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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
WEll Thanks Giving is almost here...yay...Gobble-Gobble
I don't really reply back to my messages..I`m not taking request people. might do Gift art though. so yah...DONT ASK FOR IT..I`ll computer slap you!
yay I`m trying to keep active on this site, everytime I do..I go away again, OMG JINX...
Nothing really to say right now..so yah...Thank you all for the images of Lemon and Green Apple
AHH forgot to say
I`m making a list of people who might want to make a Small TMM Otaku comic Site, If you want to be in it you have to -
Be an Alright Artist
At Least update the your comics ever 2 weeks
have good and funny Ideas
and a Geocities Account just for you to make your page for the site.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006

I`m currently being inslaved at school, and havent found time to draw Lemon or company, so sorry for the lack of work posted, I am working on many other things though, that need to be worked on despratly, so even when i find time, it won't be used for lemon.
peace out`
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Monday, July 24, 2006
And All that Jazz~
I`m busy...enough said, Well not busy, Just lazy.
I Am stock full of things i need to do, Like get Lemon's site running, work on her Manga, I have a pile of Trades to do and Finish.
I don't know, I guess I can squeeze a few Slots open, and Make roon for a FEW request/Trades.
but...You have to read a few things..
First, The mew will have to be an OC, I don't want to do Ichigo and such.
2, No Sibling Mews, like Ichigo's sister, cousin daughter..
3- no rip of mews, A Pink Minto..
4- everything i said on my 'decent oc mew' post below is to be followed..
5 you have to post 'Sour' in your PM first thing in the mssage should be that, not the subject.
6- in the subject, place Either Request or Trade
8-I can deny any offer, I probally just wont PM you back if i don't want to do it,I`ll just reply to the ones i want to do.
I have to like your art If it's a trade,or find ir decent or something.
Open Slots
Thats it, no more then 2 in each, first ones for me to accept, then thats it.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Do you have your own Fan Manga for your mews ? Or want to start one, well we are looking for you.
What it is
Tokyo START is a Fan Mew Doujinshi Project, It’s like an online Ribon, or Shojo beat, made just for fan mews, we post it Bi-monthly, and will be full of goods.
Can I have my fan mew Manga placed in it?
Yes, only if you fill the application out and all of us (the staff) agrees that it is good enough for it, we do have standards set for it, here are a few (still working on it)
-no fandom overlaps/Crossovers
- 8 mews are the max in a team.
more info at
Don't worry about the deadline, it will proablly change soon since we didnt get enough entries., we have limited slots, so read and send in entries soon.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
A Decent OC
So you want to make a Tokyo Mew Mew Oc, well, it's time to learn just a few things, do and do nots if you want to call it.
The Mew Name-
be creative, don't be afraid to make a mew tomato, even though a tomato is not a cute food, its.
What not to do is to make up some weird food, like.../flowerberry burts, or use names such as Jenifer, pluto, or such, It's will label you as a noobish person, plus it's frowned upon in the TMM Oc world.
I know everything is eatable, I mean if i wanted to, i could eat my spoon...but that doesnt mean i could make a mew spoon.
Do not make mew who doesnt have the mew's basics, whats the point of making a mew, without arm bands, a neck band and a pendent.m the leg band is optinal, since even in the orginal not everyone had one, Ringo in this case.
Do not do Imitation mews, have a mew that looks like Ichigo, with a few colors changed to her hair.
Hair- no mew should have Purple hair that turns yellow when transformed, the hair either goes Lighter or Darker,
Exaple- Red to Pink, dark blue to light blue, dark green to lighter green, blond, to darker blond ect.
Change in Hair style is slightly ok, Berri's hair grows longer, like how Retasu's gets pulled back.
History And Personlity is a must, try to make someone unique, and at all cost do not make them realted to the orginal, so many Sisters to Ichigo, her mom must be tired, and also, there is no proof at all that she has a sister, or close cousin..wouldent they be mentioned in the story..Future kids, It was fun at first, but now there are so many of them that it became uniriginal, plus usally if its one of the coans, the Oc is usally just a copy cat, with the same outfit, dna, and personlity to the parents, and whats fun with that.
Your Character should have faults weakneses,as well with strengths.
Don't make your mew a mary-sue of a Gary-stue.
just a few tips, don't complain if you don't agree, its just here to help that is.
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
Princess Save Me Not
PSMN, is a Lemon side story I`m working on, it nothing fancy, Marker toneing it, and such, and its pretty fast paced, ButI`m not Sure If i can post it here, Or were, It Roughly Deals with Tokyo mew mew, has the Chracters, and little bit of the story, but besides that, thier is nothing more then me throwing the TMM crew into a bigger FAiry tale i made up.
I wont post the entire thing here, i will prbally just post the colored pictres, and one or two manga pages, but the main question is, like i said, is were would i put it? In the Tokyo Mew Mew Area, or will i get complaints that its not enought TMM, so it shouldent got there...o well, haha.
better think soon, i have a few pages done, and i need to get them posted.
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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Allot of people on this site, are so dence and Imature, not everyone,some are cool, but alot are, and I`m thinking on leaveing, and taking everything down, everyone here should be 13, but tis clear that some arnt, or should grow up or something sheesh.
Flippin out over random things, you don't see me going like "OMG I MADE MEW LEMON BEFORE YOU,YOU CAN HAVE A FLIPPIN MEW LEMON!" no since Im mature and i know each mew is diffrent, unless you went and took everything ff of my charcter and liek totally stole her, then I'll flip out.
but other then that, sheesh...calm down
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I Admit that I don't update...but sadly Lemon has been stolen from art theives..mew thevies what ever, and they remade her a bit....I think they took the pictures from this site, since one had my copyright on it, the one were i goofed and put an extra Li in front of my name...sheesh...
I Won't stop posting, But I am Going to Copy Right the crap out of my pictures for now on...
Thank you and If you have anything to report about stolen lemon pictures and such, inform me, thank you.
Anyways, I`m going to re-open (did it even close) Mew Lemon's site soon, with new pictures, and I will even start her Manga soon.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

no winners to who entered from this site, but i will grant this into a tiny miny contest
1- dice master, a movable sprite,tell me how you want it animated, small transformation, jumping ect, just one, OR a short animated avatar
2 cherryshock - a Sprite.
please stop PMing me about request, i dont do them here, maybe trades..maybe, but other from that i wont do them, please dont ask, if i like your mew then i might draw them on my own free will, but toerh then that...dont ask.
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Contest Prized Have Been Updated...or shall i Say Upgraded... (gets slaped)
Please Enter i really want people to enter...Or I`ll..Kill you...
no i wont...but it will make me VERY happy everytime i get a picture I`m Like Weeee!
DeadLine: Jan: 5
Rules and Such
No tracing or eye candy art, it has to be yours.
Color is much nicer then black and white…unless it’s nicely done that is, sometimes people are really good with it, but coloring will help with voting.
That’s about it for that
what can I enter/ what is this contest about.
Mew lemon cuz I’m selfish like that of course ha-ha, no I’m not selfish I just want her in it ha-ha.
The Picture has to be of either Mew Lemon or Kioko Toshi. Or both, and i dont care if you throw others in also, just make sure she is somewhere in there haha.
reference Pictures are below
Mew Lemon Reference
Kioko Toshi Reference http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/21805968/
Hair color change to this #BC8329 but if you colored it the odl way its fine.
gallery might have more check alright
1st- a Full Picture *CG-ed* Of two of your Mew's with a background and two Sprites.
2nd: a sketch of your mew or other OC, with flatshade coloring (with some shadding if you want) and no background and a sprite, Or two Chibi's of the above fully Colored, no background (or a fast one).
3rd: pencil sketch and sprite of your mew or other OC, or a Flate colored (with some shadeing) chibi (of the above)
runner up gets a sprite
:iconpunksunwolf7: http://www.deviantart.com/view/21854842/
:iconLicorice-chan: http://www.deviantart.com/view/24006409/
:iconPetoko: http://www.deviantart.com/view/24635657/
:iconmewpearl: http://www.deviantart.com/view/24926187/
:icontiffany12: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25599613/
:iconichigokurata: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25613636/
Cherryshock -http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b367/simplicity_graphics/apfqxv.jpg
DiceMaster- http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b367/simplicity_graphics/azjw1x.jpg
dont mind the Icon crap..to lazy to get rid of it, also the prizes can still be the last ones if you want it to be, just not both.
send me entries
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