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myOtaku.com: MewMewstreet

Thursday, April 5, 2007

   SPRING BREAK!!! ( i'm back baby >3)
Ello ^___________^ *huggles all* I MISSED ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!!! xD I haven’t been on here in forever it seems!! I’m on SPRING BREAK!! I would’ve updated yesterday x3 but I went over Ace’s (Soul Alchemist) house and watch Angel and Rent =D I’ve been away so long, idk what to say first...well, I’m on punishment =.= kinda. For having 2 C’s on my report card. My mom got mad about it, and was all “NO MORE COMPUTER, PHONE, OR BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!” I’m on the computer anyway >3< as you can see. I don’t see what the big deal is.....most parents would be hugging there kids to death if the got the same report card I get >_> *sighs* I’m not trying to brag or anything btw......On a brighter note =D my dog is a little less crazier and now I can write stories over Spring Break and update...and also my story I said I was gonna start on Spring Break is gonna be up on Friday or Saturday, depending on when I can get on the computer. My mom said I can get off punishment if I clean my room, so that’s what I’ll do >_>...

Daniel: You’ve never been on punishment before =P have you?

Me: >< Maybe....once...when I was little. But that was only because my sisters didn’t hold my hand crossing the street!

Daniel: So your 13yrs old and about to turn 14 and you’ve never been on punishment.

Me: *shakes head* I never did anything to get my self in trouble >_>

Daniel: xDD

Me: What’s so funny!!? Dx

Sam: *shrugs* * yarns* It’s too early in the morning to be gettin’ up this early.

Me: Well >_> I’m to used to wakin’ up at 6am that I had to force myself to stay asleep xP

Sam: That’s sad.....it truly is.....*suddenly falls over*

Me: O________ O

Sam: =.= *sleeping


Melody: I want muffins.....

Me: Ask Daniel then.....

Melody: He won’t make them for me......

Me: Then make them yourself....


Melody: I WANT MUFFINS!!! >3


Melody: *takes out a sword* I!!! WANT!! MUUUUUUUFFFFFFFFFFFFIIINSSS!!!

Me: O_O

Melody: NOW!!

Daniel/Me: O_O YES MA’AM!!! * both run off *

Melody: =D I love doin’ that.

Currently listening to: Way Away- Yellowcard
Chatting to: My dad (about my grades >_>)
Time: 10:00am


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