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Monday, January 21, 2008
Guess who has a day off...
w00t Mondays rule when you don't have school! ^_______________^
Well...I have to apologize because I disappeared again ^^; Gomen-Nasai...
We had finals and I had some emotional problems...hehe V_V
So here I am! Again....*sigh*
I am working on a new piccy! I hope to maybe break 10 votes (-_\\) ung...
Oh...Go and check out my friend from school! Her username is cookiebunbun
She is amazing and her art is better than mine! O_O
Talk to you guys later...
Fed up with life...
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Piccie!
 Magical Girl By Genniesss Hosted By
Hey everyone! I can only be on for a few minutes but I have some new art please go check it out!
I will update tomorrow ^_^
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
I'm not mad like my mood icon XD
Wells...It seems I have disappeared for another week...O_O Gomen!
I was a bit disappointed to come back and see only 5 votes on my piccy...but oh well ^_^ I will just have to work harder =3
I went back to school...first week back since winter break...-_\\ not fun...*hiss*
I had to wake up early and do homework =P
We got our plan test result thingys back...I got a 27/32 =P...I guess that's good though ^^;
Umm...I have some new art! ...but it isn't ready to be posted T_T...They are some of my original charaters ^_^ there's...
~Amimi (Misa)-She's a vampire O_o
~Tsukichi (Trish)- Alchemist ^_^
~Tsuyomi (Yomi)- Ninja +_+
Those are the three I have so far =3
Do you think you know the most perverted people ever?...You have never met the table I sit at 5th period if you answered yes....-_\\
At that table anything can turn perverted....It's kinda amusing...but annoying at the same time
Well....I should be able to get around to sites today seeing as I don't have a tounament ^_^
We will see how this goes hehe...*innocent smile*
Loves ya guys! ^_^
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
NEW ART! SQUEE! the first one of this year!
 Hello Again! =3 Hosted By
uhh i worked so hard on making this the best i could! i have been working so hard! please just go check it out! ^_^
well i had practice for bowling today...uhh i kinda stunk hehe ^^; oh well!
nothing else really happened today ^_^
so thanks for visiting!
love ya guys so much!
*super huggles*
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Sunday, December 30, 2007 it safe?
*peeks out from corner*
hehe...hello everyone!
gomen-nasai for leaving you all for so long...T_T i feel horrible...
ano....lets see...a lot has been going on lately ^^;
X-mas was good ^_^
i got...
~the nintendo wii =3
~photoshop cs3 O_o
~a wacom tablet *le gasp*
now i am not spoiled or rich...i just got lucky...and i got my b-day presents early XD...T_T no b-day for me..but its worth it ^_^
i should be on more now that i have photoshop ^_^ i love using it...its fun hehe!
i am currently on my second week of winter break and i am enjoying being a bum! yess!!!
i went bowling earlier this morning ^^ the lane conditions were horrible and i didnt do so good hehe ^^; and i have a tournament coming up soon for the high school team =P
oh and i pulled another muscle...hehe this time it was around my im wearing another ace bandage....but ill be ok by saturday! (thats when the tournament thing is)
im sure you will all be happy to hear that i have been keeping up with drawing ^_^
i should post some art soon! yayz!
uhh...yea thats really it...hehe i think thats long enough too...XD
i should be able to get around to visiting a few sites today! ^_^ w00t!
hehe heres a little tablet practice i did yesterday! ^_^
hope you like it!!!
love ya guys!
~sammy *huggles*
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
well....i have a myspace!!! XD finally right?

Clicky the piccy!!
add meh!
well for an update check out my other site
or pm me there!
love ya!
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Monday, October 15, 2007
ish already up O_O
 Happy Birthday Sayura-chan!! Hosted By
hehe i just submitted this like....half an hour ago! XD i got so lucky!!
well please wish sayura-chan a happy birthday!! ...again! XD
hee hee your birthday is never going to end sayura-chan XD XD
love ya guys!
p.s. sorry for the messy-ness again ^^"
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
 Hello Devil, Welcome To Hell! Hosted By
well some new art and check out my post on sammy54messages ^_^ whoo!
please at least look at my piccy 0_0 =3
love ya guys!
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Monday, October 8, 2007
day off
 ~joann~ =3 Hosted By
hey guys! i only have about 5 mins to talk to i decided to post up some new art ^_^
thanks everyone! see you saturday hopefully!
love ya!
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Friday, October 5, 2007
*scardly peeks out of hiding place*
^_^ hee hee!
hiya everyone! didya miss me?
well im home for the weekend!...oh wait thats a lie im leaving again tomorrow afternoon...-_-
well anyway i dont have much to say seeing as how boring i am...
well i hav some art that i got done! but i dont think im going to post it yet ^^
oh and my gf is so amazing! she came to see me everyday! sometimes even with chaos-kun!
chaos-kun brought me some piccies to color! they were so cute! and senpai (my gf) brought me ice cream! and i even saw eli! she brought me a chocolate muffin ^_^
well other than that ive been doing well in school or so i heard! im getting a 100% in science O_O and an A+ in geometry! im so proud! T_T i would have never thought i could do it!
well im sure i missed quite a lot huh? soo...
question time!!
1.did i miss anything? what did i miss?
2.did you miss me?
3.are you curious as to why i was gone?
4.hugs? cookies? more? O_O
5.anything i should know? are you doing? i missed you guys!
7.request to whoever can tell me my gf's name...hehe i havent told anyone who she is so onee-sama you prolly wont get this XD ..sorry...that was uncalled for...
^///^ well ta ta for now! i would love to hear from you guys! so see that little thing just below this post that says "comments" click it!! XD
thankies everyone!
love ya!
p.s. if you want me to hear from you before i leave comment before 3pm tomorrow! ^^ if not i wont hear from you until next weekend O_O
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