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Sunday, September 4, 2005
mewtohru: hi how are u guys?
i had so much fun yesterday ! it was my moms friends baby's birthday party. she was so cute >.< especaly when she finished eating cake hehe
she was only one and she got cake all over her i have a picture of her that i took but i dont remember where i put it!
i went out this morning with my mom and my sister i had a lot of fun with them i never had so much fun with them before normally i would always b fitting with my sister and my mom would always be to busy spending time with my other siblings! i found out something yesterday that i really didnt want to know that made me fell really bad and after that i started to reamember something that hapend when i was a lil girl
*starts to cry* i really didnt want to remember what happend i really didnt!
Rina: not gain o.o
oh hi u guys sorry about mewtohru something happend that she really doesnt want any one to know what happend but as hard as she trys she all was ends up telling other hopefuly she didnt tell u anything that happend yesterday!
mewtohru: *still crying*
im so sorry *sob*
Rina: its all right !
well we better get going maybe tomarrow mewtohru will feel a lot better then what she feels today see ya !
mewtohru: *sob* bye *sob*
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
OMG >.
omg i cant wait untillseptember 10 they are going to give NARUTO in cartoonnetwork i cant wait >.<
YAY ^_^
i had a lot of fun at school today i dont have any home work but i still have a lot of other stuff to do well see ya ^.^
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
yay ^.^
i dont have as mich work as yester day and im really happy about that ^_^ i turned in my projects i hope i get a good grade on it i worked really hard on it >.<
school was really fun today normally i would be really bored and wish that school would end early but today was the oppiste of that ^^ well i have to go now see ya ^.^
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
gone for a few days
hi u guys
im not going to be able to come to myo for a while well untill i end school or untill maybe december or somethin like that my mom wants me to get goo grades in school so thaat means i cant come on for a long time ill miss u guys well have to finish my project bye
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Monday, August 29, 2005
hi ya guys ^_^
hi sorry for not updating and visiting ur sites guys i have alot of work to do and i want to make sure that i get good grades so my mom wount be disapointed in me and so i cn go to the lockin at school>.< see the lock in is this activity that all eighth grader ge to go to if they have good grades for the first three quaters of school we cant have anythnf below a "C" for our final grade in any of our classes and and if we do there is a project that we can do called the IBworld project! it can be about whatever we want im going to do a project with two of my best friends ^_^ are project is going to be anime or aat least one of the anie shows but we are not sure witch one yet ^.^;
i would be really happy if u guys could help me and give me some seggestions
well i have to go now i have to finish my homework bye ~.~
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Friday, August 26, 2005
hello ^_^
hi man im really bored i had a good day today better then on the first second and third day! well i have to do some homework that some of my teachers gave me. im taking spanish class and im sure ill pass that class i hope. well i have to go bye ^_^
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
school is ok so far i have three classes with some of my best friends! i had pe to day and im going to have band tomarrow i wont be ablr to stay in band ths year my parents dont want me to have any insterments at home and my grandparents dont want any either the dont want to hear any nose! so my mom is making me switch to art. i really wanted to stay in bad this year we were going to go preform in hershey park! my friends said that they only sold food with chocolate in it and if i ate it i would get really sick1 im allergic to chocolate so eating it is not a good idea! but i wold care about the chocolate as long as im having fun with my friends ibut this year i cant do that we cant really talk much during class so this year it might be boring! well i have to go i have to finish my home work canu beleive thay gave use homework on the 4th day of school well they actually gave us homework on the seconday but i already turned that in bye ^_^
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Monday, August 22, 2005
hi today was the first day of school it was fun but i was a little disapointed there were some guys in my classes that i dont really get along with and one of then it totally absest with his hair! if his hair is ever messed up he literaly licks his hand and then fixes his hair with is wet hand ewwwww >.<

well since i started school today i dont have any homework but i dont think that i will be able to update as much as i do now and if i dont get to ure site im sorry but im trying my best to go to every ones! well im sleepy and my feet hurt iv bin runing to all my classes! oh and for all of u who are wondering what happened to rina she s ok now and shes going to another middle school i forgot the name of the school she gos to well have to go bye ^_^
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
okay i cant stay on for too long i have to get my school stuff ready for tomarrow and i have to finish my essay! omg my brother is watching summer salam1 have to go i want to go see rey vs eddie bye oh and sorry if i cant visit ure site bye ^_^
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
mewtohru: hello how are u guys?
rinas not with me today well she was i went of to her house but she was feel sickand then she fanted shes a little better but she cant go out side any sge cant have ny visiters! i guess she got sick be cause it was raining outside yesterday and she went out to play in the puddles while it was still raining! but then again so did i ^.^ only one more dy befor i start school! im in the Hurican team YAY!
i got the list of school sulpies today so im going to go bye what i need tomarrow i already have my new school clothes and backpack all i need now are maybe 5 binders 7 spirled notbooks and some oher stuff well have to go now bye ^_^
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