Start: 6:18 PM CST
Hi everyone! The strangest things happened to me today... Uh, lemme try to remember them...
Uh, let's see... My sister and that weird kid were fighting again. (I found out that weird kid is sexist! "Girls are weaker, etc..." That's what he said... Ugh. I hate sexists.) So my sister attacked him with my backpack. (Now you gotta understand my backpack's a rolling backpack...)
So when school started... I kinda felt a li'l depressed. (Well, you see, at my old school, my friends had told some people that I died, and I was just thinking about what it would be like if my friends died.) Oh, don't worry. They took it back, though some people believed it.
Then... three weird looking guys came up to me and asked "Hey, are you the guy from 'The Grudge'???" They all started laughing. At first, I wanted to hit them... But I knew I was better than that...
So Science! I found out my Science might be a LITTLE bit sexist...and perverted... I dunno.
Gym! My back didn't hurt today! YAY! Yet, we played volleyball...with an inflatable ball larger than me... -_- It was VERY unorthodox! (It's the first year for boys' volleyball!) And yet, the coaches know NOTHING about volleyball! Ugh, stupid them.
Lunch... I met a girl named Lily! ^^ (She's Viet.) I talked to a guy about anime when I sat down to eat.) I wanted to sit with Lily, but boys and girls are separated during lunch...
Oh yeah. When I went to my next period after lunch, Arts, she gave me her phone number. (I've only known her for about one period and she already gave me her phone number?) I told Vanessa and the others about that and Vanessa called me a "ladies' man". Eh? (Hinaru went up to me and asked "How do you do it?" He scares me... o_O)
Umm... Arts. I started to ink my three-plants drawing! And Bao borrowed my use the restroom. (EH?)
ELA... We drew stuff! I drew an arch window with the moon! I need to finish it today, 'cause it's due tomorrow.
So... (When I rode the bus, I found out my pulling thing for the backpack messed up... T_T Thank you, Diana...) Umm... I didn't have my keys today... But my mom opened the door. Oh yeah! The priests and my mom's friends with a daughter are still here! Oh yeah, you don't know the story???
Yesterday, two priests came over to visit (one from Vietnam, and one from San Jose, California) and with my mom's two friends from San Jose and their daughter. They stayed over for the night. ^^ (My room is SO PWETTY! The women stayed in there, and the priests stayed in my brother's room.)
I had to sleep in my sister's room... -_- She kept trying to kick me off the bed... For the beginning, I had to sleep on the floor, but I got sick, so I went onto her bed...
Uh... When I came home from today, my mom was reading one of the woman's future. (Yes, my mom can do that. Like I said, my family has "magical powers"... I guess you can say that. XP)
And my brother ate all the food they saved for me and my sister! (Stupid pig!)
Well, one of the priests (from Vietnam) just came to use the computer a while...) And they just left! (NOO! It was nice having religious company!!!)
Oh yeah. The priests are Buddhists... Not Catholic. (I call them priests, but you might call them "higher-leveled monks"... I DUNNO! LOL)
Wah. It would've been nice to know them longer...
(Oh yeah. When I was walking into the computer room when my brother was using it, one of the priests was there, and picking his nose... UGH!)
Oh well. I'll see ya later. ^^ Bye bye!
Question #1: What do you think of Asian magic spells? (Like, those paper talismans with the inscriptions, using dead people's corpses as slaves? And curses!)
Question #2: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Question #3: Do you believe in future-telling?
Question #4: What is your thought on exorcists?
My Answer #1: Hehe DUR! My family knows how to use them! ^^ (I can use some, but my mom hits me when I try...)
My Answer #2: Yup! I can sense when they're around... ^^
My Answer #3: Yup. Like I said earlier, my mom knows how to do it.
My Answer #4: I have an auntie and cousin that are exorcists. ^^ And yup, I've seen them exorcize a demon right in front of my eyes... Five times to be exact. o_O
Well, see ya! ^^
End: 6:56 PM CST
Edit #1: 8:28 PM CST
OMFG! GUESS WHAT?!?! When I went to go get the mail (at night, one block away), I saw Mars! Yes, Mars, as large as the moon! YAY! FINALLY! IT HAS COME!!! (I gotta tell Alaina!!!) Yay! Mars has come! It should be a bloody red colored cresent moon... But it's not the moon! It's Mars! (It may seem old, but it's Mars! The moon's reflection can't be deep red!!!
I'm gonna go enjoy it. ^^ See ya!
And hey, if you don't wanna go see it... You gotta wait 'til the year 2400-something to see it again... But I'm pretty sure you guys won't be able to live that long... (Or a billion years... Scientists aren't that sure...)
End: 8:31 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Labor Day! And yet... I feel so tired...
Start: 5:06 PM CST
Hi everyone... I remembered to post early today... LOL
I woke up at 1 PM. (Yes, in the afternoon. I stayed up SO late until 2 AM talking to Enin... He needs to come more earlier!!!)
So... It took a while for me to get on... Since my sister was inking her drawings with the computer... And she wouldn't let me on until half an hour...
So when I got on... I checked my computer using anti-virus (haven't done that in a while), and my MSN Messenger messed up for a while... -_-
Tiffany (shippo_souten) finally got her microphone! Yay! We talked. And we tried to convince Sai to use Skype, and she left... And never came back... (Does she hate us that much???)
OH yeah. HONG (litoazndreamer, my daughter) GOT ME HOOKED ON ONI-CON!!! I wanna go SOO bad! And I know Otemba might come, and that makes me even more excited! (If only I saved more money... It costs $20 to get in, plus souvenirs...)
Then Tiffany left... She's gonna go eat.
I hope I can find Panda there!!! (At Oni-con, I mean...)
Well, that's all for now... See ya.
...What a boring Labor Day...
End: 5:11 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Another Late Post... For Sunday... VERY LATE.
Start: 11:58 PM CST
Hi everyone. It's about 2 minutes to midnight, and I'm chatting with Vicky (BurningDeamon). Oop, make that 1 minute 'til midnight.
Uh... About my Sunday day. (That would've rhymed if it weren't for the fact that "day" rhymed with "day". Hey! It's midnight! XP
I woke up late, around 9 AM, and got ready for church.
Ugh... Today, on the way to church, my sister and I had a argument about DDR Mario Mix... (Like who gets to own it, who gets to play Story Mode...) And I swear, I have to live through this my whole life! I swear, I'm gonna die young... -_-
Man, church was...different today. We saw TONS of people that were evacuating from New Orleans/Biloxi at my church... Hehe Church was nice anyways... Oh yeah! My mom met a friend at our old town... ^^
And my sister was staring at the insects around the church. (We found a bug that looked like a dragonfly/wasp and a monarch butterfly...with a strange wing pattern. It was polka-dotted... T_T I'm not lying!!! It was nice though...)
Uh... Oh yeah! Wanna hear something funny? But kinda dumb? We drove around the city for about an hour because we couldn't decide what to eat! LOL (We eat out after church a lot.) I wanted Thai, my brother wanted some Chinese restaurant in Westheimer... We got all confused... Then it was a pizza store close to our house... Then we got into a fight about the toppings, so we went to CiCi's pizza... Ugh. (It even took us a long time to find that too!)
It was all right there. I called Alaina while I was eating! XP But it was nice to talk to her...
After that, my mom got a phone call from a friend in San Jose, California! She said we was visiting, but she never said where she wanted to see us or stuff... -_- (In the end, she NEVER came... Ugh.)
Hehe Walking from CiCi's pizza into the parking lot, then to the van made me wanna throw up... (I shouldn't have eaten so much!)
Hmm... So I immediately got to the computer when we reached home. Guess what? Lots of people were there! We had chats about anime stores, and the Moon Festival! *squeals* I can't wait for that!!! Oh yeah! I wanted to talk to Enin on mike, but he had to go pick up his sister and go to church... (NOO!!!)
So I just had a chat with Tiffany, Vanessa, and ShadowLight. Then Hinaru, Vicky, Sai and the rest came... LOL
So we chatted the whole time. (And Vanessa and Tiff are determined to get mikes!) During that chat, I forgot to post... XP
Then I got off around 8:30 PM. (I got to play longer 'cause my brother spent time playing Tales of Symphonia! XP)
So... After he got off, around 11:15 PM (???), he tried to get me into my room and sleep. (I never slept, I just drew pictures. XP) Then, after he "got into bed", I snuck into the computer room! Pretty sneaky, huh? XP (Actually, it was pretty easy, since my brother is an idiot... LOL)
Well, that's all I wanted to say...
Oh yeah... Since it's a new day... HAPPY LABOR DAY! (For people in the U.S., and I think Canada too.)
See ya! XP
End: 12:13 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Gasp! There was a crane outside my computer room window this morning!
Start: 9:48 PM CST
Hi everyone! I know, I know, me posty so late... But here ya go anyways. ^^
I stayed up last night and talked with Azn_Gurl and Enin until 2 AM... o_O (Sai got off around 4 AM, I think...) Enin had to post and he had work tomorrow... And Sai couldn't sleep.
Well, I went to sleep and woke up at 7 AM. (Only 5 hours of sleep.) I went on the computer and did some stuff... I forgot though... XP
When I looked from the window in the computer room, I saw a crane! ^^ Eh, but it's common. (You know how sparrows or crows might be common in your area? Cranes are common in ours. Yup. Tons of cranes flying around... XP That's something new from my old town. ^^ Yes, they're natural to this habitat.)
Uh... My sister found me out. XP So I got off at 8:15 AM.
Uh... My mom made homemade pho'? today! (Vietnamese noodle beef stew! Actually, it was chicken...)
I fell asleep at 10:30 AM, after watching Pokemon. (I told ya, I didn't get a lot of sleep today.) Then I woke up around 2 PM and just ate the pho'?. (THE PHO'? IS WEAK! Needs hoisin sauce...) Oh yeah. I played a li'l KH:CoM...
We also watched news about Hurricane Katrina... Those poor people.
Then I got on, and talked to a bunch of people on MyOtaku! ^^ I made a new friend, named Tiffany! (Shippo_Souten) And Hinaru got a mike! Hehe His voice is deep... And he has a bit of accent. ^^
But I had to go pray at 9 PM... And now I'm back. ^^
Well, I'm so SORRY I post SO LATE! (I forget about posting until the last minute... XP)
See ya! ^^
End: 9:59 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Friday, September 2, 2005
MY SISTER AND I GOT A MICROPHONE!!! (And no one is here to listen to me... *cries* Except bebopinutrigun188, darkwolfgirl, and Trangie... But they type back!)
Start: 9:08 PM CST
Hi everyone... So tired. Especially my voice! Because I got a microphone! Ow... It hurts. I was talking to Vanessa, Alaina, and Trangie... OW.
Let's start with the morning!!! ^^
Moment's Reprieve... I NEED IT!
In the morning, I WOKE UP SO LATE. 40 minutes after I should've WOKEN UP.
Brb... La la la...
Left: 9:14 PM CST
Returned: 9:27 PM CST
Hi everyone. Oh, I had to go bathe and had the daily routine of being yelled at by my mom... That's all... Now lemme pick up...
Oh yeah. The strange Indian kid was teasing my sister at the bus stop...again. Trying to pretend to be her... "Oh, I'm Hiana, and I think boys are cute." (My sister does NOT do that, and her name is Diana!!!)
Brb, gotta go pray. (Ugh... I CAN'T EVEN DO A PROPER POST!!!)
Left: 9:29 PM CST
Returned: 9:54 PM CST
Argh... I just hope I'm not interrupted anymore!!!
So... School. Had a test in Science. I know I passed it...except for one question...I think.
Algebra... GOD! I MADE A 55! (The teacher put in things that didn't make sense, or he gave us the wrong answers!!! DAMN HIM!)
Gym... We said "Play basketball or you don't do anything." Eh. I played jump rope and some rock climbing...before they made us get off. Gym was boring today...
And it messed up my clothes when I changed! (Uh, a white shirt inside, with a black shirt over it, unbuttoned, black pants, and black shoes and socks. XP)
Lunch was all right. Not so late. I met a Chinese/Viet kid named Wen... He invited me to his table, yet I don't wanna sit with "his group"... I did today though. Oh yeah. Ashley and her PALs group are still helping about with that hurricane problem... So nice... ^^
Art... I had to trace things! I walked into the hallway and used the glass doors as a light to trace stuff. (YOU'D BE SURPRISED. THIS SCHOOL HAS NO WINDOWS!!! I made a new friend, named Paulisha. XP
ELA... I love reading Curses Inc. with my reading friends!!! ^^ Hehe A mix of magic, witches and warlocks, and funny stuff sometimes. Kinda like "Harry Potter" eh??? If it only were short stories... And there were no technology. (In the first chapter, it mixed magic and technology...)
Then I read my story aloud that I wrote two days ago. A Cockney-accented fish with a neatly, larged combed-moustached slapped a girl because she tried to catch him during fishing... -_- It was STUPID.
Well, it started to rain after school ended.
Oh yeah. A kid named Kevin brought KH:CoM to school with him. Some guys were bringing their video games to school. (HUH?)
Well, when I got home, I watched "Jewel in the Palace", then went to Best Buy with my mom and bought a microphone! (Man, I haven't been in Best Buy in 1-2 months!!!)
Ahh... I was pretty excited to talk to people...ONLY TO FIND OUT THE PEOPLE WHO HAD MICROPHONES WEREN'T ON! (And Vicky's computer messed up! Vanessa doesn't have a microphone, and same goes for Alaina and Trangie... Argh... Just "talking to myself"...)
Well, I'm gonna go sleep...or something. Bye.
End: 10:04 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Start: 8:30 PM CST
Hi everyone! YES! YESTERDAY WAS MY ONE YEAR MYOTAKU ANIVERSARY!!! (Hooray for me!) I'm sorry, it must'a slipt my mind... ^^;; Oh well. I just wanted you to know that...
Morning... Saw the freaky Indian kid at the bus stop. Screaming stuff again with my sister... (And I have to deal with this EVERY day... Sigh. I'm gonna die young, I just know it.)
Well, when I went to school today, I forgot to bring my pencil sharpener!!! GASP!!! But I also brought my drawing of Sai! ^^ (I'm still working on the chibis!) All I know that Sai has Lacus's (Gundam SEED) hairstyle...
Science... Talked to Ashley again. And we did... Reviewing for the next Science test.
Algebra... It was actually a LITTLE bit hard!!! YAY! Uh, it was "identity" and "no solution" problems with "variable/fractions"... YAY! Hard work!!! ^^
I also found out my classmate, Anita, likes the "Da Vinci Code". (I found that out yesterday actually.)
Uh... Gym. It was all right. We just checked our height and weight for the nurse's office. Sai, I know my actual height now!!! ^^ It's 6 feet 5 inches. Yup, I'm still taller than you. (Or was it 5 feet 6 inches???) XP Then Danny and I did rock climbing!!! ^^ And it didn't hurt my back! (I fractured it on Friday, but it never healed... Now my ribs hurt.)
Lunch wasn't so bad. The lunch line got a li'l longer though. Oh yeah. The PALs people are still helping out asking for donations for the Hurricane Katrina thing. They're so nice... (Go Ashley! XP) I didn't bring any money today... (STUPID, FORGETFUL ME!!! *kicks himself*)
I wanted to help, but there was no way I could. (I had to be in PALs, but I'm not in that. I WAS, but not anymore...)
Sorry, I wasn't typing my post for a li'l while... I'm talking to Hinaru, and my old microphone, the one I have right now, isn't making any good noises. All I hear and he hears is static... Anyways... Back to the post.
Arts... I need to trace my plant drawings into a collage of plant drawings... Sigh. I didn't even get the chance to do one...
ELA... Man, it was so great! My teacher was telling me how she used to have these two 14-year old students that lived by themselves and had to pay rent for themselves... And they found money by drugs...and prostitution... o_O!!! (But that's not the exciting part...) So she's on the run from a drug dealer-evil person kinda guy... (So is she in the Witness Protection Program???)
I got to write a poem! Wanna read it???
"Thunder, rain, drought or floodwater, like a flower, these will bother. But when the sun comes out, and bluebirds fly, why care about the time that passed by?"
Yes, I wrote this!!! It means "Even though we may have problems right now, we can fix them. And after we fix them, we actually don't need to worry about them anymore..." Wait... I didn't say that right. But you do know what I'm saying, right???
Ah... Today's Open House. But I don't wanna go. But they are giving out free ice cream... Ugh. Who cares. But my friends went. But I wanted to stay home and chat and stuff...
Eh... Before 8 PM, I went biking on my brother's bike around the neighborhood. Guess what he did? He sprayed me with a garden hose... T_T
Oh, and before that, like after 6 PM, my mom and I were looking at old photos. Photos of when she was only 25 and stuff like that. Ahh... The memories... (I swear I was gonna cry!!!) Sigh... Oh! I thought this was SO CUTE!!! Here, I'll show ya!!! ^^

The first guy is my cousin, Richard. (Yes, he's single. XP) I compared these two pictures together, and I CAN'T believe how different they looked when they were little! (He had a tan when he was little...
The second one is my cousin Tyna. (No, she and Richard aren't brother/sister, they're cousins. And yes, she's married.) She looked SO MUCH like Diana when she was little. SO ADORABLE!!! *squeals*
And now you know SOME of my relatives. XP
Oh well. I'm gonna go now. Have fun, and "Happy MyOtaku Aniversary to MiasmaMoon (late)!!!"
Oh, and answer this:
Question: How would you feel like if your WHOLE life was a yaoi story? (For girls: if your whole life was filled with yaoi)
My Answer: WHAT?!
See ya! ^^
End: 8:57 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Start: 6:32 PM CST
Hi eveyrone! Man, I'm so sad! Why? Did you hear Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans??? (That's VERY close to where I live, Houston, Texas.)
Azn_Gurl and I are having a chat about that. For example, at my school during lunch today, teachers and students were helping out with getting money to support those people. Some people actually put in money. (I didn't have a lot with me, but I gave all I had.) But at Azn_Gurl's school, people were actually LAUGHING and saying "Who cares?" and stuff... Jerks...
I donated some money, about $1.50. That's actually ALL I had with me...
Man, there are a lot of people coming into Houston because of that hurricane thing. Tons of people are at malls, out on the streets, and even the AstroDome asking if they can stay at a random person's house. I feel so sad for them...
Me and Azn_Gurl are gonna try to help them, even if we can't do a lot... (At least I know she cares... ^^)
Well, my mom wants to take someone in, but so far, we can't find anyone left. (My wanted wanted to take in a Chinese person... Why just Chinese???) When I told my brother that, he just laughed. (That stupid retarded jerk!)
Things like these make me feel like all of us take things for granted...
Sigh... I'm sorry if I ranted on about this for so long... Anyways... About my day...
I woke up in the morning about 7:21 AM, and got ready for school. When my sister and I left the house, the "strange" kid was in front of our house! While we were waiting at the bus stop, my sister and the kid were yelling at each other. "HOW DO YOU SAY THIS IN VIETNAMESE/CHINESE?" the kid asked. My sister got pretty annoyed...
Science... We measured stuff.
Algebra... Nothing so hard... Ugh. Except I found a folder that belonged to a guy named Dexter... (I gave it to one of his classmates, but they don't know who he is, so they made me return it...)
Gym! I thought my back had healed, but it just got worse, since I did jump rope... Ow... I need to stop doing my exercises and tell the coaches. (I forgot to tell you this, but I fractured my back last Friday, and never told anyone except my friend Danny.) Ow... But I also did rock climbing, and that didn't hurt my back. Just my hands. XP
Lunch... Ah, lunch. Lunch wasn't really long today, and I didn't get to talk to Jessica. Lunch... That's where I found out that Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans... Yeah. Students were walking around, asking for people to donate money. I put in some money.
Arts... Uh... I finished drawing my plants! Now I just need to combine them into one drawing...
English! We did reading! OMG! It was so cool! My group (A Filipino girl and guy, a Middle Eastern boy, and a blonde haired glasses girl!) read a book called Curses Inc.! It's about this boy, who finds a website, where you can buy curses, and curse the people you hate! I never knew there were so many types of curses! (There's jinx, hex, geas, bane, malediction, and more!!! GASP!) They're all so cool! ^^ And creepy in a way... But so cool!
Well, after the first period of English (I have English for two periods.), I returned the book to his teacher, my Science teacher. Well, when I gave it to the teacher, the teacher started running after Dexter, but he left already... Oh well.
Second period of ELA! (NO! It's not "English as a Second Language"!!! It's "English and Language Arts"...) Well, we talked about how we liked the book Curses Inc. and stuff. (Only our group reads Curses Inc. The teacher puts us in separate groups, and lets us choose a book we want to read.)
Then I went home. (The bus ride home, J.J., the kid that's sexist to girls, his friend, and I talked about ghosts. They said to kill a ghost, you need guns. Lots of guns. I said you need an exorcist. They don't believe me... T_T A gun bullet would only go through them!!!)
When I got home, my mom told me she wanted to take in a Chinese person (that got hit by the hurricane), but there were no more. I mean, it's all over the news, radio, and Internet!!!
Well, I'm talking to Azn_Gurl now, and she has seemed to changed the subject to her "rival" in school, a Hispanic girl...
See ya!
End: 7:05 PM CST
P.S. Do you like my new theme? (It'd dedicated to Otemba!!!)
Oh yeah, I just remembered. I'm starting to make friends with A LOT of the girls here. Hehe If Amanda (Izumi_Yumi) were here, she'd say this:
"Why do you always have to be a big flirt everywhere???" LOL She says that a lot to me... But I guess it's true... LOL
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Late. Late Post... Yah.
Start: 11:03 PM CST
Hi eveyrone! I would've posted sooner, but I had to change my theme. (WAH! No people to talk on MSN today??? Or did everyone leave before I came on???)
So... Here goes!
I woke up in the morning, at 7:21 PM (wanted to stay in bed a li'l longer...) and my sister used the computer to change her theme. (My dad left today, after we went to school.) Oh yeah. The creepy kid was at the bus stop again, asking odd questions saying "How do you say 'blah' in Vietnamese, Chinese, etc." Eh... Must get away from him.
School... Huh. First period Science... Thermometer and balance things... Ugh.
Gym! The coaches wanted us to do more "tests". This time, it was sit-ups. Not that hard. But a kid cheated for me, and he expected me to cheat for him... -_- (We had to hold each other legs so we don't "jump up" or something.) Danny and I did jump rope again, but it's starting to bore us. We need more gym equipment to play with!!!
Lunch... I met a little Asian girl named Jessica in the lunch line! A guy right by me said "Ooh! Ooh! You like her!" Jessica looked at me and swirled her finger on her head. (Which means "crazy", if you don't know that.) I mean really! All the guys here act like they've NEVER talked to a girl before!!! (I'm starting to think that's ACTUALLY TRUE.) Hehe She was so small for her age. I mean, I'M A SUCKER FOR GIRLS THAT LOOK YOUNGER THAN THEIR AGE. Hehe Kinda like Trangie. XP I think they're so adorable!!! (Yes, I'm a sexy whoore, and you know that. LOL I'm playing. That was a line Hinaru said yesterday, I think...)
Uh, lunch felt longer today. After lunch, I did homework, and drew a li'l anime... (It was Enin and I in a dim sum restaurant! I need to scan it later...)
Art. It wasn't so bad. We drew again, and I drew Boo chasing Toad, from Mario! Hehe I'm also finished with drawing my three plants. Oh yeah. There's a black guy from Panamal, and we had a LITTLE conversation in Spanish. Oh yeah. HE ALSO ACTS LIKE HE'S NEVER TALKED TO A GIRL BEFORE. Ugh... Boys here suck, and have low-self-esteem... So they make fun of girls to make themselves feel better. (Which is stupid!)
Uh... ELA! I finally finished "Among the Betrayed"!!! WHOO! Chantal was kinda upset and went "Aww!" and "Don't tell me the ending!" Bao went "Asians rock!" (BECAUSE I finished the book...first??? HUH?) Well, I found out my English teacher grades stuff by bell grading. (Kinda how you grade stuff in college. Uh... Let's say the top 5 people in class make an 85%... They can move up to an A. But the last 5 people with the lowest grades, even though they might make a C, they'll get an F. Kinda like that. I can't really explain it well...)
Uh, I almost missed the bus home today!!! XP When I got home, my mom told me she was going with my brother to his Open House. She changed her mind after a few minutes and said she had a headache. (Sorry Skype buddies, no microphone to buy today...) I was gonna go to Best Buy while they're at Open House, but never mind...
Oh yeah! I had a chat with the old SFA buddies today on AIM! ^^ Trangie, darkwolfgirl, litoazndreamer, and sad_reflectionz. (Yes, they're all girls. Yet, I still wonder why most guys consider me a "pimp" just 'cause I have lots of girl friends...) Anyways, I told them that the guys here are dumb and that some of them said that "girls are only here so guys can look at them" stuff. Alaina got REALLY ANGRY. I mean, what kind of person actually thinks that? Then after that, they said that I don't do that kind of stuff and that was good, and 'though I act kinda girly (gay), they're the best kinds of guys who can be friends with a lot of people. ^^) Oh yeah. At my school, guys throw stuff at girls... o_O;; Alaina thought it was "rocks"... -_-) Eh, I shouldn't have moved, should I??? Sigh. I miss all my friends!
Ah, then I prayed... And now, I loads busy with MyOtaku, manga competitions, school, etc... My head hurts!!! And I'm sorry guys! I can't visit your sites! And maybe not in a long time... I've been stressed out, and I might not have a lot of time to spare on MyOtaku... I'm sorry... But I'll try.
End: 11:22 PM CST
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Start: 7:47 PM CST
Hi everyone! I'm talking to MyOtaku residents Enin, ShadowLight, and Hinaru (except no microphone), right now! We get to hear each other's voices, and it's kinda like telephone in the Internet, only free! ^^
Well, lemme start with yesterday...
Well, we went to church late, around 11:05 AM, about 5 minutes late, but we still got most of the church time.
So we bought food from the church and ate in the van.
Then, my sister went to Giao Ly. My brother was annoying me, and calling me "gay" because I was speaking three languages at the same time! (Then I went in, to the A/C'd church and drew the comics! I showed them ONLY to the MSN people!!!)
Then I went to Viet Ngu, which I don't have with Bao, but I do have with John! We didn't do anything really...
Then Confirmation class! Man, I got late 'cause they rang the bell early! I got counted as a tardy. Two tardies equal absence, and three absence equals failing class. Dumb, eh? But guess what? Remember I went DDR-ing yesterday? I met the same girl who was there! We said hello, had a VERY short chat, and left. (So I ACTUALLY DO go to school with her!! ^^)
So then we went to Hong Kong Mall. My mom wanted to go to My Hoa to buy duck, but she could buy some there too. (Too bad they didn't have duck, so she bought pork liver... Kinda chalky...) So during that time, my brother, sister, and I played Korean DDR! We probably wasted about $10 there... Then after we were done... About two hours later, we bought Fuji boba drinks and went home.
While my sister was changing her multiplayer code, my mom turned it off on purpose and it deleted ALL OF our code! Well, just some. Then we prayed. And bathed. Then we went to sleep.
Before school, my sister changed the code she lost yesterday... It took a while, but we weren't late for bus.
During the bus wait, we have a "strange" (putting that mildly) neighbor who keeps asking us how to say what stuff in our native languages. He also made up a language, and NO ONE knows what he's speaking... -_- He goes to my sister's school, so I feel bad for what she has to put up with.
FINALLY! A li'l bit hard work in Algebra! It wasn't actually hard, but it was according to Summit level 7th grade. 'Though I'm in 8th...
Gym was nice. Danny and I played jump rope again, plus odd rope games. But I couldn't play much, because my back still hurts from Friday's jump rope, Saturday's and Sunday's DDR... Ow.
Lunch was a li'l bit longer...
Art. I need to finish drawing plants.
ELA... I'm am REALLY into "Among the Betrayed"!!! It's almost over though, but there is a series! WHOO!!! MORE!!! (I LOVE the books in my English class!!!)
Bus home was REALLY creepy... For instance, I have a "friend" named J.J., who is kinda like the "strange" neighbor, but not him... Creepy... REALLY. And you know what he said? He said "Girls are only here on this earth so we can look at them!" The first thing that crossed my mind was "crazy sexist guy"... When I told him I didn't think of girls that way, he called me gay!!! T_T (Just because I don't agree with that thing he said???)
Then I got home, ate, talked on MSN with a bunch of people! (BurningDeamon, ShadowLight, enin, Hinaru, Me_Luv_Kyo_Kun, Color is evil, yuki_eiri (didn't talk), and MUCH MORE!!!)
Now I gotta go bathe. Bye!
End: 8:04 PM CST
I'm about to do Otemba's requested theme, but I decided to change it tomorrow, bye!!!
Can't visit sites. TOO BUSY.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
A DDR-Ti-Ful Day!!!
Start: 6:49 PM CST
"Hullos my little freaks."
Anyways, XP, today was a nice day. I think. Here, I'll tell ya.
I woke up SO MUCH later than usual, around 9 AM. But then again, it's the weekend! Sigh... No more until Monday...
So I decided to go to Fun-Plex, a "local" arcade here. (If you count local about a 15 minute drive...)
Well, my sister and I wanted to play DDR! My brother and mom came along too... Sigh.
But when we got there, there was a LONG line! Basically full of Asian girls and an Asian boy. They left after a little while, and my sister and I played.
They came back later, holding cake and soda. (Must be here for a party...)
Then, two black guys, and a blonde girl (who I found out likes Fullmetal Alchemist and drawing anime!) came. (The blonde girl reminds me of an older Alaina... Sorta.)
Eh... The line continued... After a while, a lot of those people left.
There was a time this Asian girl (about my age), and one of the black guys (I'd say in his late 20's) were fighting over the DDR game. The girl had already put her money in, and the guy just played it. (That guy was a li'l bitchy.) He and his friends were all like that... Stupid idiots... (The girl got to play though...)
I really wanted to play with that girl, but I ALWAYS played with my sister...)
Once, I was playing "Cutie Chaser", I think, and I got stuck on it, so I let another girl play for me... XP (I said "thanks" afterwards.)
Oh yeah! Remember the blonde girl? She likes to draw anime chibis! And she's good at it. I just wished I brought a pencil and some paper to pass the waiting line time... -_-
Well, I got to know a few of the DDR people... And that's good. Too bad NONE of them go to my school... LOL
Well, we got home around 6 PM, so that means we were there for four hours!!! o_O!!!
Ya know what? I asked some people if they knew what "MyOtaku" was... All of them went "What?" or "Huh?"... Sigh. It was worth a try.
My mom wants to buy DDR for my brother for his birthday, but my sister got angry. (My sister and I saved up about $100 for months now, and she's just gonna spend it for him??? T_T) My sister was angry for the while...
Now she's here, drawing anime.
Hmm... My brother cut the grass today. And YOU'D BE SURPRISED THAT HE FAILED LIGHT!!! LOL
Well, I'm gonna go talk to Hinaru. Oh yeah! I gotta add enin too. Forgot to do that yesterday...
See ya!
Hehe, me and my sister spent around $10 playing DDR! Ah, oh well.
End: 7:02 PM CST
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