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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/17/07:
I hate Naruto
WHat do the Naruto charectors think of you? girls only
BF:Naruto.(no comment) (thats about as bad as lee!)bff:Sakura/InoGaara:shes anoying.Konkura:i agree with GaaraTamarie:i hope Gaara dosent kill her.Naruto:she likes all the stuff i do!! Ramen, frogs Ramen, training,Ramen...i love her!Sasuke:ugg. why did i get stuck being naruto's friend? shes ok, but she always with naruto!Neji:too too too anoying.Ino:bets friend! we can gossip and junk!Sakura:umm...ya...shes pretty wierd.Itachi:im going to literaly kill her.Hinata:she has naruto. well, i guess thats what he wants..*sigh*lee:Hinata looks realy depressed around her.Tenten:i agree with lee. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/17/07:
Cute im a Chibi Otaku ^^
Result Posted on 08/18/07:
Coolio I like those names ^^
Result Posted on 08/08/07:
Awesome I love Espeon
Result Posted on 08/08/07:
Result Posted on 07/10/07:
What is ur naruto BF and what do others think of you?(Girls only)
 Name: Yukai (happy)Age: 14Rank: chuningBF: NarutoBFF: Tenten,Ino, and KibaEnemy(s): Itachi & ZetsuNaruto: She understands me. Were so much alike. I love her! (belive it!)Sasuke: Hn. Shes like the female naruto.Sakura: Shes nice but shes also annoying!Kiba: shes a great friend of mine! But i think she likes akamaru better.Hinata: S-shes nice b-but she took N-naruto-kun away from me.Shino: She steped on my bugs! *sobs*Lee: SO YOUTHFUL! I like her more then sakura-chan! Why dose Naruto get her?!Neji: Shes weak and useless. (secreatly thinks your pretty)Tenten: Shes my BFF! We do everything together!Ino: A great friend of mine! Plus she dosen't like sasuke!Shikamaru: Oh her, sooo troblesome...Choji: She stole my chips! GrrrrGaraa: Who now?Temari: Who now?Kankuro: I heard shes pretty!Kakashi: NO! NOT ANOTHER NARUTO! Gai: SO MUCH YOUTH!!!5th Hokage (Tsande (sp?)): Shes nice but not that strong.Jiraya (sp?): Hmmmm, maby she'll get hotter and bigger boo(me: hit him with hammer)3rd Hokage: Oh god.Itachi: UselessKisame: Who now?Deidra: Who now?Tobi: She said Tobi was a bad boy!Sasori: Who now?Zetsu: Yumleader: Useless Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/06/07:
coolio my fave charetor
What Does the Naruto chracters think of you? And who is your Naruto BF (With love story!) (girls only)
 Your BF is SasukeYou are one of the stongest in Konoha.Naruto:You are to cocky but you are pretty.Sasuke:She is the only girl that understands me That is why I love her.Sakura:NNNNNNNOOOOOOO SHE TOOK SASUKE FROM ME I HATE HER!!!!!Hinata:Dont know youKiba:To cockyShino:Not intersetedIno:YOU B*TCH YOU TOOK SASUKEShikamaru:Too TroublesomeChoji:Your Mean!Neji:Your his enemy and HATES your gutsTenten:dont know youRocklee:Thinks you and Sasuke are evenly matched.Gaara:MUST...KILLL...HER!Temari:weaklingKankuro:Dont care Love StoryYou were walking to your house when it started pouring ,then you started to run untill you see this figure in the rain , you get a kundi out and approch with caution , but stop when you see its Sasuke Uchiha "Hey Sasuke are yo-Sasuke!" you yell running up to his falling body, he got sick and passed out, you took him to your house and got him out a towel cloths and a blanket , you made him tea for when he woke up ,"Hey sleeping beauty your awake" you say putting his tea down "w..where am I?" he asked looking around "you at my house you passed out jurn to storm I din't know where you lived so I brought you hear, there a towel and a change of cloths if you want to get changed" you say pointing to them on the side of the couch , he nodds and get up to get changed , but was going the wrong way to the bathroom "wrong way" you say he nodds and goes the other way 'he is cute when he is asleep' you think blushing but snap out of it when he is back on the couch , shivering , you put the blanket around him "____There is something I have to tell you" he says blushing "I'm listening" you say 'I wish you wernt' Sasuke thinks "I..I love You" he says shutting his eyes tight while blushing like tomatoes , you smiling and kiss him softly on the lips "I love you to" you say before going asleep on his shoulder. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/18/07:
1 of my fave charectors and shika would make a good guy 4 me caus eim like him
What do the characters from Naruto think of you? (Girls only)
 You're lazy but reliable. You look for the simple things in life, just like Shikamaru. You're dependable and lend help when needed.
Your ideal boyfriend would be Shikamaru.
Naruto: I think she's cool, even though she's lazy, she pays for my ramen sometimes! Sasuke: She's better than Sakura and Ino, but sometimes annoying. (Sasuke thinks everyone is annoying) Sakura: She's just another Shikamaru! But she is a good friend to me, *not* Ino. Ino: I agree with Sakura, except she likes ME and *not* Sakura! Shikamaru: Well I did ask for a normal girl *grins* She's definately my type. Chouji: Shikamaru pays more attention to her now instead of me!! Kiba: She's a decent friend, Akamaru likes her. Shino: Don't really know her, but she seems OK. Hinata: She seems nice... Gaara: I won't even bother. Temari: SHE STOLE MY SHIKY!!!!! Kankuro: I like her because she makes Temari angry! Neji: Hmph, another ninja. Tenten: I think shes nice to me! Lee: She isn't a hard worker like me! Gai: That girl needs some YOUTHFULNESS!!! Kakashi: A good ninja, with surprising skills *looks back at his book*. Asuma: A girl version of Shikamaru, they get along so well. Kurenai: She's nice, a fine student Tsunade: Reliable but is too lazy sometimes. Jiraiya: Hot hot hot! *Looks through telescope* Orochimaru: I'll kill her Kabuto: Me too, Orochimaru-sama! Itachi: Who? Kisame: Who?
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Result Posted on 06/18/07:
yay sasuke-kun!!!!!!!!
Which Naruto boi is falling for you??
 You get Sasuke-kun!!You were walking down to the market place when some weird guy runs up behind you and grabs you, throws you over his shoulder, and runs off. It happend so fast, you barely even had time to scream. Luckily, one person heard you. That person followed your kidnapper all the way to his hide out. He waited there three days without moving a muscle, waiting for the kidnapper to leave his post. Finally, he did. The boy ran in after you and was out with you just as quick as he got in. He gently laid you on the ground. You were beaten badly and unconcious."Hello?" He said "Wake up." But you didnt even flinch. He stayed by your side for 5 hours until you woke up. "Where am I?" You asked drowsily. " Shh.. We're going back to the village now, it's okay.You'l be okay."His voice was so calm, yet cold.Half way back to the village Sasuke stops and asked you ur name. "I'm Yumi" you say "Yumi Makizaki"After you said your name Sasuke out of nowhere kissed you very lightly on the lips, then you both walked back to the village, blushing all the way. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/18/07:
cool but i wanted sasuke
whos ur naruto guy(and what the others think of u pics included,and luv story)
 ur guy is shikamaru...and your name is layla luv storyyouve been in school with shikamaru ever since you were tots you two have been bffs eve since ! but one day your parents were moving to another village and you had to tell him good bye ! a few years later you come back cause u ran away to join ninja school and to see your friend again... so when you walk into the room everybody stops and looks at you in disbelife your actrully back ! but shikamaru was asleep like always! when you were walking to your new house you tripped over something and land right on top of it and the thing turned out to be shikamaru! he was dazed to see u he couldnt say a word so u just kissed him ! and then since you dont live with your parents he came over so yall COULD GET IT OAWWNWNNNNN! and yall have been together ever since Take this quiz!
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