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Mew Lemon
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Favorite Anime
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Tokyo Mew Mew, Brishoujo Sailor Moon
to get better at my art and coloring
drawling coloring, collectings things
..sorta coloring.
Welcome to my ..empty page of nothing...Nya~.
Friday, November 23, 2007
So how was everyones Thanksgiving, Hope everyone had a splendid one.
I ate so much My wannabee Diet flew out the window lulz.
than I past out on the couch for an hour, then went back home.
Grandma's cooking never fails of the ebst things to look foward to after thanks giving is...dun dun dun, TURKEY STEW!!
Yum Yum! I really can't wait, it's so delicious
Christmas Is right around the corner also, I can't wait for that either, not sure what I want besides Scrubs season 6 dvd..Thats all I can think of, I`ll be aappy with just that too~
Currently working on a new layout on a layout for my Sailor Senshi site~
Ahh It's in need of a update badly..then again all sites I start need an update, but I will probally never get around to updating them all lol.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Ley me Catch you on what my life has been like since I last posted here.
So I`m out of school for good until I can get into collage.
My Grandpa died..
two of my pets died.
My mom got out of jail, and had another baby.
Since about Feb. I has ultra bad side pains and fainlly went to the the doctor in september for it since It was getting to the point I was throwing up.
turns out I have an Enlarge Ovarian cyst on my right side.
I should go on birth control But I don't want to because I`m afraid to, and my family might look down on me like I`m a whore of some sorts, even though it's medical, my mom talked about my other sister who went on BC lowly, and I don't want the same.
me and my boyfriend have been ultra rocky.
Life just sucks
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Guess WHAT!

Thats really all this journal is about, I`ll post a little bit of information, but If you can, it's way easier to go to my DA page and read my journal there.
For My Contest You Can Enter Two Image and chose out of three catagories
Tokyo Mew Mew
You can draw any of these, or all.(main wan'ts for The Contest)
Mew (r)Lemon/ Kioko Remon Toshi
Mew Green Apple/ Suki Aoi Appuru
optinal Chracters
Kenji Hakkin
Aisu Shippou- Mew Aisu (Ice) - will have refrence up soon-
and random people, Like Natsumi or someone that goes and makes small appreances in the story, refrences will be up soon Lawl.
Couples go like this sorta
- Kioko/Kenji
-Aisu/Kioko (they don't really get together though)
-Suki/Kioko (never really Happen, though Suki wishes haha)
Kenji is hte blue haired one. I have no Refrences for Aisu right now.
second Catagorey thingy
Mahou Shoujo Blazing Vesta
inferno form
animal form is a brown fox-
-Numbah 3-
Artifical Destiny
Though, there Outfits Change alot, so you can Dress them up any way you want,
Rimiko is Seventeen year old,Green Eyed, Pink hair spazz who gets easy afraid, and hates change, Her body appearnce is unshaplly, and as Shugo would call her a "stick", she usally holds a Short temper when it comes to Shugo.
Shugo is Rude Sarcastic and hard to get along with, He's 19 and is pretty anti-social to most.
The Braclet is an old, thought be unuseable battle artifact, that can reacted to the host's emotions to change into almost any weapon, or whatever the host wants, for some reason it reacted to Rimiko, and refused to come off of her, and also protects her when she seems to be in danger, if she knows it or not. (I`m not givving any more spoilers..meeeeh)
Just make sure Rimiko has that braclet on her Wrist (either one is fine)
1st prize will be a Mini Manga of your OC's or own Creations, All you have to do is give me a story to follow, the Max number of pages is 20, but will also have a cover page (so 21 pages really) You have the max of 3 OC Characters. If you don't want that, you can have a Full colored picture with a background with a max of 6 Chracters.
2nd prize- Either a 10 page Manga with 2 Charcaters, or a full colored picture with a max of 3 Chracters.
3rd a full CGed image with a max of 2 Chracters.
Bonus 4th- a marker colored picture of one of your mews.
Contest Prizes have to be keep pg-13 or lower haha.
Group Pictures would be loved, Colorfull things are also frekin awesome, please wait for refrences, if you want.