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darkangelwings14 MSN: mewtohru or darkanimeshadow
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I have many names mewtohru,Tere-san/Tere-chan, or what ever other name you wanna call me i guess ^-^
if feeling lonly for most of your life is one then yess if not then non yet
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Fullmetal Alchemist,Yu Yu Hakusho,NARUTO,FRUITS BASKET, Tokyo Mew Mew, Chobits, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and dragon ballz also yugioh,Tenchi Muyo, dragon knights, Slayers ,Card Captor's, harry potter and a lot more!
to become someone instedof being a nobody!
collecting anima stuff,drawing,reading, and palaying volley ball
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
hi back again
how are u guys?
im so bord thers nothin to do T.T
i was alone at home well not so alone. my brother was also home with me! all the adults had gone out and my baby brotherand sister want with them! i wasnt alowed to do enyhting whill they were out my brother on the other hand got to have friends over i stiil dont feel good and they were making all this noise. i spent most of the time in the room watching TV and then i had to make sure that my brother and his friends wouldent kill each other! my brother gave them cotten candy and they all got hyper aperentlly they ate the whole box of cotten candy and lolipops they almost distroyed the place! but they finally fell asleep now i have to pick up all the mass they did beformy parents come see ya T_T
*mewtohru ^_~*
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hi theres not much going on today my mom ran out of the house becuse she had ro go somewhere dont ask where i dont know she wouldnt say!
im sick today i have a fever and cant go out so it boring not being able to go out side and spend time with my friends well got to go have to drink my medican bye!

What Legendary Magic Knight Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
waz up ^_^
hi how are u guys?
today im just playing games in the computer! theres not much to do my brothers and sisters are playing with there little friends! my friends went out some where so im kinda bored well got to go bye ^^
 You are an angel!
You are sweet, kind, and gentle.
You are sensitive and can be hurt easily.
What is your inner magical being??? lots of results and all that good stuff!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Dragon Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
how are u guys? ^_^
today was really fun we had a food fight well more like cream fight we got all covered in cream it was kinda funny when my brother hit my sis in the face with cream kinda reminds me of the party we had at camp hehhe ^.^
i got to talk to my friend in greece so im realy happy and im geting a cell phone soon! well got to gosee ya later bye! Hehe ~_~
*mewtohru ^_~*

What Anime Legend Are You?
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
today was kinda fun! i had a drawing contest at home and i was the judge. my sister and brothers were the ones that drew the pictures. my baby brother won the contest!hehe ^_^ u should have the faces on my siter and my brother heeh it was really funny hehe!~_~
oh ya im giong to sixflags on the 19th of july and i still have to go to the other camps hope that its fun though T.T
well have to go my sister is back and shes only giving me 30 sec. to start runing from her see ya bye^.^
*mewtohru ^_~*

What Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Forest Creature Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
hi guys! ~_~
i was going to say happy forth of july but that was yesterday! as u guys already know i went to DC it was fun! although it was hard to find a parking spot and the grown-up the only thing they did will try to find a place to park was fightT.T
around i think it was 5:30 we found a place to park and then we went to look at the monuments and stuff. my sister bought this pasifier neclese that shows different colors when u push the tip if it! and i got these earrings that glow inthe night! the fireworks were awsome! ^_^
there was even one that was the shape of a hart!
when the fireworks were all done we went home and used the the fireworks that we had bought the day before to entertain my baby brother he fell asleep will we were waiting for the fireworks in DC to start so he didn't really see then and was crying because he really wanted to see them but im sure hell see them next year we have to go my moms taking us somewhere but she won't say where well guess i have to wait and find out later bye! ^_^
*mewtohru ^_~*
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Monday, July 4, 2005
hi today the 4th of july yay!
me and my family are going to washington dc at around 5 or 6 to go see the memorials and stuff we might even stay for the fireworks but im not quite sure yet! i just hopr that it fun well got to go help my mom see ya later bye! ^_^
*mewtohru ^_~*
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
today i had to go to the pool with my sister and brothers man it was boring ! then we went out to go get some fireworks for tomarrow !and got home around iat about 7:30pm so i just got in the computer a few min. ago!

What Magical Girl Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
man im so happy today but im also really sad my friend is sick and i cant do anything about it man this sux! T.T
im so bored theres nothing to do i still have to finish the homework i have for school and i have to getready for this other campm i have to go to but the camps only 3 or 4 days so it won't be long and the camp is also in pennsylvania i think! ^_^ so ya.
well got to go bye
*mewtohru ^_~*

What is Your Anime Zodiac?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Anime Angel Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, July 1, 2005
hi today was fun but im still tired and its the last day of camp yay! but im still going to another campand im hoping itll be fun so..... oh today at camp we hade a party for the junior huddle ledders and huddle leaders after all the little kids went home so it was fun i laughed a lottodayat camp so im realy glade i went to camp today! ^_^ okay .....i cant think of anything to say
well see ya later bye~
* mewtohru ^_~*

What Personality Do You Have?
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