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myOtaku.com: mewmewkittychan

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"What secret I have..."

Tired of being scared of what I do not understand
Tired of feeling alone
Tired of not letting anyone know
Why should I be afraid of not being normal
Why should I have to keep quiet about this secret
I know Im not alone
Many others hide this very secret
I waited too long for someone to speak up
I waited in silence
But now Im yelling it
The things I know
The things I see
The things I hear
I want to know why
You want to know how
Before I can answer those questions
I have to admit to myself
Im not weird
Just because I dont fit the normal mold
It is time someone spoke
So Im speaking
Im unique in a way many people dont want to be
I hear voices that arent there
I know things that can not be explained
Ill stay up at night
Just to avoid it all
Imagine trying to sleep in a room with everyone yelling
Imagine having dj vu and feeling as if you lived that day
Imagine dreaming of people you dont know
Dreaming of things that may happen in the future
Its a lot to understand
And its even harder to understand if you are alone
Call me crazy
Call me a freak
But crazy people dont ask if they are crazy
And I have questioned it before
And what makes me a freak
Just because I dont fit the normal mode
Dare to be unique
That is what you are always told
Well Im daring you to say you are normal
Pretend what I say is insane
I dont care
But I wont be quiet any longer
So if you understand
If you have been through this too
Its your time to speak up
Dont be afraid to be unique

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