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Friday, October 21, 2005
Me: yay ^^
Hiei#18: what are you so happy about?
Me: i finished my drawing and its haimy's b-day^^
Hiei#18: haimy?
Me:shes my friend from school^^
Hiei#18: oh are you feeling any better today?
Me: yesh a little but i still feel kinda dizzy!
Hiei#18: Really
Me:yes i think i ilmost fainted in school though ^^;
Hiei#18: you what!!!!!!
*knock on door*
Me:wounder who it could be?
*walks todoor and opens*
Person: hello Teresa!
not much i have to go so ya ill post up the rest latter see ya ^^
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
me:*Wakes up* what happend and what time is it -//-?
Hiei#18: finally you wake up -.-
Me: hiei what happend i remember going out side to go find my baby brother and then every thing went black! -//-
Hiei#18: you fainted again its the 4th time and you still have a fever >.<
Me: 4th time 0//0
Hiei#18 yes 4th time your sick you suppose to be in bed!
Me: but how can i sleep with all this noise? ^//^;
Hiei#18: your right!*walks out of room and screams* you stuped kids shut up!*then goes back in the room*
Me: hiei dont say that to them >//<
Hiei#18: it was the only way to keep them quite!
Me: ya but still there little kids!
Hiei#18: what ever just get some rest will you -.-
Me: okay, hiei um...^^
Hiei#18: um what ?
ME: never mind ^//^
well thats it im feeling a little better now hopefully i should be better by tomarrow which means i might no be able to visit all of your sites soory well see ya
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hi guys im really bored nothing to do school was a lot of fun! it was picture today and every one was looking really nice^^ there was this kid in my clas that kept staring at me like he hated me for some reason oh well
i have to go now see ya guys tomarrow^^
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
hi well im really happy today and really sad T-T im not sure im im so happy i just am and im sad cause yesterday i got DN Angel DVDs #6and 7 but number 7 is the last DN Angel DVD! WHYYYYYY? i was watching the dvds yesterday with my little sister like at 8:00pm it was really sad! soi started crying but ya my sis saw me crying and then started making fun of me just cause i cryed! and then she when to tell my mom and brother! They started making fun of me too! my grandma over heard but she didnt say anything she just looked at me like i was crazzy of something.
Its not my falt that i thought it was really sad and started crying i couldn't help it >.< i didnt get to se my dad yesterday so im hoping i can see him today but im not sure! i was up all night watching anime shows on adult swim well i did go to sleep around 3:00 am and woke up at 8:00am i mist naruto yesterday and onepice cause my brother wanted to watch someething on disney channel but i dont know what it was! well i better get going before my mom gets up i promised her that i would help her with something so i have to get ready well buy guys^^
P.S. my mom went to the hospital today in the morning! im so scared i dont know what to do about itT-T
my baby brother keeps asking me where my mom is and why did she go with those men in a big yellow car thats what he keeps asking! he has no i dea what is going on and i dont know what to tell him*starts crying* my brither and sister dont even pay attention to whats happening they just playing around and fighting just like always! i really dont think that they care what happens to my mom! And my grand ma keeps telling me that its my fault that my mom is in the hospital! To tell you the truth i think shes right it is all my faultT-T! *falls on floor still crying and screams* ITS ALL MY FAULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hello its 12:57 almost 1:00am here in virginia cant slep at all dont know why oh well ill just get a head start and visit the site of the people that have already poste something today well see ya later
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
yay im really happy today but im not sure why and im also really hyper today to WEEEEE! my parents went to work and my brothers and sister went to a fastival at baileys so im all alone at home. yay finally^^ my aunt is going to be gone for 2 day dont know were she went but she left before i got home. she said bye to every one exept me which makes me kinda said but im use to her ignoring me all the time! i really want to talk to some one but again they are not on oh well lol anyways i think im going to see my dad today i cant wait! even though i really dont get along with him maybe cause when i was little my grandma would always tell me that he would hit my mom and to really bad thing! im not sure if its true or not! hes a nice person sometimes not alway^^; anyways ya my grandma got on my nerves today my mom got me a cell phone so my grandma would stop complaning when my frends called me and so i can talk to my dad with out her knowing^^ so my dad called me yesterday in the morning around 7:09am and now my grandma is complaining that why is there someone calling me early in the morning and asked me who called! i told her it was a friend that needed to ask me something very importaint i couldn't tell her that my dad called or else well you dont want to know trust me-.- after that she said that she was going to try to find out whos calling me all the time i got really pissed off so i started yelling and saying that it non of her fucking beswax>.< and all this other stuff good thing she doesn't no english or i would have goten in really big trouble! lol oh and yesterday one of my friends that i invited to my birthday on monday gave me a present. eventhough she counldn't make it the my party it was a furuba poster YAY FURUBA hehe^^ i saw a naruto poster at borders and i really wanted to get it but my mom wouldnt let me no fair T.T and my fiend Khanh got 2 DNAngel DVDs # 6and 7 i wnat to get them so badly i already have DN Angel 1-5 in dvd all i need is 6and 7! i think that 7 is the last DN Angel dvd but im not sure well see ya later guys ^_^
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Friday, October 14, 2005
him feeliing a little better then yesterday thanks to what lovealchemist69 said! thank you lovealchemist69 it made me feel much better^^ but ya my brother is still being bulled but if i say anything to the teachers they get mad and say i dont have anyright to say anything>.<
well there is someone i really want to talk to but again that person is not on so i cant really talk to him/her not telling wheather is a boy or girl-.- well have to go now see ya guys tomarrow buy^^
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more quizzes
 You're a lonely black cat. You're the main reason why people don't seem to trust black cats. You're cold, uncaring, and harsh with everyone around you. But you're hiding your true feeling on the inside.
What kind of Black Cat are you? (ANIME pics GIRLS only) brought to you by Quizilla
 Hiei could totally be yours. He may act like he doesn't care, but if you were ever in trouble, he'd rescue you in a heart be. Lucky you.
Are you and Hiei ment to be? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
im so bored and pissed off today and also really sad T.T
my little brother is being bulled on at school and the freaking teachers aren't doing anything about it! theres nothing to do at all today and i feel like every one hates me for some reason and all my friends a are ignoring me!
my momis trying to undersatnd why the fuck this is all making me feel the way it is but i dont think shell ever understand and to tell you the truth i really dont understand wht i feel sad about peole hating me and ignoring me i should be use to it since ive bine lonely for more then 12 years every one has ignored me before so i don't really get why im sad about that and my aunt and grandma hate me so i shuld be use to other people hating me too but im so confussed and really tired we had to run the passer today and i got really dissy running back and forth ! oh ya and this kid named belfer started making fun of me fore some reason he always does that when ever i see him outside or at school hes really getting on my nerves>.< and theres someone i really want to talk to but they are never on MSN when im on and i got an AIM accont it: darkanimelover12
well got to go see ya guys^^
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I like quizzes^^
 You want a sweet guy. Who'ld take you anywhere. Like Japan!!! Wow I would like a guy like that too:) Also he looks so cute in japanese clothing:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are always happy even through the toughest times you manage to stay happy and you always think happy thoughts.You are very popular and are cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are probably always hyper and jumping off of the walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^ bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
 You fear being alone. Your such a cocial person that you can't imagine a life without someone to hang out with.
What Do You Fear the Most? (GIRLS ONLY anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are beautiful. But not just physically, you are also beautiful spiritully. You have a kind heart and a positive attitude. This is the main reason people like you so much.
What Kind of Person are You? (Girls Only anime angel pics) brought to you by Quizilla
took same quiz twice cause im not always that way^^
 You are sad person. Life itself seems to be getting you down. Your a very isolated person and your just spend the day waiting it to end.
What Kind of Person are You? (Girls Only anime angel pics) brought to you by Quizilla
thats all the quizzes i just took so ya and yesterday was so much fun we watched a movie called waiting and and affter that we wnt to eat sone japanes or was it chines food i cant remember oh ya and after that we wnt to the book store well ill tell you what else happend yesterday tomarrow cause i have to go now bye ^^
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