depression.

The story ends with him riding away on his bike never to see her again : /

Then he started telling me about how he met his wife a few years after that.....

Argh, then we ran out of time I never heard the end of that story. He is so nice. Old, but nice. As in 93 years old. It's kinda weird to be talking to a man so near the end of his life when mine is still in it's beginnings.

Anyway.. Who wants to see photos of Nathan King from the kick-ass rock band Zed?? EVERYONE!!1
okay, so there are like 100something photos, so I'm just picking and choosing a few ^_~
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Here's Nathan King talking. To his right is our student representative.
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Here's Nathan King concentrating.
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Here's Nathan King getting the microphone handed to him by my English teacher, Ms Nasmyth. She is such a cool teacher.
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Here's Nathan King just looking.
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Here's the Bicycle Races people. By far my favourite act. They got best miscellaneous performance XD
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Here's Nathan King with the winner of best singer. He looks a bit old, but whatever.

He isn't old old. Just older. Oh well, he's still pretty damn famous!!!!! And you guys should go hear his music. A good song to hear is "Renegade Fighter". Wheeee....

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