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darkangelwings14 MSN: mewtohru or darkanimeshadow
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I have many names mewtohru,Tere-san/Tere-chan, or what ever other name you wanna call me i guess ^-^
if feeling lonly for most of your life is one then yess if not then non yet
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Fullmetal Alchemist,Yu Yu Hakusho,NARUTO,FRUITS BASKET, Tokyo Mew Mew, Chobits, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and dragon ballz also yugioh,Tenchi Muyo, dragon knights, Slayers ,Card Captor's, harry potter and a lot more!
to become someone instedof being a nobody!
collecting anima stuff,drawing,reading, and palaying volley ball
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
k im really tired tday my head hirts and im really sleep1 i almost fell usleep in the camp that i go to every morrning tomarrow is the last day of the camp so im happy im not sure if ill go to a cape for the jinor huddle leadder which is an over night camp or if i should stay home oh i have to go now bye
~ mewtohru
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
today was fun but im really tired man! im still kinda mad at my mom for lossing my digital camera at a store and that was my first digital camera thats not fair! im so happy only two more days of camp
and then im free but i still have to do homework for the summer so im a liilte sad about that will got to go see ya ^.^
~ mewtohru ^_~
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
okay im kinda mad, sad, and happy at the same time! im happy becauseim going to a camp called power camp for a week and its really fun but im sad because i can't talk to my friends that much during this week cause the camp starts at 8:00am and ends around 4:00pm and when i get home me and my younger brother and sister are really tired and don't have that much energy to do enything else. im mad because my sister keeps buging me at te camp that we go to and starts to say thinge about me that aren't true to other peopole!! so ya that's why and thats how my week has bine but im also mad because we got homework that we have to do for summer and i have to give a packet of work to my 8th gread teacher on the first day of school or ill get an F THATS NOT FAIR THIS STINKS -.-
well got to go see ya bye ^_~
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your sohma guy results

Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, June 27, 2005
man today i went to a camp called power camp and im a jr. huddle leader there. so i had to help set up for events and hepl get the cafeteria ready for the younger kids to have lunch and to have snacks. i was walking around the school where it was being held. it was kinda fun though but it gets really boring when theres nothing to do T.T * falling asleep* oh and i was loking at my friends site it was so cool what she wrote about her and kyo is was funny 8 laughing really loud and hard*
@.@ now im dissey! head hurts a lot @.@. hve to go see ya later bye ^.^
*almost faints*
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Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Anime Friendship Quiz
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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hi ya!
today was boring there was nothing to do i just stayed home. will my mom and sister went to the store to buy a small swimming pool so my brothers and my sister could play in it but the store they went to didn't have any so now they're just playing around and bothering my. man i wish they would leave me alone. never mined i think my wish justcome true they just left to the store with my mom thank god! well got to go my grandma wants me to go get her something see ya ^.^
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
man this sux
today was awful four of my friends started to fight today in the afternoon when i asked them why they just said becuse and then they tell me to choose which one of them to stay friends with its hard to chose just one man i hate this and now my sister is elling me that she can get any of my manga books and keep them and if i want to read one of the books she buys i have to give her something i hate her so much she eve took my cd-player and cds>!! T_T
im so mad right now!!!!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
today was the birthday of one of my friends. it was fun. i got an email address at and i got to instent message one of my friends that i met in this site oh gota go moms calling se ya later!
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