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darkangelwings14 MSN: mewtohru or darkanimeshadow
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in the dark
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I have many names mewtohru,Tere-san/Tere-chan, or what ever other name you wanna call me i guess ^-^
if feeling lonly for most of your life is one then yess if not then non yet
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Fullmetal Alchemist,Yu Yu Hakusho,NARUTO,FRUITS BASKET, Tokyo Mew Mew, Chobits, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and dragon ballz also yugioh,Tenchi Muyo, dragon knights, Slayers ,Card Captor's, harry potter and a lot more!
to become someone instedof being a nobody!
collecting anima stuff,drawing,reading, and palaying volley ball
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Monday, October 10, 2005
yay its my b-day today finaly im 14 ^.^ i cant wait to go to the movies with my friends only an hour untill the get here! my grandma gave me a jewlery box but im not sure ill really need it cause i dont have any jewlery at all so ya and my dad gave me a hundred bucks to buy what ever i want but i cant think of anything to buy oh well im sure ill find something i might want to buy at the mall^_^
well i hope you guys have a good day oh and i got to alk to my uncle and aunt yesterday thery are all ok but my uncle's house is distroyed so hes goimg to be staying with one of his friends well see ya guys later^-^
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
oh man
a hurrican hit guatemala and el slavador im really scared my uncle and aunt live in guatemala and so do my cousins! i only meet them once and i really want to see them again but im scared that they might be injured or something my moms tryig to contact my uncle but o answer well i have to go now bye
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
yay im really happy today for some reason but i dont know why oh well
maybe its cause my friend ami is coming to visit and i havent seen her in a long time! i was watching mew mew power today in the morning with my sis and she kept on screaming every time they showed zoey thinking about elliot and when she saw the blue night! my ears still hurt from hearing her scream. im going to the mall today with my mom yay
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Friday, October 7, 2005
hi todays friday which meand no school tomarrow yay ^^ three day weekend for me! i cant wait untill monday its my birthday and in going to the movie theater with some of my friends so im really happy ^^ well i have to go now see ya guys later ^^
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Monday, October 3, 2005
time:8:36pm in va.
mood: kinda bored and mad
teresa: man school sucked today -.-
Hiei#18:what happend?
Dark: i thought that you said that school roxed this year!
Teresa:ya it did untill today! we had a freaking fire drill today and it messed up the whole schedual!
Dark: so
Teresa: so we had math for 3 hours and i had a sub for math today i hate it when we have subs. for math they have no idea what we do in class at all!
Daisuke: so di the sub. yell at you guys?
Teresa: ya and for no freackin reason >.<
hiei#18: didnt you have that boycot today at school what was it about again?
Dark: it was during lunch right
Teresa: ya every single kid was suppose to bring their own lunch cause last friday Dr. Stain through away this girls lunch just cause the girl got up to get a soda from the soda !
Daisuke: but wont the cafateria people be happy that the kids brough their own lunch?
Dark:of course they would
Hiei#18:did they all bring their own lunch?
Teresa: no but i did
Daisuke: dont you alway take your own lunch to school?
Teresa: ya but thats only cause the food at lunch made me sike and it was expired!
Hiei#18: ya well you know your baby brothers party was awsome!
Daisuke: ya it was thanks for inviting me and dark ^^
Teresa: you welcome but i wasnt sure that you guys would make it!
Dark: we didnt think we would make it to the party either^_^
Daisuke: dark we better get going
Dark: already but i wanted to keep teresa and her sister company!
Teresa: thats ok hiei is here to keep my and my sis company ^^;
Dark: fine see ya then teresa
Daisuke: see ya tomarrow^^
Teresa: bye^^
well thats all for today wanted to post earlyer but had to finish all my crapy homework well see ya^^
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Me: hiei where is brother?
Hiei#18: he wnt out with your mom why?
Me: good come help me wrap is birthday presind pleazzze!
Hiei#18: fine so what did you gwt him?
Me:a toy that he really wants and it cost a lot!
hiei#18: i thought you were brokeT.T
Me no i have bin saving money but i never told anyone that way they wouldnt ask for any^^
Hiei:so when does the birthday party start?
Me: at 5:00pm its 1:37pm right^^
Hiei#18: whos coming?
me: some of my baby brothers friends i dont know who but Rina and Loda are coming^^
Hiei#18: why are thay coming i thought this was going to be a party for little kids only!
me: ya but your going to be there too and your not a little kid now are you! lol
Hiei#18: fine then i wont go! -.-
Me: you have to come or else youll breack danny's little hart if you dont show up ~.~
Hiei#18: no i wont -.-
me: yes you will ^^
Hiei#18: im not going and that is final -.-
Me pleazzzze hiei rina and lidamight no show up any ways i dont want to be the only person there that is 7or 8 years older then them pleazzze *runs and hugs hiei*
Hiei#18:let go of me >.<
Me: NO *hugs hiei untill he says yes*
Hiei#18: fine ill go just let go of me -.-
Me: *lets go of hiei* yay your coming^^
well thats all i have to go my brother just got home and i have to put up the deceration ill tell you what happens later bye ^^

What Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
teresa: yay man school was awsome wasnt it rina?
Rina: ya it was so cool! it was like a dearm come true^^
Teresa: but only cause he asked you out ^^
Rina: ya i thought he hated me he always ignored me and said he hated me and know he asked my out!
Teresa: its kinda wired if you ask me!
Rina: ya well kinda but wh cares I HAVE A BOYFRIEND ^^
Teresa: dont get to carried way ^^
Rina: what time is lida coming i dont know she should have bine here by now!
*Knock on door*
Rina:Who is it?
Person: its me !
Teresa: *opens door* lida hi
Lida: good afternoon i found something that belongs to you!
Teresa: really 0.0
Rina: what did you find?
Lida: this *drags something in*
Teresa: whats in the bag?
Rina; *opens Bag* hiei
Teresa: oh my gosh why is hiei in a bagand tied up?
Lida: it was the only way to get him here.He was chassing my cat around the naborhood!
Teresa: *unties hiei* why were you chassing lida's cat?
Hiei#18:it scrached me in my arm then bit me so i get mad and chased it!
Rina: ohhh poor hiei*gives hiei a big hug*
Hiei#18: get off of me >.<
Teresa: *goes and gets first aid kit* here let me clean the wound and bandage it ^^
Hiei#18: what ever -.-
Lida: sorry that snowball hurt you hiei!
Hiei#18 doesnt matter so dont worry about it!
Teresa: there we go all done ^^
lida: hey hiei why dont you come to the movies with us my treat its the lest i could do after draging you here in a bag!
Hiei#18: i dont know maybe i should stay home!
Rina: come on hiei come with us^^
teresa: yay pleassse hiei!
Hiei: ok
Rina&Teresa:*hug hiei* yay
Hiei: hn
Lida: lets go then^^
well thats it for today bye^^
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hi im at school right now so im just posting to say hi but iil tell you what happend at school later bye ^^
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Teresa: do you have to try it on right now?
Rina: yes i do!
Lida: why do you choice to try it on at teresa's house?
Rina: cause i feel like it!
Teresa: i really dont mind but i really dont think that this is a good place to try on the dress why dont we go to the bed room?
Rina: why?
Lida cause there are guys hear in the living room -.-
Rina: *looks around* ya maybe your right ^^;
*Teresa,Lidaand rinarun to room with bags in their hands*
Teresa: lida do you want to try your new clothes on?
Lida: sure but you have to try on your^^
Rina: but all she has to do is try on 2 t-shirts ^^
Teresa: well i really didnt have that much money so all i bought was this!
Rina: you know we could have lend you some money
Lida: ya why didnt you just ask us?
Teresa: no thats ok really i dont mind just buyng a few things and i really dont want to bug you just for clothes ^^;
Rina: we dont mind besides we owe you big time!
Lida: you always lend us money and stuff so why wont you let us help or lend you stuff?
Teresa:i dont know! you guys should try your clothes on before anyone comes in^^
Rina: your right your little sis always brings her friends over!
Lida: dose she have anyfriends that are boys?
Teresa: i dont know!
Rina&Lida: oh well *start to try out clothes*
Teresa: wow you guys look so awsome in those dresses ^^
Rina: you really think so?
Lida: i kinda feel weird in this dress T.T
Teresa: really you guys do^^
Lida: lets try on our other outfit
Rina: ok
*knock at door*
Hiei#18: tersa are you there?
Teresa: ya hiei but can you waite out side for a while?
Hiei#18: i have to get something out really quick it ill only take a sec.
Teresa: hiei stay out you cant come in right now >.<
Hiei#18: look i wont take long *opens door and coomes in*
Lida&Rian: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Hiei#18: om man 0//0
Teresa: hiei get out *starts throwing pillows and stuffed toys at hiei*
Hiei#18: *runs out of room Yelling* IM SOOOO SOORRRRRYYYY
Teresa: oh man im so sorry guys >.<
Rina&Lida: thats ok >//<
Lida: its not your fault hiei wouldnt listen -///-
Rina: ya lida is right its not your fault -///-
well that was my day and this really happend exept it was a nother boy that walked in not hiei well see ya
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What Naruto Guy is For You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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