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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
No school
Yesterday and today we are out of school for snow/ice.
I ish sooooooo board waiting till you all get home so I can talk to someone!!!
Last night I had this awesome dream that got me thinking about this awesome fantasy story.
I have it all worked out, but I need names.
I have some picked out, but cannot decide which to choose.
Ok so for the main character who is a girl who loves to explore I have:
Mine: Protector
Amaya: Night rain
Kiryo: Traveler
For the kinda nerdy guy who is her bestfriend and assitant so far I have:
Hiroshi: Generous
Shen: Deep thinker
That's all I got if you can think of anything better tell me.
Also, I need a name for the Prince in my story so if you can help that would be great.
I may even reward you all with new art.
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Yay! New temp. theme!
I will only have this theme for this week.
I want to change my icon, but my button has vanished!!!!!!!!!!
Does everyone else have their's????
Should I report that?????
Oh and take a look at the vid I'm featuring!!!
Tell me if you like the theme!
It's heartastic...
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sorry I havn't posted lately
Well I've been busy reading these two AWESOME books....
Inkheart and
I think Inkheart is being made into a movie.
Well the books are realted to each other and are about a girl and her father who can read characters out of their books.
EX: They read Peter Pan and Tinker Bell comes to life.
So, what happens is that Meggie(the girl) and Mo(her dad) accidently read this evil character out who then tries to take over the world.
Don't want to spoil what happens so.....Go read the books!!!
I'm going to try to get a Valentines Pic up soon.
Oh and can any one suggest my next theme? (Itachi was really just a tester...)
I think I will do a valentines theme for this week while I try and figure out my next theme.
Even though I don't have a boy friend of my own I might as well celebrate those who are lucky enough to have one.
Well tell me what you think!
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Thanks to everyone who looked at my pictures
I really love the comments and votes. It makes me happy. XD
*takes a deep breath*
I already said this on a comment on my "Subtle Knife" picture, but I'm upset and will repeat it....
Uh...I'm a Christian.... and I read the "His Dark Materials" series...
It may say that the church is currupt in the story (read all three) BUT it's still a good series.
I being a christian can take some critisism and also enjoyed The Da Vinci Code and it did not bother me.
A good Christian will not care(If it does bother you I'm sorry...I'm just miffed that Max person told me that Christians cannot read it while I am one....). Philip Pullman is on the top 100 Best British authors, #9 right before J.K. Rowling.
So apparently this series is pretty good. They also made a movie.
Besides it doesn't get really bad(against the church)until towards the end of the book. Also it is not tottaly focused on that.
That's my bit of complaining.
It just makes me mad when people say that Christians cannot read certain things....
As long as I don't fall for it and believe in it it'll be ok.
I watched The Da Vinci Code, but think they whole story is a bunch of crap.
It's like just because at school they teach you about evolution and you READ about it does not mean you believe in it.
Ok...I'm done...
Hope you all are doing well!
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Monday, February 4, 2008
Yay! New art!
Well, I finally got some new art I just posted and later today or tomorrow, I will post links to my new art.
I'm feeling soooo much better than I had been feeling.
Well I can't really update too much now.
I have to finish my book report!
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Friday, February 1, 2008
*cough* X_X
I'm dead......
Today I felt sooooo sick when I woke up this morning and I slept till 10.
(We had the day off. Too much ice)
So, when I should have been having fun reading and drawing I was dead on the couch surrounded by tissues watching a marathon of America's Next Top Model season 6.
I hate being sick....
But now I'm feeling better.
My mother says it's just a bad cold.
I hope she's right....
I'm going to go read "The Giver" for english class now....
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Monday, January 28, 2008
My scanner works now...
 Little Chero Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Um.... I'm really sleepy and my head hurts...
Our english teacher gave up a packet for a test that had 48 question!!!!
They were all short answer/ extended response! @.@ *dies*
I barely got it finished today.
I had to use up my presious study hall time to finish it.
And the class is 1 block whish is like 2 class periods!!!!!
T.T And it was hard...
I think I failed it...
At least I finished it....
I hate my stupid English 9 Honors class.....
Why did I have to be so gifted in English?
Atleast Spanish is easy....
I love spanish....
1. Does your English class suck?
2. Is it hard?
3. Do you have block scheduling?
4. Are you taking a language
5. If so which one?
6. My spanish name is Catalina....
7. *hugs* Will you look at my picture?
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Friday, January 25, 2008
*kicks Scanner*
My scanner was working again, and now it's not!
I have a really cute pic I drew in Social Studies and I wanted to post it!
I'll tell you what it is ....
It's a pic of Chero when she was little in a white dress with black tiger stripes...
She is holding a white tiger plushie! Sooooo cute!
Well that's what I think atleast...
Hope you all feel the same way when I FIANALLY get it on...
P.S. I made up with Tessa! BFF's!
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I'm soory for not ging you credit Kasa-chan. Thank you for talling me how to make a theme. Um...
I'll pick out a new theme soon. Don't worry.
We had a 2 hour delay cause it was too cold for the whimpy children to wait outside for the bus. Most of the one who had to leave when it's cold are
A. High Schooler or
B. Middle Schooler.....
*rolls eyes*
In other news my BFF Tessa, whom I have been friends with since 1st grade(Ish a Freshmen)is angry at me.
The reason why is I'm a good person!
....Ok so we had this paper on the info about our SSR book due on Friday.
Which was just typing the Genre, author, copyright date, and publisher...
So she didn't turn her's in on Friday and Today she comes up to me and says,
"If I call you and tell you what to type will you type that for me?"
I'm like WHAT?!
So, I say, "No. Do it yourself."
"My printer is broken!"
"You should have done it during study hall"
"I forgot to get a pass."
"That's not my problem."
"Please do it for me!"
"NO! If you don't do this you'll never succeed in life and when you get a job and do this then you will get fired for not doing your own work."
"I CAN'T do it!"
"You had all last week to do it!"
"Come on!!!"
"Go to the library and do it! They have a computer lab."
"My parents wont take me!"
Then she stormed off angry at me and me angry at her.
Tell me did I do the right thing?
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Monday, January 21, 2008
I finally have a theme!!!
It's ITACHI!!!!!
Well my theme shall be complete once I find a sutible Itachi Icon....
I also have a Itachi related Vid up top that you should watch. ^_^
Well, let's see is anything else going on?
OMG! I just want to say Saturday's combo of Naruto episodes made me cry.
Poor Naruto! Sasuke is such a jerk!
What tottaly got me is when Sasuke says, "What are you?"
And Naruto says, "Your Friend."
Then the water work came.
My mother was like, "If that show is going to make you cry then maybe you should stop watching it?"
"NEVER!!!!" I said with a tissue clutched in my hand.
Well that's it for now.
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