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Saturday, December 10, 2005
hi there guys whats up? im having so much fun right now Rika came over yesterday at 7:00pm and she slept over! well she is going to be satying at my place untill thursday cause her mom is in the hospital! shes not sick but she is going to have a baby! so that means that Rika is going to be a big sister ^^
Hiei#18: isthe baby a boy or a girl Rika?
Rika: Um I'm not sure my parents didn't tell me even though I asked them a thousand times!
Me:Well what do you want it to be rika?
Rika: A baby girl!
Hiei#18: why a girl? why not a boy ?
Rika: I don't know I just want it to be a girl!
Me:It would be kind of cool if your mom had twins! one could be a girl and the other one a boy^^
Rika: Ya that would be cool^^
*brothers and sis come in and grab hiei and RIka then drag the away*
Um thats not good well better go save Hiei and Rika form them see ya guys^^
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Friday, December 9, 2005
hi there guys how are you? soory about not posting or visiting peoples sites the past 2 or 3 days! I was really bussy working on my english project and with some other school stuff! Well i didn't have school today YES ^^ I was out side playing with my baby borther and friend Karen! I dodn't get to see her that much any more cause she moved and doesn't come to my school anymoe. We were playing snowball fight with my brother and torchicjr and his sister pinkcat! it was a lot of funn until my brothers friend came out and joined in on the game! the dudes name is Brian and no it is not the Bryan that is going out with my friend Rina! The dude through a snowball at my eye and then started o make fun of me! I think that he did that to try and impress my friend karen! all though i wosn't sure how that was going to impress her since she got pissed off at I'm for hitting me on my eye! just a few minutes ago he came over to my place to borow one of my brothers games for gamecube adb he also said that he was sorry! after that he tryed huging me but I didn't trust him cause I know that he is a total pervert so I didn't let him hug! well I have some things that I have to do for my grandparents so I can't really go to anyones site today sorry about that guys! well I'll try and so to all of the sites that posted today tomorrow! Cya guys
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Hi there guys whats up? nothing to do today ! I was playing in the sonw with my brother and his friends this morning!It was a lot of fun ^^ my friend rika called before i went to school she was askingme for advice on boys so I passed the phone to my aunt Im not good at giving advice when it comes to boys^^'
My aunt was a ble to help her so im glad about that! well i have to get going now see ya ^^

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Hi there guys whats up? nothing to do today ! I was playing in the sonw with my brother and his friends this morning!It was a lot of fun ^^ my friend rika called before i went to school she was askingme for advice on boys so I passed the phone to my aunt Im not good at giving advice when it comes to boys^^'
My aunt was a ble to help her so im glad about that! well i have to get going now see ya ^^

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Monday, December 5, 2005
hi there guys how are you? Well im really happy today because ITS SNOWING YAY^^ my brothers and sis are outside playing with the snow I wanna go play with them but im sick so i can't go outside!
Hiei and my sis kept bringing me 20 oranges every 2 hours! and they still are *looks behind her and sees hiei and kim run in the room with oranges in their hands*
anyway I have nothing else to say so ill be going now to visit peoples sites see ya ^^
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
hi there guys Nothing new happend today!im still hyper ^^ YAY Hyperness lol Well O watchd naruto and zatchbell yesterday with my friend rika the one that got mairred to Krad lol. She started crying after ZatchBell was over! she said that It was really sad! And it kind of was!
Hiei#18: I thought It was pathetic -.-
Really Is that why you started crying too^^
Hiei#18: I wasn't crying I just had something stuck in my eye that all-//-
lol well anyways after Zatchball was over and she stoped crying we watched Naruto she started yelling At the TV when ever Naruto did something stuped! lol We didn't get to see IGPX but we did see FMA! we started laughing to hard when it started because of Ed's hair ^^ It looked Really funny! Rika siad that she might sleep over next saterday! I hope she can^^ I'm always haveing fun when Rika comes over ^^
well i better get going I have to finish my english homework See ya guys later ^-^
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
hi guys whats up? sorry I didn't post yesterday! Iwas really busy with somestuff I had to do! Well I'm really happy today and still hyper cause of all the candy I ate yesterday with my sis ^^
well Im not sure of what to take about so ill just tell you what happens yesterday at school! Lets see during first period we had a test but it was really easy and we got to play around in the internet for about 5 minutes after that In 3rd we played around with vineger and ammonia and and cabbage juice too^^ But we had to have partners and I got to be partnered up with 3 of my firnds ^^ It was a lot of fun cause one of my friends kept on smelling the vineger and started geting hyper lol after that I had math class thats one of my favorite classes^^oh and during PE We had a volleyball match aganst the Ms. Stafonawits class(not sure if i spelled her name right) shes my old pe teacher ^^ there were on;y tow nets so only 4 teams could play at a time and ther were 6 teams so my team and this other team had to wait and site against the wall ! but me and my firend sally did really stay siting for more then 2 minets cause these boys kept on thrying to tickle us for some reason and wouldn't stop untill our teams had to play! and that basicly what happend yesterday^^ oh and yesterday my friends over at my place! we watched the new Yugioh show at 8:00 am and she starts blushing ad yelling out that yami looked really hot which kind of suprised me becasue she never liked an anime charicter before and she said that she hated anime guys so ya ^^' well i better get going see ya guys ^-^
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
hi guys how are you? Im not all that happy today cuase I found out something that really mad me loss my trust with my friend Khanh and andrea! and also cause of a dude that kept buging me at school and still does! well I hope your day was better then mine! But I am Kind of happy because one of my friends let me barrow her Fruits baslet #12 book and I really wanted to read it so im happy about that ^^
well I have to go see ya guys ^-^

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hi there guys^^ how are you?
Im feeling much better then i was on thursday and friday^^ I read the post my sis put up on saterday!
Hiei#18: she kind of freaked out cause she never gave her sister the password to get into her site!
that and the fact that my sis wrote that to Shadow Edge! Then again she would say that to anyperson that said that too me ^^'! Well I have to go I have a lote of HW so I might not be able to make it to every ones site today sorry! Well see ya ^-^
 Sasuke luvs ya! Wow your Lucky cus hes Hot! You tend not to talk to allot of people but you will to your closest friends. But you will give it your all when coming up to they boy you like and Sasuke knows that. You can some times get loud and not meen to but you do and if Sasuke sees you he will probably smile cus hes never seen you act so outloud and u will turn like 5 different shades of red! You dont talk about yourself you like to listen more. and when things get bad you are the best for comfort.
What Naruto boy likes you!? (PICS) 9 results brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
hi there this is haru639 mewtohru's lil sis.
she isn't feelinf that well today shes actually worse then these 3 days that have past! I would have posted for her on thursday but I though that she was going to get better soon and I was really busy looking after her and helping my grandma! hopefully she will get better soon and I really hope so!
Hiei#18: don't worry she will get better! haru639 Is just a little to worried
your right hiei she will get better! well I better get going! oh but before I go shadow edge I read the convo you and my sis had on wednesday you seem like a nice guy but I really didn't like the comment you gave her please don't ever comments like that again !!!
Hiei#18: don't listen to her shes just jealouse that no one on myo ever told her that! -.-; even though lotes of boys at school call her cute and not Im talking about haru639!
hiei why do't you just shut up >.<
Ill post again later telling you guys wheather mewtohru Is better or not! well see ya ^^
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