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Monday, September 26, 2005
Teresa:*wakes up* what time is it? -//-
Hiei#18:*walks into room* Finally your awake! youve bin asleep for 15 hours its already 6:00pm-.-
Teresa: 15 hours so that means i missed school why didnt you wake me up? >//<
Hiei#18: your mom told me not to and who would blame her you were up all night with a fever and you still look sick!
Teresa: but i was suppose to go to school i cant miss school i already missed 1 day of shool and i had a big test to take!
Hiei#18: i really dont get why you go to school when you sick you were sick on firday and you went you got even worse on saterday and yesterday might you were so sick that you scared your mom so much she almost took you to the hospital!
Teresa: but i feel much better now
*coaf coaf*
Hiei#18: no your not ! look at you your al pale and your forhead is burining hot-.-
Teresa: but Hiei i feel much better *coaf coaf* and bisides i told rina that i would help her with her project today *coaf coaf*
Hiei#18: rina and lida come over today at 3:00pm to see why you werent at school! Rina said to tell you to stay and bed and feel better and lida said the same thing and said that she would help rina with her project!
Teresa: ^//^ ok but im kinda hungry do we have any soup?
Hiei#18: ya all go get you some just stay here and here drink this your mom made it for you she said it would help make you feel better!
Teresa: thanks hiei ^//^
im still sick and my moms medican is helping a little so i should be feeling better by tomarrow well mee ya
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
today was pritty good i woke up around 6 am today cause my grandma was going to take care of kids today and i know that they would be coming early and that ment that there would be alote of screaming after they came here and that i had to give my bed to one of them! its 1:24 here where i live and i just finished watching naruto^^ im still mad at the dud from yesterday and the trip to my friends house yesterday was the worst! all my friend did was spend time with her cousins who she sees every single day. she totally ignored me and so i went out to the car and started to read my manga books. i would have stayed with my mom outside in the back yard but there were some men out there that were drunk so i really didnt feel safe! especally since my mom also ignored me and forget that i was there at all! i watched inuyasha and FMA yesterday i wanted to watch sc-ar-ed but my mom made me take the tv off cause my brother didnt want to hear the tv well i have to go now bye
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
ahhh im so pissed off today i was talking to a friend and then this dud IM me and got me pissed off by what what he said! all i said to him was hi and then said that he hated me and all this other crap! ahhhh i hate him he wouldnt even say why he hated me i dont get it at all!
fine if thats the way he wants it ill atart ignoring him and telling him that i hate him and lets see how he feels that bastered! >.<
but then again it wouldent even last for 2 days i hate him for what he said but i really like him and i dont know what to do!!!
and i know hes going to read this post ahhhh
but i anm kida happy cause i got an FMA T-Shirt and in a few minutes im going to go see my friendso i cant wait ^^
i stilll want to know why he hates me but i really dont want to talk to him right know! if you guy could give me some edvice that would really help well see ya
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 You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
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 You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
worst day ever
teresa: WHERE IS IT?
*starts to distroy room*
Hiei#18: what are you doing?
Teresa: trying to find my brothers birthday present!
Hiei#18: present? is it his birthday already?
Teresa: no its on oct.1 but i saw one of the kids that my grandma takes care of playing with a toy that looked like the present i bought my brother!
Hiei#18: so now your looking for the present to make sure that its not the toy that the boy is playing with?
Teresa: right but so far i havent found anything* looks under the bed * wow look at all this stuff 00
oh my god lokk at what i found *gets mad*
Hiei#18: looks like the present that you bought for you brother well the box and card but the toy is gone!
Teresa: that little brat he opened it and took it out and it doesnt even belong to him!!!!!
Hiei#18: what was that ?
Teresa: i don't know1
*Both run out of the bed room*
Hiei#19: oh man 00
Teresa: OH NO my brothers present!
my glasses NO my mom picture what did you do andrew? >.<
Hiei#18: your mom is going to be so mad oo
Teresa: andrew what do you have to say for yourself?
andrew: *sticks tounge out* i hate you!
Teresa: why you little brat your lucky my grandma tooks care of you care of you or else you would be dead!
Hiei#18: just be happy that you have two par of glasses and that you only need it for reading -.-
Teresa: WHAT ABOUT THE PICTURE! that picture was special to my mom
*gets on knees and starts crying*
Hiei#18: dont worrie about it im sure your mom will understand!
Teresa: AHHH NO she wont my grandma left me in charge of him while she went out with my aunt and now look at the place its distroyed!!*makes a fist and hits the ground but also hits part of the glass in the floor*
Hiei#18: you idiot look your hand is bleeding now -.-
Teresa: *looks at her fist and blood! gets up and gets the first aid kit*
Hiei#18: want me to clean and wrap your hand scince you only have one hand to do it?
Teresa: no i can do it on my own
*three minutes later*
hiei#18: i cant believe you cleaned and wraped your hand all on you own i thought you aunt could only do that!
Teresa: im going to pick up every thing and fixs the room!
Hiei#18: I'll help you !
Teresa:no thats okay just watch andrew for me please!
Hiei#18:okay i guess
this really happend and if you want to know if i got in trouble the answer is yes and know i have to look for a new present for my brother!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Teresa: hi guys how are you? my day was awsome well it was untill i hurt my nee trying to help someone!
Hiei#18: hn Teresa im bored can we go out somewhere?
Teresa: not right now hiei i still have to finish doing some stuff!
Hiei#18: what stuff?
Teresa: stuff and besides where do you want to go?
Hiei#18: i dont know any where that dosent have little kids !
Teresa: i guess we can go to the park all the little kids are home by know
Hiei#18: fine can we go now?
Teresa: no you have to wait! why do you want to go some where right now why cant you wait?
Hiei#18: cause im bored and i dont want to stay here with all these little kids!
Teresa: fine but first let me call my mom and tell her were we are going!
Hiei#18: fine but hurry before Rina gets here...
Teresa: so thats why you want to go somewhere T.T
Hiei#18: no its just that.. um ..ah
Teresa: you know shes only coming over for homework help so you dont have to be afrid of her^^
Hiei#18: Hn can we just go know
Teresa: fine lets go^^ *should i tell him that rina is actually conimg tomarrow?*
Hiei#18: come on already
Teresa: fine see ya guys
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Teresa: hi guys how are you? my day was awsome well it was untill i hurt my nee trying to help someone!
Hiei#18: hn Teresa im bored can we go out somewhere?
Teresa: not right now hiei i still have to finish doing some stuff!
Hiei#18: what stuff?
Teresa: stuff and besides where do you want to go?
Hiei#18: i dont know any where that dosent have little kids !
Teresa: i guess we can go to the park all the little kids are home by know
Hiei#18: fine can we go now?
Teresa: no you have to wait! why do you want to go some where right now why cant you wait?
Hiei#18: cause im bored and i dont want to stay here with all these little kids!
Teresa: fine but first let me call my mom and tell her were we are going!
Hiei#18: fine but hurry before Rina gets here...
Teresa: so thats why you want to go somewhere T.T
Hiei#18: no its just that.. um ..ah
Teresa: you know shes only coming over for homework help so you dont have to be afrid of her^^
Hiei#18: Hn can we just go know
Teresa: fine lets go^^ *should i tell him that rina is actually conimg tomarrow?*
Hiei#18: come on already
Teresa: fine see ya guys
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Teresa: hi guys
Hiei#18: hey
Teresa: i cant wait for naruto to come on today at 7:30pm my sis says she dosent want to watch it but i think shes not telling the truth! cause each time they show a preview of it on tv she starts screaming and yelling1 saying that shes going to watch it^^
Hiei#18: I think shes crazzii --
Teresa: really why?
Hiei#18: cause all she does is scream Naturo Naruto! it annoying
Teresa: well ya but thats only cause she has a crush on him^^
Hiei#18: and thats why shes crazziii >.<
Teresa: your only jeliouse that no one is screaming out your name Hiei^^
Hiei#18: WHAT *starts blushing* THATS NOT TRUE I..um..I
Teresa: ohh your blushing hiei thats so cute lol ^^
Hiei#18:*still blushing* huh...im not cute!!!
Teresa: lol yes you are ^^
Hiei#18: stop that >//<
Teresa: lol fine ill stop but you should have seen the look on your face now that was really cute lol ^^
Hiei#18:Hn 0//0
Teresa: hey hiei dont forget that my mom is taking use to go see a movie later so we all need to agree o what to watch before we get there okay ^^
Hiei#18: fine
well i have to go now see ya guys ^^
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Teresa: hi every one^_^
if you are wonder ing who i am im mewtohru teresa is my first name!
hiei#18: so your leting them know you first name
Teresa: yep why is there a problem with that?
Hiei#18:no not really
Teresa: okay then ^_^ oh befor i forget hiei rina gave me this letter to give to you!
Hiei#18: what dose it say ?
Teresa: i dont know i didnt read it!
Hiei#18: ill read it later T.T
Teresa: well hiei you want to go to the store later whn my mom comes home?
Hiei#18: why? you keep asking me every day!
Teresa: cause you stay home all day and you never go out so thatswhy i keep asking you!
Hiei#18: so thats the only reason you ask me?
Teresa: ya why?
Hiei#18: no reason at all!
Teresa: okay so do you want to go or no?
Hiei#18: ill go not like there is anything good to do here anyway!
okay then my mom should be coming home at 7:00pm and its 5:44pm right now so we still have some time before mom comes so what do you want to do?
hiei#18: i dont know!
Teresa: i know ill show you my friend khanh's site she said she was going to ad something to it but she wouldnt say what!
Hiei#18: fine show me her site!
Teresa: *goes to xanga.com/xanimexdreamx* there we go. *starts reading*
hiei#18: *also starts reading*
man shes always talking about alex!
Hiei#18: where is he from?
Terea:he's from cincinnati, Ohio!
look he even made a botten for her
oh its so cute and look at what it says i wish someone did that for me!
hiei#18: wow look at his site he must really love her!
Teresa:yep he sur dose i spoke to him once he sounded really nice so he sould be a good person!
Hiei#18: nicer then your mom?
Teresa: not sure how nice but if he ever hurts khanh ill make him pay >.<
Hiei#18: can i help i really want to hurt someone!
Teresa: if you want to hurt someone you can hurt my sister she has bin making me really mad lately!
Hiei#18: sure i guess where is she?
Teresa: i dont know! but your not really going to hurt her are you?
Hiei#18: yep
Teresa: what i was only kidding when i said you could hurt her >.<
Hiei#18: okay i wont god i really wanted to hurt someone
Teresa: hey my moms home come om=n hiei lets go^_^
Hiei#18: alright
Teresa:bye guys ^^
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