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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Sunday, June 26, 2005

"it's alright, it's okay. I'll hold on today 'cause I'm waiting to see the starlight in your eyes"
Zed -- Starlight

Since I got up at 9:30am this morning til now, at about 7:04pm the music on my computer has been going non-stop. I guess that's what I like about random song selection and owning well over 20 hours of music :P And believe you me, that music isn't going to stop til I go to bed tonight at 10:30pm.

However, I'm not even sure why I'm updating because really I haven't done anything terribly exciting and nor have I thought of anything terribly exciting unless you count Hamlet as being exciting. Besides, all the jokes I heard today are too inappropriate as well ^^"

Ah well, I suppose the good news is I'm putting my skeleton back in the closet where he belongs. lol. He likes some other girl yet still felt the need to settle our differences; or as he put it "I didn't want you to hate me". There's nothing left to say.

Wow, my wrath must be more powerful that I thought.

Hahahahah!!! I sense an evil thought coming on...




(burps loudly)

*blush* oops, excuse me, I do believe that was actually dinner.

Anyway, YOU!! *Prods crumbling skeleton* You left a mess in my closet.. back in you go!! ^___^

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