DarkAngelZelda (12/29/06)
thanx for signing meh gb. i luv ur site! it's awesome. I think Sasuke's cool but I luv his brother Itachi!! lol I'll add ya as a friend. Sayonara!
somegirl (12/29/06)
oooooooooo i love your sasuke theme! awe so cute!!!! lol
way cool and awsome bg;
... *wonders why litterly everyone is older then her*
myanimeworld149 (12/28/06)
thnx for signing my gb! i just don't like sasuke, he seems annoying to me. well, i hope we can be friends! i'll see ya around.
@---- a rose for my daddy, kakashi! you go get those baddies dad! i love you!
@---- a rose for my bf, gaara. may no more harm come to you than what has already happened.*hugs gaara**gaara hugs back crying from all the love because he's so touched*
XxJapanxX5459 (12/22/06)
snakegurl1990 (12/19/06)
pretty colors mewmewkittychan and thank you for letting me know and stopp by anytime and sign my gb
Inu228822 (12/14/06)
Hey!♥ Thanks for signing my GB! I LOVE the site! How did you get your backroom, guestbook and ect like that? its cool^^ So, yea..gonna add you, turrah!♥
Shishou (12/08/06)
Hmmm...Your site is rather interesting. Hard to figure out at first but I finally got the hang of it. ^^ I see you like Naruto. I like the manga but I don't know about the anime. ^^
Take care,
KyokoNKyo (12/06/06)
I like the site! It's coool. Even though I don't care for Naruto at all! Well I hate it! But I love the layout! bye bye adding as a friend!
Lazy Shikamaru (12/04/06)
hey, thatnks for signing my GB...yes i can spell sasuke...he's one of my fave characters...cheers, Shika
kenshinlover84 (11/28/06)
Wow, your site is awsome! I have no idea how you did it...Well i'll add u thanx and later!