AIM • xXxmiryuxXx E-mail •Click Here Yahoo! Messenger • animegirl39820
Birthday • 1991-12-26 Gender •
Female Location • In Yuki Eiri's arms ^_~ Member Since • 2005-02-28 Occupation • I write a lot so... a writer? Real Name • Chuchi
Achievements • Putting up with the male gender Anime Fan Since • Can't remember anymore Favorite Anime • .hack//sign, Trinity Blood, Level-C, Loveless, GRAVITATION, Kaze to Ki no Uta, Sukisho, Black Cat, D. Gray-Man, Rurouni Kenshin, mewmew power,yuyuhakasho, Shaman King, Pretear, the list goes on and on... Goals • suicide counseler, writer, English teacher Hobbies • reading watching anime, writing, drawing Talents • singing, playing flute, acting, drawing, writing mewmewichigo
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tuesday, May 29 6:35 am
Mood: Happy. Listening to: Indelible Sin - Nana Kitade
This won't be a long post since I have to catch the bus in a few minutes... But I felt bad for not posting in so long. And how could I not be happy about all the new manga coming in to the library?! Loveless, Mermaid Melody (Pichi Pichi Pitch), Absolute Boyfriend, Boys Over Flowers, Chibi Vampire, Faerie's Landing, Black Cat, Dragon Knights, Tail of the Moon, and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne!!! I think I forgot some too... Oh well, that's still enough manga to keep me busy for... about a week. ^^" I've already finished 6 of those series so they won't last me much longer. Well, I need to finish getting ready for school, so a vid and quote!
Mermaid Melody! *huggles Kaito*
Today's quote: "Don't try to understand me, just love me."