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Friday, January 18, 2008
Some changes
I changed my pic and part of my intro and my vid. So go and take a look. Um....I'm experimenting with my background and what not....
That's it for now I guess. ^.^;
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I'm soooo happy my scanner works now!!!! ^_____^ So here is the pic I made forever ago.
 Finals-late Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Oh and don't forget to look at my comic! ^_^
Well let's see..... Is any thing going on right now? .....Not really.... Hmmmm...........*shrugs* TTYL!
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
I don't wanna!
I don't want to go to my sister's concert tonight! I wouldn't mind it if it was at the school(we live really close), but it's like and hour drive away. My mother wants me to support my sister, so i have to go hear her be perfect at playing the claranet. It makes me soooo mad that she is such a perfectionist. She gets straight A's and is like a musical genius, she can play not only the claranet, but the alto sax, the piano and the bells.....I on the other hand cannot play music to save my life, I can play two songs on the piano, Can You Feel The Love To Night? and A Whole New World....*takes deep breath* *lets it out*
Anyways, I got my Spanish name this week! It's Catalina. ^_^ Yay!
Also, I'm reading the Golden Compass and it's really good so far.
1. Are you a perfectionist?
2. Do perfectionist bother you sometimes?
3. Do you have musical talent?
4. Have youu seen the movie The Golden Compass? If so I'm jealous!
5. Have you read the book?
6. My scanner is stupid....
7. I'm in an art slump too...
8. those were not questions...
9. *hands out Naruto character of your choice plush dolls*
10. Can any one help me figure out how to make a theme for my site?????
That's it for now!
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
New semester
Well, we started our new semester one Thursday and I am now in Spanish! Sweet! It's sooo fun so far!!! ^_^ I love it. English is horrible cause the teacher is just horrible, she gets 5 points for having 4 volumes of Naruto and one of FMA in her room, but other than that she's not very good. She assigned us a group project on Friday and it's due Tuesday and we only get to work on it tommorrow! And my group got the worst topic!!!! Stupid Romantic Period!!! Ugh I hate being in Honors English and stupid Edgar Allen Poe! Well in other news I got a new Naruto book! Yay!!!! Plus, I got a total Naruto magazine and it came with a free Itachi trading card inside!!!! ^_^ *hugs Itachi card* Plus, it came with a poster and I hung it up beside my bed. ^_^ Well I hope you all are having a better time in English(if you have it) than me.
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
I haven't been on for a while my sister has been hogging the computer, I should never have gotten her Zoo Tycoon 2.....*sigh* Well my Christmas was wonderful and I hope all of yours was too! So let me wish you the best in the up coming year and hope that my scanner starts working again soo! ^_^
P.S. This is really short... Maybe soon I'll write a looooong post! ^_^
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Monday, December 24, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!....Well Sorta
Tomorrow is Chirstmas! And since I will probably not be on then I want to wish you a Joy filled Christmas! I hope you all find the true meaning of Christmas if not already found. To me this year I feel that the true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus came here to us to light our path so we could find our way back from sin and saving us from ourselfves. So, Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
My gosh I'm sooooooo tied!!!! I took all my Finals today and I'm soooo sleeeeeeepy!!!!! Well I wanted to drop by and say I think I did ok. Math I'm not too sure about, but Bio and Life Skills I'm sure I passed! Well Chero has drawn a comic and a pic she will post soon... She drew them after she finished her Bio test...My Bio class is a block and 1/2 which is 2 hours and 15 minutes. The good news is I'm done with Math for the rest of the year!
*Goes to sleep*
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm stressing out here!!!!!!!!!! T.T I have three final's on Thursday and I'm going to FAIL!!!!!!!!! Well I might pass my Bio and Life Skills one, but probably not my math one.... Gah! Why put them all on the same day?!!!!! I girl can only take so much studying!!! My brain is going to explode!!!
......Oh and I just got done posting my Christmas pics..... Um....TTYL!
~Chero~ O.O....X.X
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hello all!
I'm sorry I've yet to post my chrstmas pics...I've been busy. ^_^; Well yesterday was my Birthday! I'm happy cause I got a computer game called, "Murder on the Orient Express" it's based off a book by Agatha Christie. (She rocks!) Also, I got Pj's, 20 bucks from my uncle and THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE!!!! My dad bought it for me right after it was put out. (Works a night shift) I'm soooo happy! ^_^ But I'm also nervous about my finals next week.... O.O
Well TTFN!
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Friday, December 7, 2007
No School again!
Well yesterday we had a 2 hour delay and today no school! ^_^ I'm happy cause I got two Christmas pictures done!!!! One NMG one and another random one. ^_^ I'll post them tomorrow. I'm sooo happy!
How are you all?
Well talk to yall soon!
P.S. I really need to stop watching TV shows where people have Southern accents....
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