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In Fruit Loops Land
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Highschool Freshman (that's right, I'm a freshy)
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V-chan or Ve
Err XP whatever.
Anime Fan Since
I found out that Sonic was an anime
Favorite Anime
So many hmm: Fulmetal Alchemist(FMA) ,Fullmetal Panic (FMP),Gravation(a little),Sonic,Tokyo MewMew,Tokyo Pop, Love Hina, Pita Ten,Chibi Vampire, Pretear, Sonic,OHSHC(Ouran Highschool Host Club), Card Captor Sakura,Kamichama Karin,Melancholy of Haruhi Suzu
Become a fanous writer and become #1 on otkau
playing soccer,playing video games,writing, reading, and throwing rocks at stuff XP
Writing and Science (Yes, I like science XD surprising, no?)
| MewMewstreet
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Erasing my site
Ello XP I missed a lot of sites today ( yesterday) because of my mom being on the computer getting insurance on something I didn’t bother her since I guess it’s more important, but now I feel empty XP
I think my grandma is a molester/perv XP I’m dead serious. When I walk by she looks down. Then she’s always telling me to pick up something XP It’s disturbing. She watches me when I’m walking around the house and just stares. I’m dead serious O-o It’s creeping me out. Okay now I got that out :P
Today I’m getting my hair done ^-^ Yes! My hair is starting to get itchy X3 It’s bothering me. I washed it last week though. Well, things on my desktop keeps appearing the thing that appeared yesterday(Tuesday) was “ Window Live Media”. I’m okay with that XP only today ( yesterday) I got something called “Adobe Reader 7.0" O-o I’m like where the hell is all this coming from? My mom has beenn down laoding a lot of stuff lately ( and she tells me not to download anything cause she thinks I’m going to get a virus on the computer) *itches hair* DANG THE ITCHY HAIR!! X3 Anyway, over the last two months school’s been out my mom has put.....*counts programs* 8 new programs . >,<
Hmm, nothing much else to talk about cept I’m going to erase my other site and just put my fanfics back on here X3 I don’t feel like doing the extra work. It’s hard enough for me to visit sites on this account. And then I forget all about posting on the other site so, I ‘m just going to erase it XP didn’t do to much with it anyway. I hat earasing a ssite, to me it’s like killing a baby or child or teenager or ....well you get the point XP It’s liek killing a persong to me. Tohuhg I’m not using it, so might as well erase it. I’ll make sure that the (few) freinds I have on there are als o on this freind list Well, that’s all. On Sunday, I’ll post another fanfic, more about it tomorrow.
Currently listening to: - -
Mood: Sad ( I don’t want to erase the site T-T)
Chatting to: - -
Time: 11:45pm
~kurama4ever=^.~= |
Comments (9) |
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Ello ^-^ I said I was going to pick any random day and take that day off once every week XP So I did it. Well, on with today’s post XP
July 4th was good, I didn’t eat to much XP though I enjoyed a group of street performers. They were funny, and well athletic. I like to of their jokes, I hope the Second one don’t offend anyone XP
First joke: “ Kids, don’t try this at home, try this at school” the way they said it mad me laugh, and they say everything in harmony. XD
Second joke: “ Ok, now everyone has to clap to the beat. Now white people, plz if this is hard, plz clap with the black person next to you.”
They had jumped over about *counts fingers* 8 ppl at once I think O-0 I was amazed., lol.
Well, I found this at LadyLenaJade site:
I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn¡̅t have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male.
Repost this if you realize homophobia is wrong.
Belief: The only time you should ever judge love is when one of the persons in the couple is being mistreated. Homosexual relationships are just as healthy and just as loving as heterosexual couples.
Well, that’s all for today since most of my day was uneventful. Oh, and today, I’ll actually, really this time, have to go to my dog’s obedience class.
Currently listening to: - -
Mood: Tired, Bored ( again, ah the good old days)
Chatting to: Mi-kun
Time: 1:08 am
~kurama4ever=^.~= |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
God bless F***n' America!
Ello : P HAPPY FOURTH OFJULY!! I'm still at Ek's apartment. We decied ( or more so my mom and Ek) that I will stay here for Fourth of July and the The taste of Chicago!! Yes!! :D I don't think I went to The taste last year. And for those who don't know what The Taste is it's like a carnviakl of food X3 Well, I guess. I can't describe it. Someone help me here. XP
Well, I wrote a poem today and surprisingly out of all my of my stupid ass poems I think this one turned out pretty well. ( yes I write poems, just never cicsider it as a talent or big deal) I should post it. At least I think it's good, the best out of all my other poems X3 YOu know what, since I have nothing else to talk about I'll show my poem X3 skip if you would like
PASSION- by MewMewstreet
Her heart drops to the floor
from the sky she adores
She cries, for what she does is not her passion
Her flowing heart belongs to another
Let her go
Trying to break away it's no use
Her mother forces her, her father doen't care
Trapped upon an unwilling path
Will she let it last?
Let it go.
To open her eyes to he truth
fighting agaist her true self
Though it always puches her back strong
She can not escape it
Let everything go
Tearing, ripping, destroying her
Giving in, her mother will be put to rage
Though she pushes it all away
Embracing her passion at last
Finally, letting it all in
X3 I made this poem casue my sister let me paint with her and help on her picture. I messed up, so she told me to go sit down. So I thought ' well not everyone can draw' and my mind wondering off deeply into something else about people doing stuff they really didn't want to do and so I came to this poem. X3 EK let me start my own painting and I'm making the picture for the poem. It's just going to have the first stanza on there. Now, I'm just going to ask you guys to give me an honest opinion about it plz X3 Was it good, okay, or did it suck like hell. x3 I need to know, it been getting on my nerves all day if it was good or not.
Well, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!(again)X3 Those stupid foster kids are already outside shooting fireworks, they were all night X3
Curretnly listeing to: Silence and the soft hum of the computer X3 IT TO DANG QUIET!!
Mood: Tired, Excited
Chatting to: --
Time: 11:31pm
P.S. Those with ActiveX thingy ont theirsites I can't get otnto it becasue my sister's computer won't let me for some reason. Everytime the thingy appears saying somthind about Active X and letting it run, I push OK ot the X and then the window closes *shrug* so I can't visit those site. |
Comments (12) |
Monday, July 3, 2006
HOME!!! (kind of)
Ello :P What a weekend. Thank you all who understoood about me not being able to visit site *hugs*. So, now I'm home, not exactly though. I'm staying over my sister's house in chicago. I'm going home tomorrow afternoon.
Soon fourth of July will be here *dances* :D I can't wait. I love fireworks, and BBQ, and all that good stuff XD Eh, I want to spend it with my sisters at the beach, but I also want o spend it at home. So I decied to go home, I'll try next year.
Well,, now for the longest part of this post, my trip Xd Hopefuly I can make this short:P Well, I was glad to see my dad, for one. Even if my Le dislikes him. She doen't hate him, but doesn't love him. I'm glad either way, no matter what. He still cares about us, and just shows it in a......aggressive way. He doesn't hit us or anything like that though XP Thooough he yells alot. I think of him as a person with bipolar care. I'm not say he's bipolar just that one minute he's so happy with us, the next he'll be screaming at us for no reason. Well anyway, I was glad to see my too favorite cosin for are family reunions, Tiffany and Jasmine XD I know to many Jasmine's already. We went bowling, but it took us forever to find the bowling alley. My dad was cursing so much XD Then at the bowling alley *shakes* I rather not say. Well, it rained really hard on the way back. And I don't mean just rain that feels like needles, I mean it was like being in the clouds XP we could she a damn thing. XP I thought we were going to die, really. My dad;s car is messsed up ( not that bad, but it be rattling really hard) and on top of that my dad's a crazy driver. I think him having at short temper with other driver too, kinda gets to the point that I think I would rather jump out the car then ride in it. Well, I've talked enough X3 I'm off to my regular rutine like I always do when I can otaku, visit sites.
Currently listening to: My sisters talking
Mood: Tired, bored
Chatting to: - -
~kurama4ever=^.~= |
Comments (8) |
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Ello^-^ I'm about to go back home. I was going to post earlier at the hotel (the hotel has a hotel). Well, this will be quick. And I just ight vivit sites today so...yeah. ALll summary tomorrow.
~kurama4ever=^.~= |
Comments (5) |
Friday, June 30, 2006
Ello ^-^ Yeah, I'm at me dad's house!! X3 We got offf the bus awhile ago like 2 hrs. but now I'm good. There were some creepos on that bus O-o
Daniel: Aren't there always?
Me: Hmmmm, maybe...... Well, I'm so relived to be here at my dad's house. This'll probably be my last post until tuesday......??? I'm not sure.
Daniel: You'r never sure.
Me: STOP BEING NEGATIVE!! GAWD!! X3 I'm sort of tired, since it hard for me to sleep on the bus. And so I ate some Ramen noddles at the stops.....-_-'' Oh, and just awhile ago my sister showed us around her nieghborhood. And when I was about to change this little boy came up to her door and asked to play basketball. The boy is around....5 or7 maybe even 8. So in the middle of playing, he yells "DODGEBALL!!" and he throws his light ball at Le and they start playing around while me and Ek still played basketballl.
Daniel: This is the good part XD
Me:Okay, then Le accidently hits Ek and we all start playing. And when the boy threw a ball at her she went over to him and grabbed him and start shaking him O-o After awhile, if he threw the ball at her. Then after awhile he got mad and said that Ek kept playing like we were playing real dodgeball......yeah. Ek was down the hill going back to the house, and then I heard her scream. The little boy's dog, Hersey, was barking at Ek. ^-^'' I didn't even see her. I had heard the dog and her scream :P but yeah. She okay. She just hurt her wrist. This is getting long X3 Well,my dad is at work so I don;t know isf were spending-anight or what. So I'm going to visit as many sites as possible. Well that's all for now.
Currently listening to: Final Fatasy-1000 words(True English)
Mood: Excired, Happy.
Chatting to: - -
Time: 12:05pm
Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Ello Well ^-^ thanx for the hugs alphonse13 and mojogroupie X3 they helped really. I was still a little pissy, but now, for some reason, I’m feeling much better ^-^ I’m glad everyone understood.
Well, Cyn and Ace finally left :3 finally. My mom was trying to get them ou the house, and she tole em’ three times. I had hid Ace’s Naruto headband, and she was looking for it. So my mo got mad and called Ace’s mom and her mom picked her up and my mom forced Cyn acroos the street. All because I’m going to a family reunion tomorrow X3 I’ll try to visit as many sitesas possible tomorrow ( today). I’ll see if I can get to a computer down there X3 last year there was a computer but it seemed rude to ask since there was like 13 ppl in the same house, and if I got on everyone would want to see what I was doing or want to get on too. Where going to Tennessee to my dad’s house on a bus ( take 15hrs X3, enough time to beat the rest of KH chains of memory) then he driving us to Atlanta. So I don’t know if I’ll post tomorrow, unless I can get a quick turn on the computer at my dad’s house. Probably going to sleep for awhile there so, yeah probably. I’m leaving today at 7pm but in the morn’ my grandma taking me to the hairdresser to get my hair washed and blow dried ( I can do that myself for free, but my grandma insisted...). Then I come back home and my mom will dive me to the Chicago, where I’ll meet my sisters. We get everything together, my Auntie Breta will drive us the bus, we ride the bus to dad’s house, sleep at dad’s house, leave to family reunion and that’s all my travels and I still haven’t figured how we get back X3
Anyway, I decied I’m not going to put the Soap Opera up, no one like Soap Operas (thier starting to get boring to me again) and are is retarded anyway. Well, gots to got to sleep , my grandma going to wake me up at like *thinks* 8:30am in the morn’ =3 Not to early. (For me anyway)
Oh, and thanxs for 810 hits!! XD That took to long, plus my vsiting thing is slow too, so it’s probably more then that >,< but thanx for 116 GB signing too.
Currently listening to: Pressure- Paramore
Mood: Pretty Excited
Chatting to: Ace
Time: 12:03am
P.S. My mom is jumpy and worried because I’m going out of state, I told her I’ll be wit my sisters, don’t worry, but >,< I’ve been out of state wit out her about three time already and away form home wit out her about 7, but, she’ll never get over it. |
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Ello Hm, well Soul Alchemist iz behind right now wanting to get onto the computer so I’kl make this a quick post X3
Well first to start off, I’m going to start taking one random day off onvce a week >,< Cause Saturday seems the day I’m actually ready to post.
Yesterday waas my last day, it was Shelly’s lats day too, and Ace’s ( Soul Alchemist) didn’t even scan my damn pic!!! >,< I wanted her to go home tonight for she could have scan the damn thing!!! That was not only my damn contest enrty, it was also a prize for her contest enry for my mother’s Day contest!! I should snatch that damn Black Cat manga form her right now damnit!! I told her!! I don’t even feel like arguring wit her either, god.
Well, I’ll put a retarded part of are Soap Opera tomorrow cause it’s stupid ( I’m in a really pissy mode right now).
Daniel: She extremly pissy!! X3
Today (yeterday) was great though ^-^ The pool party I was talking about on Sat was moved to today ( yesterday) so yeah. It was funny X3 are retard freind, Bryan, was acting stupid. Chris hit him in the head wit somethn’ then we all hid. So for about 30 mins we pretended we were voices and stuff X3 him being a retard belived all that shit, it was to funny XD Then when we were done, Chris threw a shoe at his head and said “it was just a dream and to get out of the pool” it took us like 20times of hitting him int the head with the (what he called )“ the evil blue sandals” and 15 times to tell him to get out of the pool. It was funny though, the rest of the day we just played video games ( not so long) .
Well, that’s alll ^-^ I’m do sorry Shellby P. Wolfwoo *bow* You don’t have to join my contest ^-^ really, it over anyway X3. I wish I had a scanner, then that drawing would have been given to you about 2 weeks ago.
Currently listening to: Paapercut-Linkin Park
Mood: Annoyed, refreshed, stressed slightly.
Chatting to: - -
Time: 11:29pm
~kurama4ever=^_~= |
Comments (10) |
Monday, June 26, 2006
Soap Opera
Ello well, my day was ...different........not to different, but not what I thought it would be. I went to church today like I usually do. Then when I came home I chatted on the computer with Ace. Then we( well, mostly me)cam up this idea, since we use characters in are Pms like we crazy, I said “WE should have a Soap Opera” X3 We didn’t get to far. Doing the stuff through Pm and everything. But it was.......okay. X3 Hmmm, I wonder if I should put it up. It’s not good since she did all the boy parts and I di all the girl parts, and sometimes we would each do this little solo thing and have a long part of the Soap Opera we did all by are self. Though here the characters ( their from FMA , Final Fantasy, KH , my first story I put on otkau, me and Ace and Daniel)
3.)Al-lost little boy
4.)Leon-hitman(he wanted to be *shrug*)
5.)Ed- the killer, creppy dude
6.)Kutana-Ed's sidekick
7.)Yokota-innocent bystander, who gets shot by Ed.
8.) Sora-freind of Leon (not that type dman it )
9.)Me- second nurse
10.)Last but not least Riku-Main chrcater; bi; crush on _______ and ___________
lol, we some retards X3 and no, it doesn’t have any Yaio in it (yet) I’m not a fan of Yaio but still, its okay wit me. I still wondering if I should put the retarded story up. Oh, and Asia is Ace. I cam up wit the charater roles. I only thought of this because Asia got me into a Soap Opera called “General Hospital” and since I was mad that there was no Soap Operas on yesterday, I was bored as hell. And I don’t watch Soap Operas regularly, just General Hospital. Oh, and Daniel is in it too. XD lol
Daniel: Hey, that’s not funny
Me: Yes it is, I don’t think anyone can imagine you as a person in a Soap Opera ( but me of course).
Daniel: I like my part.........
Me: XD lol, yeah, right, runaway screaming like a little girl is great.
Daniel: I didn’t do that......
Me: True, but you were supposed to
Daniel:.......Why the hell would I do that?
Me: Becasue your supposed to, even if the damn thing is unscripted.
Daniel:*silence* Anyway, ow’s the job?
Me: I still haven’t done the dman flyer, and don’t think I’ll ever will X3 so I might get a job at the library .......again.
Daniel: The problem is you don’t gert paid for it.
Me: Last year, a little kid got popcorn stuck in my hair, and then laughed. Their lucky I’m nice and I actually like little kids. But hat one I wanted to punch in the face.
Daniel: yOu should’ve
Me: I know -_-‘’‘ Well this post has no course what so ever, so I’m just going to stop. Oh, and my Father’s Day contest, is probably cancelled since there’s no enteries, the due dateis the 27th (tomorrow) >,< and Asia needs to scan my picture for my damn entry for Shelby P. Wolfwood’s contest DAMNIT I’m going to tell her to scan tomorrow or I’m gonna tear up all her damn skecth books
Daniel: Your sure mad.
Me: Yes, I am. Even if the damn drawing sucks, I worked really hard on it. Oh, and Sat, is supposed to be my break day, but.........I was so excited that I just went on talking about my sister and how Riku won the contest. ^-^’‘ I was a little to excited that I didn’t reconginze it was Saturday until 7pm :P Well, that’s all for today, tell me if you want me to pu the Soap Opera up ( I doubt it) and if you have a contest entry for my Father’s Day contest I doubt that too) plz send it in by tomorrow!!!
Currently listening to: Nothing
Mood: Bored, writery ( is that a word?)
Chatting to:- -
Time: 12:13am
Comments (10) |
Saturday, June 24, 2006
College and Riku X3 Yersh!!
Ello :P Whoa, this was a surprisingly short/long day XD
Well to start off is the morning,. X3 Even at 5am me and my sisters are hyper as ever Le ( the middle one) slept with me so I woke up at 5am and tried to sneak out to get ready early. Then out of no where, when I thought I was home free, she said “Go back to bed no one gets up this early”. I didn’t feel like arguing so I just went back to sleep X3 Then at 5:20 I finally got ready and I told them that it takes more then 30mins to get ready when 4 ppl are using the same bathroom. So now me, my mom, my grandma, and my two sisters are on the road and still sleepy at 6:17 am. It took 2hrs to get there.
When we get to Urbana (the place where the college is) Ek( the oldest, the one going to college) went to sleep and she was are navigator. So we got lost, though good thing we came early ^-^
Daniel: This is boring as hell.
Me: LET ME FINISH MY ADVENTURE OF DOOM >,< Anyway ^-^ We waited for *counts* 2hrs for a 20 minute speech to start. Then one place where the students and parents split up ( I count for the parent section X3) And the had this guy with a accent. At first I thought it was some type of British/English accent but then I recognized it was Scottish X3 Then I thought of Kurama wit that voice and I went into daydream world, lol. Then I fell asleep so I didn’t hear when he treated someone cause of something. It probably would have been funny if I heard him with that Scottish accent. X3
Daniel: Is there a difference?
Me: Yes, there is. British I think is harder to understand, anyway. Then lunch came and when we walked around campus ( it’s like a mini town OMG ) My grandma and mom kept being like “ Oh, look there’s KFC lets go there” we’d get to it then off in the distance they’d see something else and be like “ Oh, there’s Subway, wouldn’t you guys want that instead?” After various restaurants we finally settled upon IHOP. And since Ek was wit a another group and we couldn’t find her until after lunch, she ate a Subway sandwich we had brought just in case. ( this post is getting really long X3)
Then, the highlight around then end of the day was when Le wanted to go “downstairs” and play DDR. Though it wasn’t are DDR >,< She got mad at the machine, and start yelling at a worker, and cursing at the machine. I tried to calm her down but ^-^’‘’ We eventually went upstairs and listened to the rest of a boring speech.
Finally on are way home we had to ride a shuttle bus back to the parking lot. It was my first time on one of those buses with a thing in the middle that makes the bus longer X3 anyways. I stood on the middle and it tilted back and forwards and I wanted to throw my hands up like a retard and start screaming and yelling like it was a roller coaster. But luckily it wasn’t THAT fun. And I rode in the trunk all the way back home X3 Until we dropped off Ek and Le and my grandma at their apartment and then I sat up front. So then I jumped right onto the computer. I started form bottom up on the otaku list instead, so I didn’t get to the ppl at the top this time but it was still fun like hell. And Cen came over soon as I cam home. I said to my mom “ if Cyn come over I’m going to kick her out” unfortunately, she got to stay because she hung out wit my mom and watched HGTV. Now, I just got done eating some veggie cassorole, it’s better then that other stupid caasororle X3 Okay that’s my day.
Daniel: Damn this post is long.
Me: And I might not be going to a party tomorrow since it’s going to be chilly. -_-‘’ So another boring Saturday wit Cen and me playing the Sims.
Daniel :You could clean.
Daniel: ^-^ Cleaning is fun, Believe it!!
Me: *twitch* Before I explode I’m going to stop this post ^-^ See ya later.
Daniel: Believe it!!
Me: *twitch*
STARE AT HIS SEXINESS ( boys, you just be jealous)





Yes Riku *stary eyes*

Currently listening to: Linkin Park- Forgotten ( me and Ace agree it goes with Riku, and I’m celebrating Riku’s victory in lordsesshamru’s video game thingy, yes!! X3)
Mood: Exhausted, but excited.
Chatting: - -
Time: 12: 21am
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