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myOtaku.com: mewmewpudding

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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KrazyKool93 (07/23/07)

I LOVe MEW MEW POWER TOO! thanks for the cmmnt....n__n ima add u as a friend if that's okay! well...g2g..


igneouspiritfeonx (07/16/07)

Hello! :)

Thank you so much for commenting on my art!! ^o^

...Cute background xD

*gasp* What a coincidence!! That's MY name too!!... I'm thinking of changing it though xP

See you around x3


ink.black.sky (07/15/07)

Hey there thanks for the comment on my picture! I like the green-ness of your site. It's pretty awesome!

God bless you!

Ninja at work (06/20/07)

hey i was serching past comments on mangas and said i think i'll stop by!

I am adding you because you seem so kewl. I hope you do the same ^^

urcat (06/06/07)

i love tokyo mew mew and ur bg

TokyoMewMew897 (05/21/07)

Hi there. Nice site you have. I really like the bg and the avatar. I´m gonna add you as a friend. And if you want you can pm me at any time. P.s: If you want you can sign my sister Animated Girl 2 and her friend KanonGirl15´s gb. See ya!

aragorn1014 (05/05/07)

*laughs* Hiya!!
Thankies so much for commenting on my piccy of Mew Persimmon... even though it didn't come out that good....
Anyways, I'm your second entry, yay!^^ I'll add you as a friend!! See you around!

chocolateagle (04/14/07)

Hey! ^^ First gb signing, Woot! lol. Thanks so much for commenting on my pictures! I'm going to add you as a friend, okay? Well, I'll be seeing ya!


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