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myOtaku.com: mewmewtoykogirl45

Thursday, December 28, 2006

   Konnichiwa! Winter Break Post @_@
Heya! I'm back, finally I got a chance to post, not to mention put up wallpaper. As some of u may know I'm currently working on a podcast, with my friends. Problem is one girl moved so we've had to record without her, Dun Dun Dun. So I promise to post it soooon. Well speaking of celery I got a brand new phone for christmas, The Motorola Red Razr. It helps eliminate aids in Africa, not to mention they just came out with a red i pod. And it sucks for me because being the totally physco pie lover that i am, I left my I pod in my locker. *tear* So now I have to wait until my yearbook meeting on Jan 3rd to get it.
Theres this site , www.fanfiction.com, where you can write ur own story about ur favorite characters. Whether their jumping off cliffs to getting bet up by Choji! All the anime goodness in one site, so don't forget to check it out. ^_^ I recently joined, my username is BlueberrySPICEA, just 4 future ref. Well besides that I'm going shopping with my BF tomorrow since we got some gift cardy thingys (AN: You can see that 'Cardy Thingy' is a highly sophistacated vocab, or it just means that some guy was just attacked by killer rabbits. So either way it's cool.) And for the past 4 weeks I've MISSED the new Naruto epds. *Sobs* So if anyone could fill me in that would be great. Well GTG! Until next time, Ja Ne!

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