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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Monday, May 16, 2005

   PANIC!!!!!!1 HYSTERIA!!!!!! WIGGING!!!!!!! OOOUT!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!1 I don't take injections well.. I do not want injections.. least of all the first in a series of three vaccinations.


STUPID "epidemic" of Meningococcal B going around. They are so flipping stupid. I mean, if it's really an epidemic and if 1 in 5 people really do have it then why hasn't at least 200 people in my school at the flipping hospital??? WHY!!!!!!!???

Oh God flipping pancakes.. I really am phobic about needles, quite uncontrollably so >_> it's quite shameful really. I'm not scared of anything, except I am disgusted by a lot of things, it's just that being faced with that stupid injection makes me want to cry.



And you know what's funny? Well, if you know who Jessie McCartney is then you'll know why it would be funny. If not, then here's a photo of him.
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Yes, he's a Californian pretty boy and NO I do not have a thing for him.

So, to my short funny story.

I had a delightful dream *sarcasm* where I had won a competition where Jessie would come out and visit me. He gets here and it's like.. hmm.. okay, cool I suppose and then he goes to school with me. He sat next to me in Chemistry and I distinctly remember thinking:

"Man, this guy is such a dumbass. He sucks at Chemistry >_<"

Not that it was a surprise. Still, what on earth was he doing in my dream? And most of all.. what the hell was he doing in my Chemistry class? And topping most of all, why would I enter a competition pertaining to Jessie McCartney??!

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