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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
i don't know wut to talk about...isn't that cool???!!! hahahaha...very cool...i'm gonna read kare kano after this post so im gonna hurry it up! YAY! hahaha i almost soaid aya instead of yay...hahaha...im sooo stupid...lol
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uh,,,nari,,,well others...but nari
I'll put ur button on my site if u pm me all my comments...cuz it really sucks to not be able to c them...k? and for any other nice person (in case nari doesnt wanna) u can do it too!!!! lol...thanx...to whoever will do it...I ALMOST FINISHED FRUITS BASKET!!!!!!!!! its sooooo good so far...and i'm gonna finish it now! and then read kare-kano2...unless rachel forgot...if she did...evilness...
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Cuddle Bunny...
I AM NOT PREPPY!!!! DO U KNO WUT MY ICON FOR AIM IS??? DIE PREPPY BITCH...PREPS SUCK...but considering that i go to a school with too many preps (more than half the population) it might explain something...BUT I AM NOT PREPPY...DO NOT INSULT ME LIKE THAT...but its ok...i just looked at my site an at i was like...she kinda right...it does look kinda preppy...but i like the colors so its ok...
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sucky stuff
i just figured out i cant comment on other ppls post either!!! this really sucks...*cry* should i give u a list of things that sucks?
well...my aim for one...wont let me view profiles...won't let me change passwords...wont let me get in chats...
my comp...it freezes every 5 seconds...Microsoft word is messed up...uh...that it??
on the bright side i can read fruits basket while i'm waiting!!! YAY!!! thanks nari! ur great! (for now)lol...so...i had a math test today...on proofs...i think i failed...literally...although i really hope i don't...well...most normal ppl will...but am i normal??? anna leah would say no...others might say yes...wut do u ppl think?
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i don't kno y i put hahahahaha as a subject...but i did...so thats just too bad...o...wait...i have a hahahahaha...i left like 9999909 messages on my friend's mobile phone...i'm seriosly...he was like...omg...ur crazy...u left like 9999909 messages on my phone...(its for aim) except that there were more nines...that just proves i'm crazy doesn't it??? hahaha thats ok...and i also got warned by another friend...he was kinda outta it...but i'm not gonna talk about his private life...i will instead talk about nari's private life...lol...no i won't...alto she deserves it...unless she brings fruits baskets...which i really hope she will...i wanna have a frappachino right now...hahaha...
*walks into starbucks*
yeah right...i wish...
haha...i made a long post...congratulate me!!!! u kno wut? u guys can leave comments...its ok...cuz im gonna make nari pm them to me...hahaha...cuz shes still worried about her life...GO TO H*** LIZY!!!!! ans SHUT UP whlie ur there...it may help...shes like laughing every single second...shes soooooo annoying
animefan3939: Lizy is a freak and im going to die b/c i have a huge hisotry test and im gonna die... or lizy will kill me cuz she is going to scare me to death
me: lol...lol...for the first time i'm not the one killing her...i gonna go now cuz all my friends are freaks and i needa get away from them...
OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nari got me fruits basket!!! she wont die now!!! I'M GONNA READ!! cya ppls l8er
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
i reached it!!! i made my second goal!!!! this is sad...my posts are sooo uninteresting now...o well...im bored tho...is that good? or bad?
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so close yet so far away
AHHHHHHHHHH! im 2 ppl away from my second goal!! and its almost the end of sunday....nooooooooo...i needa reach the goal...i hafta...do i sound obsesive? i think so...sry ppls...its just so hard to c a goal not reached...lol...so wutsup? wait...dont tell me...pm it to me...not comment...DO NOT COMMENT!!! sry...it just annoys me...well u can comment...
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someone is trying to torture me!!!!!!!! there is a comment thingy...cry cry...and i cant read it...hey nari! i will forgive u more if u pm me all my comments!!! heehee
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i guess...
if they say so...
 You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
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i don't have one
y do they have a subject thing anyways? do they expect us to only have one topic...seriously...maybe we're suppose to list them...like this
Subject: talking about how stupid the subject box is, the fact that my friend is evil, uh and nothing else...
seriously...thats weird...my friend is evil tho...i won't go beyond that...i love pizza...wut r ur fav toppings...wait...dont comment...plz...cuz i cant read them...remember? well...cya ppl
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