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In my own little world... :D
Member Since
Student, duh.
Real Name
I write stories on fanficiton. (I write them under Mew-Sahara)
Anime Fan Since
Dude... Since.. Pokemon...
Favorite Anime
How can I have a favorite? Too many to love!
To do something good with my life. Or make a quiz to put up. X9
Sports, writing, playing the piano and sax, WATCHING ANIME, READING MANGA!
Er... Awesome ones.
| mewmewpudding
Friday, November 9, 2007
Global warming, my foot.
By the title you might have realized that it is very cold where I am. Ugh.
I have today off school, so I'm uber happy! I think that having to cram and do so many late night projects is probably worth a day off of school. Just thank the Lord that this quarter is finally over. :D
And guess what! I don't have school next Friday (parent-teacher conferences) and the week after that it's Thanksgiving, so we get off on Tuesday. Super lucky, ne? ^___^
I've just been wandering around the site for a little while, and I found one of those doll-maker things. So I decided to make one that kind of looked like me. Here it is:

I hope that worked. :P Has anyone else made a doll recently?
How was everyone else's week? The good, the bad? Tell me, I'd love to here it.
Chocolateeagle-chan, I'm working on your picture for the contest! I should have it colored by the end of this weekend.
Anyone else have any requests? Art trades/art requests are currently open. But I'd prefer art trades. ;]
Okay, here's the questions!!
1) Do you play an instrument? If so, what?
2) What show are you ADDICTED to?
3) What was the last song you sang/listened to?
4) Are you tired? (-_- zzzz)
5) Look on your portfolio page. How many things have you commented? (I'm currently exactly at 1000 comments! And I've only been commenting for a year. o.o)
6) What would you do (Rocket-chan, I'm taking a page from your book! ;D) if Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew suddenly shoved poles into your hands with spinning plates on top and said, "You'll be my assistant for my preformances na no da!!"?
Is there any artwork you want me to comment? I'll be glad to do it!
I've reached 1000 COMMENTS! :O That's a lot for only being active for mainly one year. Or is it?
Thanks for giving me all those things to comment on guys! ;D
Hope you have a great weekend! Feel free to drop a PM or whatever. See everyone later!
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