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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Picture plus chapter 2 and 3
 Beyond The Crystal Mirror Hosted By
Ugh...that pic took me forever to make.......
Before I start I want to say that if you like miss a few chapter from like not being able to get on or something....PM me and I'll send it to you if you want it.
Ok Chapter 2 and 3!
Chapter 2
So, Katelyn and Hirashi were off. They climbed and climbed stopping only to eat and relieve themselves. They went through a forest and hiked for a long time before they finally hit the snowy rocky part of the mountain.
“It’s starting to get late. We should set up camp now before it gets too dark.”Hirashi said.
Katelyn sighed.
“All right.” she said setting down her large bag pack.
Hirashi pulled out a tent and started to put it together. Katelyn started to build a fire.
“Hey, Kate?”
“What?” She said trying to get the fire to light.
“Can you help me?”
She turned from her fire pit to see Hirashi all tangled up in the tent.
She giggled and went over to help her helpless friend escape from the tangled mess he created.
A few minutes later they had their tent sent up and the fire roaring. Katelyn turned the tea kettle they had sitting over the fire. They were both wrapped up in thick blankets waiting for the water to boil.
The kettle screamed and Katelyn jumped into action pouring the hot water into two mugs with tea bags and two cups of instant ramen. They sat quietly eating their ramen and drinking their tea looking out into the cold winter night and the clear black starry sky.
“Wow.....” Hirashi said, “Just seeing the gorgeous sky this well without the city lights is worth this long trek up the mountain.”
“It sure is.”Katelyn sighed, “Well, I’m going to turn in. Make sure you put the fire out before you got to sleep.”
“Ok, make sure you used the battery powered thermal blanket I brought up.”
Katelyn put her ramen cup into the trash bag they brought, poured out the rest of her tea and crawled into the tent, into her sleeping bag and instantly fell asleep.
Hirashi watched her crawl into the tent. He turned back to the fire and pulled out his laptop and started typing.
Day 1
Katelyn Brown and I, Hirashi Kishimoto, have hiked about a quarter of the way up the mountain. We set up camp for the night and plan to leave early the next day to continue on our journey.
He closed his lap top shut and thought to himself about all the countless adventures he and Katelyn had been on. All those wild times since kindergarten they have had together. Even in high school when she could have been hanging with the popular kids she hung with him instead.
Yes, Katelyn was a wonderful person.
Chapter 3
When the sun rose the next morning Hirashi was already making breakfast. Katelyn crawled out of the tent seeing that he was already awake shrieked and went back into the tent.
“What’s wrong?!” Hirashi asked opening the tent flap.
Katelyn clutched the flap shut.
“Don’t come in here! I have horrible bed head!”
“Oh, come on!”
“Stay back you here me?!”
“Alright, alright.”Hirashi said turning back to the oatmeal he was cooking.
A few minutes later Katelyn came out with perfect hair.
“What was all the fuss for?”Hirashi asked.
“No one, I mean no one ever sees me before I brush my hair in the morning.”
Hirashi rolled his eyes and then pulled out two bowls and filled them with oatmeal. He handed one to Katelyn and then started to eat his own.
Katelyn added sugar to hers, thanked Hirashi and ate hers as well.
After breakfast they packed up and resumed hiking up the mountain.
A few hours later they stopped for lunch.
“Hey, Hirashi how far are we?”
Hirashi pulled out his laptop and started typing.
“Aren’t you glad I brought this now?”
“Yeah, yeah......Tell me where we are!”
“We’re about half way up the mountain.”
A message popped up on the screen, but before Hirashi could read it Katelyn shut it.
“Hey! That could have been important!”
“Too bad! Let’s go!”
Little did they know that pop up was a warning.
To be continued....
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