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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

   I'm so flipping excitable today!!
I mean if it weren't incredibly bizarre and quite possibly embarassing I'd bounce around and do a little jig where ever and whatever I did :P

Anyway, I have to say I played the most awesome badminton game that I have played since forever and well my team did win even though I had only 3 players left and had to get a replacement from somewhere random ^^"

Why it was me who had to have the most difficult singles game out of everyone else is beyond me. Actually it's not since I'm the first player.. but anyway I was completely losing (we were playing up to 15 points) and there was my opponent at 14 points and I was at 9.

I know I'm a terrible loser and I knew I could beat her and by the time I caught up to her 14-14 she wanted to set the game. Basically go over-time so we had to play up to 17 to decide on the winner.

Maaaaaan... I loooove nothing more than hearing my opponent pant like crazy on the other side of the net. Too bad for her that I BEAT HER!!! HAHAHAHAHA

*coughs embarassed*

Strangely enough my unscrupulous side does come out on the badminton courts, I've been known to say the most terrible things for example:

I'm on the sidelines cheering for my team.

One of my players cower in fear of the shuttle cock.

I moan.

She defends herself saying: "that girl was going to smash me!!"

Without hesitation I yell "SHE CAN'T SMASH!!"

Dude, my team seemed kinda stunned that I did that. In fact I got chided for being mean ^^" Then the opposing team got even more psyched out.

Yes I am terribly competitive at badminton. Probably a reason I stopped playing competitively :P I could never take losing very well.

In fact when I mess up I can't help but swear, mutter under my breath and have to stop myself from breaking my racket on the ground.

To think I've been playing badminton for fun!! ^^"" oh dear..
Aside from that I was doing a biology experiment and it's funny. I'm growing penicillium roqueforti and I'm trying to test the effect of the change of pH on it's rate of growth.

Note: trying

It didn't work at all probably because I couldn't change the pH of the actual potato dextrose and only added the pH solution on top since I could figure out no other way.

Basically my mould grew all over the place and got mouldy. As in some other mould invaded my mould and then some damned bacteria of yellow and orange proportions and..

It got quite colourful : /

If only I could figure out a better way. Ass, I need someone that is good at biology/chemistry stuff to help me.

Oh well.

So long people and take a free smile on your way out the door ^_~


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