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In Fruit Loops Land
Member Since
Highschool Freshman (that's right, I'm a freshy)
Real Name
V-chan or Ve
Err XP whatever.
Anime Fan Since
I found out that Sonic was an anime
Favorite Anime
So many hmm: Fulmetal Alchemist(FMA) ,Fullmetal Panic (FMP),Gravation(a little),Sonic,Tokyo MewMew,Tokyo Pop, Love Hina, Pita Ten,Chibi Vampire, Pretear, Sonic,OHSHC(Ouran Highschool Host Club), Card Captor Sakura,Kamichama Karin,Melancholy of Haruhi Suzu
Become a fanous writer and become #1 on otkau
playing soccer,playing video games,writing, reading, and throwing rocks at stuff XP
Writing and Science (Yes, I like science XD surprising, no?)
| MewMewstreet
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
BISH!! =3 Random b-day
Ello OMG!! XD today was super, extra, extremely, greart-wierd-surprising-boring-sad-morphis!! XP I don;’t no where that ;ast word came from but ^^ yeah, it was likea thousand events at once @________@
Melody: >:D We soo~ got you with those paint balls!
Me: Shud up XP let me finish what I’m saying for this won’t be a extremely long post, kay!? X3
Melody: Fine *takes out water gun* but we still can celebrate you b-day with a water gun fight!! >:D
Me: D:< Fine, now, shut up!!
Melody: Whatever >> *sighs* always ruin all the fun.
Me: Well :D today started off actually at like 11:30pm on Sunday XD I had ate a whole bunch of ice cream and hugged all my stuff animal for last couple of minutes for being considered a kid, then when it turned midnight I threw a whole bunch of paper confetti just for fun XD don’t ask why. Well, skipping a lot of detail @___@ my cousin Robin and my auntie finally left this morning going back home. Since I woke up at like 5am for them XD I fell back to sleep and woke up at like 7am to get onto the computer and update, but that didn’t work out to well. Cause I fell asleep on the bed in the room with this computer @___@ I woke up and my mo was on the computer and Ek tried to call but I accidently hung up. SO then I finally go ton the computer and my Uncle Time comes out of no where and kisses me on the cheek and I like XP “Ewww!!” and then he laughed and gave me 60$ dollars and I was happy =^-^= lol. Then I stayed on the computer for awhile getting a couple of happy b-days from my otaku buddies and online ones, and you people were the only ones who seemed to really care to tell the truth @___@ it was raining outside today and my mom didn’t make me breakfast like she usually do on my b-day. My grandma and grandpa didn’t even say Happy B-day, but that was ok. My throat started hurting and was sore all day X3 but it’s getting better now :P my mom had a doctor’s a appointment set up today or tomorrow XD or whatever so I probably just have a sore throat. XP All day I pretty much did nothing but talk to my friends online @____@ Miikun gave me a song I was looking for, for my b-day present XP I was happy about that! And then my mom came home from going to and brought home a choclate cake (which I enjoyed, but @-@ I wanted the other kind), a card, and some Panda Express XD I was like “Yay~!” and that made my day too. So, I got urmm...*thinks* a cell from my mom for next month 8D I was like “OMGawd!! THANK YOU!!” I was confused at first and thought it was joke XD so I got back on the computer after eating my Panda Express and I called CC, cencen, Ace, and Jazz to come. *clears throat* this was the part of the day that I hated the most XP CC, couldn’t come until 7pm but never came in the first place, Cecnen kept saying she had homework but cam e over at the end of the day forced by mom, Ace disappeared form the planet earth, and Jazz said she couldn’t come utnil 7pm btu didn’t come either. I was mad, needless to say but I kept telling myself that I would not be sad or mad on my b-day, no matter what. >.< But of corse I had to be mad at that!! CC and Jaz said they were coming but never came!! Ace didn’t even wish me a happy b-day, and when I tried to get one of cencen’s BFF over her cause she’s a freind of mine she didn’t have ride!!XP So, at the end of the day, me and cencen ended up talkig to her BFF (Taren) and we joke and she kept laugh evilly every time dramtic music came on the T.V. My cousins Deon and Terrance came over with my Aunite Car, and they all sang happy b-day to me =^-^= that made me happy too. Then we all joked around and stuff until everyone left and I rather not get into the details of today cause it would include, death, surprises, undead forums, people threatening to commit suicide, and a red panda picking it’s nose X3 so yeah, that’s a SUMMARY of today XD
Daniel: *yawn* Dam woman, you can talk.
MeL Sud up!! Oh, wait one more minute until I’m permanently 13 =3 *waits* *squeals* YEPPY!! It August 29th and know I’m officially, permanently 13 and a teengaer. *dances*
Melody/Sam: I think she’s lost it -____-
Melody: Now >:D after b-day water fun fight!!
Me: >:D You’re on bish!
Sam: I’m not getting involved in this, I’m going to play some Smah Borther Melee *leaves*
Daniel: I’m with ya. *leaves*
Meldoy: Water ballon attack!! *throws and whole punch of water ballons at me*
Me: AHH!! X3 I’m melting!!! MELTING!!
Currently listening to: the b-day song keeps playing over and over in my head @-@
Mood: Hyper, Excited
Chatting to: Chu-chan ( a new friend :P I’m and editor for one of her stories)
Time: 12:05am
P.S. I ALSO WANT TO THANKD alphonse13 for this
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and starfire375891 and Vestuge for signing my Gb on my b-day!! ^^ |
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