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Thursday, March 6, 2008
Ah VV.....
It's very confusing but nice. ^_^
I wanted everyone to know that I shall now be posting my daily crap on my VV blog. Ok?
I must go now and try to figure VV out some more. ^_^
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Today I though I was going to DIE!!!!!! O.O
Let me explain....
So, my sister was driving me and my BFF home from school today, even though I said we should leave my friend behind because the roads were really icy and my sister is only 17 and my BFF lives on a bad driveway.
My sister said it was ok and we took my friend home.
Well, my sister decided we couldn't get out the way we came so my friend told us about another way out. We took that way.
My sister rounded a sharp corner, but couldn't make it because it was too icy and slushy.
We ended up ROLLING down a hill backwards!!!! I was soooo freaked out.
When we reached the bottom my sister tried to go back up, but couldn't we were stuck.
So, this nice guy whos drive way we were blocking came over and tried to help us.
I was outside helping him while my sister was pressing the gas pedal and calling our mother.
We tried and tired, but couldn't make it go up the hill.
We even had another guy plow away some of the snow.
While we waited for our mother I walked up the hill to see exactly where we were.
This mice doggie was there at the top and led me back to the car and kept me company.
I fell a few times......I was wearing tennis shoes!
Our mother walked down the hill and decided to leave the car there until the ice thaws a bit (the guiy said it was ok.) then we'll take it home or call a tow truck....
Fourtunatly my BFF live not too far from our house so we walked home.
My feet were freezing, my pants wet and my back was tired. (had to carry back pack.)
But we made it home!
I drank a large cup of hot coco.
On a lighter side I finished Pretties today!!!!!! OMG! It's soooooooo good!!!!!!! ^_^
I can't wait to read Specials!
I now hate Shay......
P.S. I WILL post Fun-chan's pic as soon as my dad fixes the scanner.....AGAIN!
maybe we need a new one....
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
No school!
Well school today is closed and I have spent half the day drawing a picture of a Mermaid. I was borad... I'll post it later..
Well, I've decided to take a few days off fighting with 19plugs. (she/he hasn't responded yet anyways)
*hits head against desk.* Why didn't some one remind me today is Fun-chan's Birthday???? I was gonna make her somethin.....
I guess I'll say, "Happy Birthday" for now and then I'll make her a pic sometime today.....
This weekend when I have lots of time I'm gonna try to upload my 2 TMM vids onto youtube. *crosses fingers*
Ok so I'll post chapter 5 now. ^_^
When Katelyn awoke her head hurt really badly. Where was she? Oh, yes in the cave. She opened her eyes and she was still in the cave it seemed, only added to the scene was a sword sticking out of what looked like a block of ice, only when she touched it, it was not cold. The sword was sliver, with a gold handle decorated with the star symbol from before. For some reason she longed to touch it.
She clasped her hand around the handle and it seem to instantly warm as if it belonged with her. She pulled on it with all her strength to see how stuck it was. To her surprise it popped right out causing her to fall onto the ground, the sword still clutched in her hand.
She heard a collective gasp.
She turned to see a group of people staring at her. A man who looked around 30, with dirty blond hair and pale greyish eyes and seemed fairly fit and dressed in 1920's clothing. Next to him was a woman who seemed slightly younger with dull brown hair and bright green eyes that shone with
intelligence, she was heavy with child and dressed in a similar fashion as the man only in a dress.
There were two children with them a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes, and a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. The boy looked 5, in brown trousers, a white t-shirt, and wearing a brown vintage paperboy hat and the girl looked about 9 wearing a plain brown dress .
There was a fairly plump African American who looked about 29 or so in a white long sleeved and black trousers. He was bald and staring at Katelyn like she was the bald one! Last, there was a young man about her age maybe a year older who had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a large version of the little boy outfit, but he had a sword hanging from his belt. Each of them except for the young man had a crystal around their neck hung by a thick black string.
She noticed they were staring mostly at the sword she was clutching.
“Uh.....Ops?” she said embarrassed.
“Do you know what you have done?” the 30 year old guy practically yelled at her.
“Uh.......I’m sorry it was an accident.”
“Well you strangely dressed girl you have removed the sacred sword of our Prince!”
“I said I was sorry! Look, one moment I was in a cave looking at this cool crystal with my friend, when we got sucked into it and ended up here! Now my friend is knocked out, I accidently pulled out this stupid sword, people are now yelling at me for said sword and now I’ve just figured out I’m not on Mount Everest any more!!!!”
They all looked at her as if she were crazy.
“Maybe I am crazy....” She thought.
“Where is this Mount Everest?” The woman asked.
“In Nepal, which is in Europe.” Katelyn replied.
“I’ve never heard of this Europe......”
“......Well can you tell me where
I am?”
“Why you are in Akabishi , the land of the crystals.”
“Well I’ve never heard of that.”
They heard a groan and turned around to see Hirashi waking up.
“Hirashi! Are you ok?!”Katelyn asked with a worried tone.
“Yeah, I’m fine......” he said.
He noticed the people staring at them.
“Uh.....who are they?”
“Well......uh.......I don’t
know......We haven’t reached the introductions yet......” she said taking a deep breath, “I’m Katelyn Brown, this is my best friend Hirashi Kishimoto we are explorers.”
“I’m David and this is my wife Elizabeth.” said the 30 year old.
“Charmed,” the pregnant woman said with a smile.
“I’m Joel,” The African American said with a silly grin.
“I’m Molly, and this is my little brother Tommy.” the young girl said.
“And last, but not least, I’m Jason.” said the last guy with the brown hair.
“As I was explaining earlier, you are in Akabishi , land of the crystals. Katelyn pulled out our Prince’s sword.” Elizabeth said.
Hirashi looked at Katelyn who was still clutching the sword.
“Why is that such a big deal?” Hirashi asked.
“Well, there is a legend that only the chosen woman can pull the sword out, and will bring back our prince who has been away for many years. They say the girl who pulls it our will fall in love with the prince and he will fall in love with her, and they will be married bring peace to our long suffering land.”
Now we are finally to the fantasy part! yay!!!!
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It's snowing! Yay!
It's snowing REALLY hard right now. That makes me happy! ^_^
UGH! That annoying person responded before I couls comment back. Here is how it went.
Another person agreed with 19plugs.
19Plugs: Thank you for agreeing. MewChero is being ******** (bad word)
Me:*rolls eyes*I don't care that it's not Tonks now all I care about now is 19plug being a big buttheaded jerk!You really need to take your own advice and let other have their own fantasies abot this vid.Even if it's NOT Tonks I can pretend it is.Cause Yaoi is freakin annoying IF THE CHARACTERS ARE NOT GAY!So, just drop it."To each of his own" right?I'm making a big deal about this because YOU are making mean comments towards me.If you had never made a mean comment I would never have kept fighting.
19plugs:Because you're being *****. You INSIST that it's Tonks when it's not. I believe you haven't really grasp the idea of "To each of his own" and to accept that you're wrong in the first place. That's what i'm mad about. Stop being a prick. You just want everyone to yield to your statement. You thought "Yaoi is freakin annoying IF THE CHARACTERS ARE NOT GAY" but others don't think so. You have to respect other people's pairings too. If you want to pretend that it's Tonks, then go on. But don't go on saying that it's not Sirius, IT'S TONKS. It pissed me off.
Uh news flah, if you had really read my post you would see I said I accept that it is Sirius even though it bothers me....
Me:YOU are not respecting MY feelings!Ok?! I KNOW it's NOT TONKS!!I don't CARE if people want to imagine Sirius and Lupin are Gay.I'm just stating MY opinion!You piss me off by making a huge deal abou this when this should have been over after MY first comment. Then you HAD to say I'm insensible.That's why I'm fighting back because you were mean to me first when I was stating my idea of what I thought the paring is."Respect other people's parings too."If you read my last post I don't care anymore!
She/he is yet to respond....
On a lighter note I finished Uglies! I LOVE IT! I can't wait to go to the Library to pick up Pretties. ^_^
*gives everyone hugs*
P.S. Thanks for comment about my background Kasa!!!
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Wow posting 2 days in a row!
Really I just want to blow off some steam..... So, there is this video on Youtube right?
It's about Harry Potter, and some one made a anime version about the books.
This person on there and I were having a fight over it
So, in the clip we see a character, Lupin and a mystery person. It all started with this:
19plugs:If at 0:37 and at 0:44-0:45 are Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, I think it have got a little bit of Shonen-Ai :3
Me:I'm thinking the other person in 0:44-0:45 is Tonks, and not Sirius...If you look closly the person is wearing a dress...Also it's probably refering to what happens in HBP with Tonks and Lupin... ^.~
19plugs:MewChero You shouldn't mess with rabid fangirls and their often unreasonable fan pairings. They just need a quick fix. Besides they're wearing wizarding robes -not a dress. Besides, the setting is during their school years. Don't worry. That's definitely SxR :D It's not just a fangirl comment. It's the truth... How is it possible that it's Tonks... Sometimes people can be so insensible..(that really hurt)
Me: All I'm saying if your pause it at 0:45...Lupin is not wearing school robes and the other person is wearing a black dress....Unless Sirius is a cross dresser I don't think it's him. Hasn't any one read HBP or Deathy Hallows?*Possible Spoiler* Lupin and Tonks are together.....If he was in love with Sirius he wouldn't like Tonks...
I'm not being mean I'm being truthful. Also, if you notice, 19plugs, this one takes place when Harry is at school. *note twins at beginning* Not James..
19plugs:This fanvid was added March 07, 2006. I watched Ran at DA. She made this somewhere in 2005. At 0:33, it was Lupin sitting looking very gloomy. Then it's Lupin and Sirius. But you're right about the Twins.. It could be a flashback of the marauders. And WE ALL know that Lupin got married to Tonk. Gee.. This is just a fantasy. No need to get all work up.. If that's really Tonk, i'd have say so.. But it's just not ok. Go ask the artist herself... Even the artist is pretty much a BL artist....
Me:Okay! Chill out I'm just not a huge fan of people paring characters together when it would never happen.If the author wanted them together(J.K.) then she would have done so. It's like with Naruto, people ALWAYS pair him and Sasuke up, when we know he likes Sakura.
It gets annoying."This is just a fantasy." The whole book is a fantasy.If you don't like my comments you fantisize that they are gone and let me have my fantsay of Tonks and Lupin.Listen to youself & keep your fantasy to ur self.
19plugs:NO. MY POINT IS IT'S NOT TONK. SO WHY ARE YOU SO HELL BENT ON SAYING THAT IT'S TONK? It's not essentially about pairings that would never happen D: It's A FACT that it's not Tonk. I'd have said it's Tonk if it WAS Tonk in the animation. I respect your het pairings but please respect others as well. Ever heard of "To Each of His Own"??? I don't care about SASUNARU. I support them and SHIKATEMA...
I'm yet to respond to that.... I'll think of something to say... Ugh! That person is soooooo annoying!!!!
*takes deep breath*
Ok so how are all of you?
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happy Sunday!
Oh how I wish that my stupid internet wasn't soooooo slow and I could up load my AMV's to YouTube..... *sigh*
This weekend (Actually Friday....We had it off from snow and ice...) I found some TMM clips and made them into an AMV and now I am working on another one.
The first one is the whole group with the song, "Savin' Me" By Nickleback.
The second one is all the mews and "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts.
*sigh* I'll figure it out someday!!!!! XD
In other news I realized I forgot to post chapter 4 when I said I would.... Seriously tell me if you like it truthfully w/comments cause if you guys are not going to read it then I'll stop posting it and my selfasteem will be shot. XD I'm kidding just be truthful. I love constructive critizism.
Here ya go:
Chapter 4
They had been walking for what seemed like hours in the beautiful blinding sun light, only pausing to take care of “business” and check their location.
Once they stopped to take in the gorgeous view and to briefly rest, for the air was getting thin and they were feeling drowsy.
They were glad that finally a cloud floated over to rid them of the glare, but they should not have been glad for the cloud, because it began to snow. The snow came down like a heavy blanket, covering the path ahead, and making it impossible to see.
“It’s a blizzard!!!” Katelyn shouted.
“No, I thought it was confetti!” shouted Hirashi sarcastically.
They spotted a wondrous thing! A cave! They could take shelter there until the storm ceased.
“Great......We’re stranded on Mount Everest in a cave in the middle of a snow storm.”Katelyn complained.
“Hey, this was your idea.”
“You’re right........I’m sorry.......We might as well explore this cave while we are stuck here.”
“Wait! Shouldn’t we make a fire?”
“You do that. I want to explore!”
So, Katelyn went off to explore the cave. She walked and walked. The cold and the cave seemed endless. As she walked on the cave seemed to suddenly get warmer, and at one point she wanted to remove her only protection from the cold, her coat.
She had done it. She finally reached the end of the cave. The end was not made of rock, but pale blue crystal. There were beautiful shining dark blue ones hanging form the ceiling providing light somehow. In the center of the round end was a beautiful crystal mirror on the ground. On each side of the mirror was a symbol. A star that looked like the Christmas star. Katelyn reached out and touched the star and it glowed. She blinked twice and shook her head.
“The heat must be getting to me....” She thought.
She pulled off her glove and held it over the mirror and was filled up with warmth.
“This must be the heat source.....”
Hirashi looked out the front of the cave at the sheet of snow being slammed to the ground by the wind. He turned and warmed his hands over the fire he so proudly made. It was a good thing he had packed extra wood last night when the stopped.
He pulled out his laptop once again and started to type.
Day 2
We got about half way up the mountain when a blizzard struck. We hurried into a near by cave and took shelter to wait out the storm. Katelyn went exploring while I stayed behind to make a fire to keep up from freezing. I hope-
Katelyn came running over and shut the laptop shut.
“Would you stop playing with your silly computer and come explore with me? I found something really cool!” Katelyn stated.
Hirashi stared at Katelyn in shock.
“You made me lose my document!!!!!” Hirashi cried out.
“You can rewrite it later! Come on!!!! Put out the fire and bring your stuff.”
“But we need the fire to keep warm!” he protested.
“Not anymore! Come on!”
Hirashi put the fire out grumbling to him self about how he worked hard on the fire. They grabbed their stuff and headed to where Katelyn had found the source of warmth.
“Wow! It’s-”
“I know! It’s warm! I was surprised too! It’s coming from the mirror.”
Hirashi looked at the mirror Katelyn had pointed to. He leaned in really close, Katelyn set down her backpack and did the same. He went to place his hand on the crystal surface, but instead of the solid cold crystal you’d expect, it was a warm liquid. It surrounded Hirashi hand warming him from his hand to his very soul. He was so busy immersing himself in the warmth he didn’t realize he was being sucked in!
Katelyn screamed, but it was to late, Hirashi couldn’t escape. Katelyn grabbed him around the middle trying to pull him back, but was too weak and ended up being pulled in too.
All that was left of the pair was Katelyn’s back pack.
Bum bum bum!
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm sooooo mad right now it's not even funny!
Ok so my sister had a meeting after school right? I was going to ride the bus, but the announcments said that it was cancelled.
Usally when this happens she takes me and my BFF home.
So, my friend and I were waiting, but she didn't come.
Normally this would be ok cause we have a late bus, but today it was on time.....
I was waiting for like 20 minutes for her....
I had to call my Dad to take me home.
Apparently she had another thing that she was going to go to if her meeting was cancelled....
She never told me that.....
She HAS a cell phone, but always has it off.
I mean what's the point of having one if you don't use it?!
UGH! I'm sooooo MAD at her....
In other news we are reading this book in school called, "Uglies" ....it's ok so far (on chapter 3)
I'll post chapter 4 today.... Tell me if you want me to stop posting it cause I will. It's a waste of space if no one reads it....
If you missed a chapter, then PM me and I'll send it to ya.....
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Picture plus chapter 2 and 3
 Beyond The Crystal Mirror Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Ugh...that pic took me forever to make.......
Before I start I want to say that if you like miss a few chapter from like not being able to get on or something....PM me and I'll send it to you if you want it.
Ok Chapter 2 and 3!
Chapter 2
So, Katelyn and Hirashi were off. They climbed and climbed stopping only to eat and relieve themselves. They went through a forest and hiked for a long time before they finally hit the snowy rocky part of the mountain.
“It’s starting to get late. We should set up camp now before it gets too dark.”Hirashi said.
Katelyn sighed.
“All right.” she said setting down her large bag pack.
Hirashi pulled out a tent and started to put it together. Katelyn started to build a fire.
“Hey, Kate?”
“What?” She said trying to get the fire to light.
“Can you help me?”
She turned from her fire pit to see Hirashi all tangled up in the tent.
She giggled and went over to help her helpless friend escape from the tangled mess he created.
A few minutes later they had their tent sent up and the fire roaring. Katelyn turned the tea kettle they had sitting over the fire. They were both wrapped up in thick blankets waiting for the water to boil.
The kettle screamed and Katelyn jumped into action pouring the hot water into two mugs with tea bags and two cups of instant ramen. They sat quietly eating their ramen and drinking their tea looking out into the cold winter night and the clear black starry sky.
“Wow.....” Hirashi said, “Just seeing the gorgeous sky this well without the city lights is worth this long trek up the mountain.”
“It sure is.”Katelyn sighed, “Well, I’m going to turn in. Make sure you put the fire out before you got to sleep.”
“Ok, make sure you used the battery powered thermal blanket I brought up.”
Katelyn put her ramen cup into the trash bag they brought, poured out the rest of her tea and crawled into the tent, into her sleeping bag and instantly fell asleep.
Hirashi watched her crawl into the tent. He turned back to the fire and pulled out his laptop and started typing.
Day 1
Katelyn Brown and I, Hirashi Kishimoto, have hiked about a quarter of the way up the mountain. We set up camp for the night and plan to leave early the next day to continue on our journey.
He closed his lap top shut and thought to himself about all the countless adventures he and Katelyn had been on. All those wild times since kindergarten they have had together. Even in high school when she could have been hanging with the popular kids she hung with him instead.
Yes, Katelyn was a wonderful person.
Chapter 3
When the sun rose the next morning Hirashi was already making breakfast. Katelyn crawled out of the tent seeing that he was already awake shrieked and went back into the tent.
“What’s wrong?!” Hirashi asked opening the tent flap.
Katelyn clutched the flap shut.
“Don’t come in here! I have horrible bed head!”
“Oh, come on!”
“Stay back you here me?!”
“Alright, alright.”Hirashi said turning back to the oatmeal he was cooking.
A few minutes later Katelyn came out with perfect hair.
“What was all the fuss for?”Hirashi asked.
“No one, I mean no one ever sees me before I brush my hair in the morning.”
Hirashi rolled his eyes and then pulled out two bowls and filled them with oatmeal. He handed one to Katelyn and then started to eat his own.
Katelyn added sugar to hers, thanked Hirashi and ate hers as well.
After breakfast they packed up and resumed hiking up the mountain.
A few hours later they stopped for lunch.
“Hey, Hirashi how far are we?”
Hirashi pulled out his laptop and started typing.
“Aren’t you glad I brought this now?”
“Yeah, yeah......Tell me where we are!”
“We’re about half way up the mountain.”
A message popped up on the screen, but before Hirashi could read it Katelyn shut it.
“Hey! That could have been important!”
“Too bad! Let’s go!”
Little did they know that pop up was a warning.
To be continued....
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Friday, February 15, 2008
I finally fingured out what to name the two most important characters in my story. ^____^
I decided to go with Katelyn Brown(yesh it's kinda boring last name...) for the girl and Hirashi Kishimoto<-(to honor my fave Manga-ka)....
I still don't have a name for the prince.... *sigh*
I just posted a piture for my story...kinda like a cover. When it's up I'll paste a link. ^_^
I'm going to post the first chapter today!
But first I wanna say that, I didn't have school! ^_^ The teachers were all at meetings so that means a 4-day weekend!!! ^_^
Enough random stuff now here is my story.
I Hope your enjoy "Beyond The Crystal Mirror" Book 1 "The Crystal Water Fall":
Chapter 1
It was a chilly day in the country of Nepal. A young explorer of 23 was waiting for her assistant to arrive with their gear. She was about 5ft 6in high and had long mid back light brown hair pulled into a pony tale, brown eyes and nicely tanned skin. She was dressed in jeans, a thick blue winter coat and matching hat, scarf and gloves. She had on hiking boots and was sitting with her legs crossed on a snowy bench. Now some may call her pretty, but her beauty was unmatched by any at her old High School.
“I’m sooooo bored......” She sighed.
Just then a young Japanese man dressed in a huge orange winter coat, winter pants and snow shoes ran up to her huffing and puffing carrying a ton of stuff. He had short slightly spiked black hair and black slightly smallish black square glasses that framed his blue eyes. He was very pale and seemed like the type of guy who lives with their mom and would stay locked up in his room all day playing games on his computer. He was shorter than his partner our young explorer and had been best friends with her since the days in the sandbox.
“I’m *huff* Sorry *huff* I’m late! *huff*” He said gasping for air.
“You wouldn’t be so tired out if you didn’t bring all that stuff. You could leave behind some of your technology.” She said impatiently.
“ No way! We would get lost without my technology. We’ll need it if we are going to climb the world’s tallest mountain. Why do you want to climb it any ways?”
“I always wanted to climb Mount Everest ever since I could remember. Besides it sounds like fun.”
“Yeah if you think getting hypothermia is fun....”
“Stop complaining you volunteered to come with me.”
“Only because you guilted me into it by using the, ‘We’ve been best friends since kindergarten!’ card and the, ‘I can’t do this with out you, Hirashi!’ card.”
“I did no such thing. Besides with you along I know we’ll have the latest technology to help us survive. ” she said crossing her arms
“ Whatever you say, Kate. We better leave now if we want to make some distance up the mountain before we have to set up camp for the night.”
It's a short chapter....
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy V-day!
Well I just want to wish you all a Happy Valentines day!!!!
 Ariel And Eric- Valentines Day Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Yay!!!! Enjoy!
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